HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-07-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 126R Ir I1 0 0 a. 2 3 4 5 iGSCLUTIOH NO. 126 .! EZJOLiTIOi\l OF THz ClSLSB$&TJ CITY pL:$Q:ING ('C;.$IISSXOi\I ~ECQLv~v~~$~D~NG $J3'35V$& GF THZ TEXT>xTIVS ~LAQ OF BRZXf4T;~iCCD VILL>&E o WHBRE.AS, the Carlsbad City Planning Cormission did receive on. July : 7 1959, a tentative map of Brentwood Village submitted by E. J, Hale Const: 7 8 Com~any, owner and subdivider, located on the west side of :larding Street sion, Block A, Portions of Lots 5, G and 7, and all of Lots 9 and 10, axc 9 between Palm Avenue 2nd Magnolia Avenue, being Alles &voca.do kcres, Resut 10 to Nap 2027, in the City of Carlsbad; and 11 WHEREAS, on July 28, 1959, the Planning Comission did consider the 3.2 the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies; 14 IJtIEREAS, the Plznning Comission did at that time teke into considel 13 tentstive nap as submitted, coqrised of 12 lots; and 15 NCW, THS2EEFORE, BE IT RESOLVZD that the tentative gap of BXENT(..~GOD \ 26 be approved, subject to the following conditions: 17 shoul2 be changed to twenty feet (20') fro= the centerline of liarding Str 19 2. The typical half section showing the improvements in Iiarding 5tr 18 1, The tentative subdivision complies with the subdivision ordinanc 3. The typical section showing the improvements in r4vocad.o Lane sha be changed to a thirty-six foot (36') roadw,ay width with a six inch (6Qt) 22 24,, 1 lying adjacent to the easterly property line should be provided. 1 4. Lot A sl-~all be offered to the City of Carlsbad, but not for pub1 23 1 5, An interior eight r'oot (88) easement for public utilities in Lot 'I 25 11 6, A permanent fifty foot (50') radius turnaround at the westerly E 26 so that a lot will create a buffer strip at the westerly end. 27 Avocado Lme should be provided. This turnaround nay terminate Avocado L I 28 ,I 7, All subtiivision streets and irqroverrents for existing rights of 29 paving shall consist of tigo inches (2PV) or more aspheltic concrete with s 30 shall be constructed to the standards of the City of Carlsbad, lermsnent paving to match existing roadways, the paving shall match the designed gr 32 coat laid upon subbase epproved by the Engineering Depzrtment. Where the 31 I I 1 0 0 1 the existing street, /I 21 8. Stom drainage facilities shall be provided as needed at the we 411 3. end of Avocado Lane, This includes a curb inlet with closed conduit of ficinnt size Lo drain Avocado Lanea A sidewzlk under drain structure to 5 installed at the drainage conciuit outlet in Talm Avenue. I 61 9, All required street name signs, bBrricades and safety devices sl 7 be installed in the subdivision, 8 bo, Water mains and one inch (1tp) copper services, sewers and later 9 and all other underground utilities shall be installed prior to the pavi. ' 10 the streets. la. 11, The municipal water system is capable of serving the subdivisio 12 Carlsbad, 16 of the sewer system shell be in accordmce wit7h the standards of the Cit: 3-5 12. Sever extension- will be necessary in Avocado Lane. All construc 14 shall conform to the standzrds of the City of Carlsbad, 13 extensions constructed in Avocado Lameo All pipe lines, fittings and se. 17 1 13, All inprovements which are required of ihe subdivider to be ins ~ 18 2.0 11 such plans are approved. jl approved. by the Engineering Department, and no construction shall comxen 19 1 and dedicated to the City of Carlsbad shall be described in improvement : .i 2i I 22 I 24 // 26 I , 27 j 25 I 25 1 28 1 i 29 30 14, 1411 buildings constructed in this subdivision will be connectelr the Carlsbad Public Sewer System, 15, All domestic water supplies to this subdivision will come from Carlsbad City Water Departnent, 16, The sewer and water lines will not be laid in the sane trench i. part of this subdivision. 17, Proper drzinage will be maintained througnout the subdivision s to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface watere 18, One (1) standard six inch (6tr) fire hydrant will be located at 1 southeast corner of Lot 1, 31 AND FINALLY RESOLVZD, that 8 copy of this resolution be forwarded to 32 -2- I ,I g I! 0 0 1 by law,, 2 City Council of the City of Carlsbad far its attention in the manner prc 3 ?ASSEE, IP~WVZD A%D ,4231TED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C 4 to wit: 5 2lsnning @om,ission held on the 28th day of July, 1959, by the followin: AYES: Chairman Stringer, Comissioners Xettca, Clizbe, Thomas and J 6 71 NOES: None, E3 II ABSEXT: Comissioner Zahler. 9 11 Io I1 '1 ///pY///&# // 2" Chairman / "J c XI. /I :lAYTEST : l2 I/ 13 14 \\+"JL&LL n m ?KICK, Secretary c 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2;4 1 24 25 1 26 11 29 1 ao il 1 27 28 31 32 -3-