HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-12; Planning Commission; Resolution 115r 0 e ... 3. RESOLUTION NO. 115 2l al 4 51 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CaRLsBAD CITY PLAIUING COMMISSION RECOBGNDING RECLASSIFICKIION NATED PROPBTY fp.T THZ CITY OF CARLSBAD. FROH ZOAiE Ll TO ZONE R3 OF CERTaIN DESIG- The Carlsbad City Planning Cormnission does resolve as follows: 6' WWS, there was filed with this Commission on Wch 18, 1959, an 7 ' 8 plication from John D, Angel0 requesting a change sf zone classification under the provisions of Ordinance Ho. 9060; and 9 tdKETzEaS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did on the 14th day a 10 ast 12 eonsider reclassification from Zone R-1 to Zone R-P of that property desc 11 April, 1959, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law i 13 14 15 A portion sf Lot 1, Section 1, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, in the City of Carlsbad, being Tax Assessor's Parcels 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Book 35, Page 171, of the Assessor's m3 of. San Diego County; 16 and 17 WHEZFAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Conmission continued the heark 18 No, 8 to include in the public hearing contiguous property described as : 19 from April 14, 1959, to May 12 , 1959, and adopted Resolution of Intentioj 20 21 1 A portion of Lot 1, Section 1, Township 12 . Assessor's Map of San Bego County; 22 24 1 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did on the 12th day South, Range 5 Wesk, in the City of Carlsbad, being Tax Assessor's Parcels 22U, 22A, 23A, I 23Xl., Z4A and 24x1, Book 35, Page 171, of the 23 and I 2 5 11 May, 195y0 hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law tc 26 2'7 1 consider reclassification from 'Zone R-1 to Zone RP of the above descrik I property; and 28 I 34 WHEXEASO the Commission has found the following facts to exist: 29 ' 1, Zn the interest of good planning and due to the topographic loc it would be more logical to rezone the property to R-3, being a mol 31 32 ll restrictive zone than RP. 2, There is a sufficient amount of RP zoning in the area, but no - I1 0 0 e 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT BSOLVED, that the reclassification of the ab01 4 income. 3 3. The highest and best use of the property would be for residentid 2 buffer zone between R-1 and RP, 5 APJD FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to 7 approved: 6 described property from Zone R-1 to Zone R-3 is hereby recommended to be 8 the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. 9' 1 vote, to wit: 11 Planning Commission held on the 12th day of Hay, 1959, by the following 20 PASSED, .APPROVED AMD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Ci 3.2 13 AYES: Chairman Swirsky, Commissioners Netka, Zahler, Fennel, String Clisbe and Jarvie, NOES : None. 14 15 ABSENT : None, .. ..I . .... 16 17 3.8 1 ATTEST: I Igp- 20 PRICE& Secretary 21 I 22 i 25 )I 23 I /I 24 I' 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 I i i I I 1 -2-