HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-12; Planning Commission; Resolution 114e e 1 RESOLUTION NO. 114 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMKISSION RECOMMEHDING DISAPPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP OF HEISLER ESTATES UNIT NO. 2. 4 /I 5 11 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on April 6 Thum Lands, according to Hap 1681 in the City of Carlsbad; and 9 between Basswood Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, being a portion of Tract 23' 8 Heisler, owner and subdivider, located on the east side of Adams Street 7 1 1959, a tentative map of Heisler Estates Unit No. 2 submitted by Olive B 10 WHE3XAAs, on Hay 12, 1959, the Planning Commission did consider the 11 tentative map as submitted, comprised of 7 lots; and 12 l+NERZAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission continued the discus 13 14 from Hay 12, 1959, to May 26, 1959; and Planning Commission; and 15 'bi€BREAS, on May 26, 1959, the matter was further discussed by the 16 WHEREAS, the ?laming Commission did at that time take into comide 1'7 18 the reports of the various City agencies and citizens; ESTATZS UNIT NO. 2 be approved, subject to the following conditions: 19 IWW, Tl€H?.3FOAW, a motion was duly made that the tentative map of HE 20 1. The lot sizes, street -width and proposed street improvement COT 21 with the city requirements, 22 2. Lot 3 has two existing buildings approximately 5 feet from the 23 1 provide a 20 foot set back, and all properties within the subdivision sh 24 '1 line shown as Heisler Lanea These two buildings should be moved back to I I/ 25 I1 29 11 3o Ii comply with the permitted uses in an R-1 Zone. 2s I! 3. As Adams Street is only one block long and on a sidehill, it is 2'7 along the street much better than would a 40 foot paved section, which w 28 recommended that the paveiportion be 36 feet, which will fit the propert be the normal. width for Adam Street, .4, All domestic water supplied to this subdivision will come from 31 Carlsbad City Water Department. 32 1 j, All buildings constructed in this subdivision will be connected 'I jJ I L 0 0 1 1 the GarLsbad Public Sewer Sptem, 21 6, The sewer and water lines will not be laid in the same trench in I 3 any part sf this subdivision. I 4 7* Proper drainage will be maintained throughout the subdivision so 5 8, The San Diego Gas and Zlectric Company has recommended th3.t the 8 Street, 7 ing property owners and owners across the street on the westerly side of 6 to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water, and to protect the ad 9 power and telephone poles be located in the street. The City Engimer c( 10 curs in this recommendation, 99 9. One (I) standard 6e fire hydrant shall be located on the southe: 12 comer of Heisler Lane and Adams Street. 13 10, All improvements req-uired of the subdivider to be installed and 14 comence until such plans are approved, 16 approved by the Department of Public Services, and no construction shall 15 dedicated 'to the City of Carlsbad shall be described in improvement plan; 17 l-BEBEAS, after a roll call vote of the Commissioners, the motion fa 18 to pass for lack of a sufficient majority; 19 NOW, TJBWOXE, BE IT RZSOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be f ' 20 I to wit: 22 manner prescribed by law, recommending disapproval by ths following vote 21 warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in 1, 23 25 il i I AYES: Commissioners Zahlsr and Fennel. 24 11 NOES: Chairman Swirsky, Commissioners Stringer, Clizbe and Jamie, 11 ABSENT: Commissioner Netka. 27 I 26 li I 28 29 /I I ATTEST: Chairman c """".",:..l;d \y"\, --..<+4- ? \ 31 &\H. PRICE, Secretary 52 I -2- I