HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-09-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 1330 0 1 J. 2 3 .?-I T-7- ;L~,aQL~j~~O~T IT0 . 133 A y-;-;S~L'L';I'~~~,~ (p 4q.l F?.? C&?J-,S&yJ CI m .... PL-k: "7 ","-, -.ilLTc ~~l,?;,--~S~~o~.~ ~;~;:CC~7.;~x~~2TG - __- * CT x- c~gip fi= Io:J TC ZOt'TT 1,; 03 ~~~~<TJ~-J~~ DESIG>TZiT3 ypL@ yz i3T-y -rlJ 2 :--d c T-f @ d ! h!-.d. L v;iL c &X< LSBJi. "- 51 6 iLGJp;:p.EAs , said r1~~~~1?_g Co:l:Ai ss ion did. 02 the 11th day of 8 The Carlsbad. City jlanning Com6ssion of the City of Car 7 does hereby resolve as follows: 9 by law -LO consrder classi.flca:Gion to Zose X (Industrial Zone 14 tember, 1959, hcld a d-dy adveytissc pvL?)lic 'neming as prescl 13 ,.AL.jL-i2-S, said ilmnirlg Soranission did. on ';he 8th day of 12 ad 11 cepta-in. designated pmFerty 5-2 the City of Carrlsbad $0 Zone I! 10 Augvsl;, 1959, adopt 2esolu.tion of Intenk-ion No. 11 to classif "i?" .,,.;- r,q 7, " 15 16 17 18 19 I that pyo2erty described as: -. ._ - A portLon of Lot ii and 3. ?opt5011 0-f" Ijp-xcq.o_bere& " Lot &pth of Lot J, RZUIC~CI Agua kcjiondr, accordiq-; to i.ap 823, ii? the Citg of Cmlsbad, and be5ns %;e most easterly 75.64 acres ~r" ~a;i Assessor's Parcel 4, Scok '70;7>LA, rage 15, of the Assessor's iskp of san Diego Coun-iy; I 201 ad 21 24 1/ I 28 // citi-zens . I 25 /I 1"- :.:?BSAS , the Plm-r_il?_g Co-m.1i.s sion has fo-md- the f ollovrrir_ Xi'l Pacts to exist: 1. The locz..liion is ideal for an asphalt plant, which is the intended use of the prcperty. 2. The Q-ge of plant plamed .ilrlll create no dust or 26 i snog pro-olem a:d ~511 be an improvement in the arer 27 I 3. ?'he plmt mill create a fern jobs for the local 29 I 4, T'ne -37 J." ant v:?l?!. lncrease the tax revenue tor the 30 City of Cwlsbad. 31 11 5, .A creek c5zin3 fro^ the Vista seweraE;e il-ar~t r~m 32 '1 - ihr07Lch t.he property l;kLich em- be utllized bY the j c * II e 0 k 2 above described propertg is hereby recormended to be zpcroved I ::a?,?, T5zEPORE, Ez -3 ” ~~S~~?f~, ‘~jlgt cne classification c 3 -p:D jj’IXlJ,LY Z3SOI.,YZDy that a mpy of this resolution be : 4 submitted: 5 by law, 6 wazc?ed to %.e City Council fop its attention in the mamer prl 71 3+dSs:FJ, .A!FP3@V2-B 2Gla AIQIITXj) at a re ,g2-1ar y;leetipg of Eqe 8, ii Cwlsbad City ~Tal-;.lin.~ CG-;LC~SS~O~ held on the 8th day of’ Sept - 9 1 , 1959, bg the foll01~5rtp; vote, to wit: I 10 I 11 12 13 gfF;s; Chairz-xm Stringer, Cormiss ioners Ketlcz, ZairiLer y Vi Thomas aod Jamle, WosS : >To.i?,e B ms~:~: C0rmi.s~ ioner Clizbe. 14 15 I / 16 AyTzsT; !I I? I \.. <- ’ ’2, _. .. 5 *\ --, d 18 l9 I! ~.- - - 11 >J h,, CE, Secretary I_ 20 1 21 22 23 i I 24 1 I I/ I 25 11 27 // 29 I 25 11 28 /I a0 1 32 1 31. ,l -2 -