HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 1352 0 0 I l/ 2 4l 3 RESOLUTION NO. 135 R ESOLUTIOB OF '2fZ C:LlSE:3 CIri'y PLiUjiLTITJG COpJL~~SSION ~CO;.~.~NJjI~jG -a:PROV!:L OF TI% TSI\JT;YTIVT 2Lz OF L1iiJD-k E.sTAmS UjG-iY 50, 2. " YE2?&L!St the Carlsbad City ?lamin5 Coxmission did receive on Septe 22, 1959, a tentative map of Linda Estates, Unit No. 2, submitted by Gec 3, Bratton and Doyce fiedrick, owner and. subdivider, located on the east of Ihroe Street, between Bassxood Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, being a I or" Tracts 252 ana 253, Thm Lands, according to Map 1881 in the City of 9 Carlsbad; and 10 11 tentative map as su'orci-tted, conprised of 15 lots; and q--F ~b&, T- on October 13, 1959, the Planing Commission c?id consider 12 lJH!F"AS9 the Planning Conmission did at that time take into considt the reports of the various CLty zgencies and utility corqxnies; j NOT,j, Tj.jdmJ?T03-X, 57 2 IT p=OLI-"'3 3% L' Lnat the tent.2tive map 02 LINDA 3% EiIT NO. 2, be approved, subject to the follox~ng conditions : 1. That the tentative subdivision cozplies with the subdivision 0: 2, All buildings constructed. in this subdivision shall be connect1 18 1 'che Carlsbad public sewer system. l9 I 21 2o i 4, Tine sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench 25 11 3, $21 dmnestic water supplied- to this subdivision shall be suppl by the Carlsbad City Xater Department, I 22 any part of this subdivision. 23 I 5. Froper drainage xd-1 be maintained. throughout the subdivision 24 1 to prevent ponGing and/or storage of surface water. ! 6. ,411 street right-cT-xay widths, lot sizes and frontages comply 25 I City Orc3inances covering subdivisions. 7. Both City water ad. sewer nains are available to service 211 o lots, providing the necessary nlains and sewers are extended into the st shown as ''An m.0 Wr streets. it is recormeizdec? that an 8" selcer rnain a 6" transite water main be laid in these streets with the necessqy la and services to accozmodxte each lot, 8, An 8 foot public utility easement should be provided for at tk I i -I. 0 0 I B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 20 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 '1 1 i 11 I I I jl I! II .I /I I j I 11 I( I li westerly property lines of Lots 2 and 15, 9. All underground- utilities to be laid in the subciivision streets should be installed before the pernanen'l paving is laid. 10. The improvements shall consist of Type G curb and gutter and sic with a 2" asphal-tic concrete pavexent between gutters md the sub-grade f pavement prepared to com$y xith at least 90% compaction as indicate6 by compaction tests, 11. The alley as shom on the tentative map between Lots 1 and 2 sh; paved with a 3" asphaltic concrete pavement laid on a sub-grade as above for streets, in addition thereto, the edges of the &ley pavement shall protected by a 2" x 4" redwood header. 12. Two (2) 6l' fire hydrants shall be provid-ed, one to be located a northeast corner of Pionroe ami 'I.&'' Street, and the o'iher to be located o north side of the street on ihe extended lot line between Lots 8 and 9, 13. All necessary street signs, barricades and safety devices shall installed where required by the City Zngineer, 14, The paved street width as shown on the tentative imp as 32 feet tween curbs must be increased to 36 feet between curbs. l5* The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and the San Diego G Electric Company have recomzended. that the poxer an2 telephone poles be in the street, The City Zngineer concurs in 'chis recomaendation. 16, All improvenlents required of the subdivider to be installed anc dedicated to the City of Carlsbad shall be described in improvement pla approved by the City Engineer, and no construction shill cormence until plans are approved, ~XI FINALLY iGSOLWI, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the manner prl by law. pAs;3zTj, @FROTFbX AQi3 LQO~T<:D at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Planing Corrmission held on the l3t'iz day of October p 1959 9 by the follo vote, to wit: n -L" I I * e 0 a. 2 4 BSE~~T : Chairman Stringer. 3 NOES : None ,, 2,s : Vice-!zhairma L&Jer, Cormissioners Ne-tka, Idad, Thomas, cli; - and- Jzrvie o 5 LAY /,/"/"'/&d2&y&/,, /"-- 6 Chairman ' I i7,rm-z-n 141 lifbl: 7 10 I]- 12 I 2o 1 16 I a3 I4 15 17 I I-9 1 18 21 22 23 I i 1 20 j 1 I 25 26 27 I; 2% jj 29 I1 30 31 32 -3- I