HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-26; Planning Commission; Resolution 147'. 0 1) 1 2 3 4 5 1,SCLFrIQy KC, 147 $A ZESGLVTICi\! CF TR;I: C$.2LSZ>;C CITY ,.LL-;L~;,I.,u LG;L,L>SION 2ZCGI~ZEN3IhTG Ai$~-2~@J-~ OF TEJ,iZ. 'TZXTPiTII7L Tbk4p OF ". t!.i70LoI,yi 23 fGfITS - pT ?. "17 1:- P. -x;\, " T,sT%EREAS, the Carisbad City Planr'ing Comcission did receive on Januzr] 6 LRKI~S, according to !4ap 1631 in the City OE Carlsbad; and 9 between Jer'ferson Stree'i and Earbor Z!rivs, being a portion of Tract 233, '. 8 eS. ai, owner end. subdivider, located. on the south side sf Zhinqrtapin Avznl 7 19/00, a tentative nap of Avoloxa Zeights, submittcd by Th'illiam 2. Baldwit 10 'i&XL?ZAS, on Ja.nuary 26, 1960, the Planning Comission did consider tl 11 'rcntativc! ~zp as subxitted, comprised of 8 lots; and 12 - 7,r- .-. -1 6 .ur;s.lnr>.S, the P1annirLg com;ission did at that ti%e take into r,onsid.er, 13 the reports of the various City egencics and r;tili~y coxpanies; 14 15 18 by the Carlsbad City X'ater Uepartmn;, 17 1. :ill d.o~,cstic water sugA>?ied to this subcivision shsll be supplie 16 bc approved, sgbject to the follc~ing conditions: 2, All buildings constructed in this subdivision will be connect,& No,hi, TE~;~<e~~FC~~, 32 LT 3~~CLV~:D that the tentative map of !L\7Gio",',J 'A. xT.7T Ai- A 19 3, The sewer and ~ater 1ine.s tiill nc?t Se laid in +,!~c. same trench in 20 the Cnrlsbad public Sewer systerc, any part 02 this subdivision. 21 22 turnaround, arid. a 1 Eo~t 3y 53 foot bzrrier strip a+ thc southzrly en$, t 28 extended to thz southerly sub5.ivision boundary, elimincting th? pzrnenent 27 6, in2 ful: 50 fect of right-of-way width of Bsld?.?in Lzn: shall be 26 as 32 fezt bctmcn curbs, r;.ust be increased to 36 fee:, 25 5. Street woadv7s.y xicth for Saidxcin Lane, as show;: on the terLtrtivc 24 to prcvent pondirrg anti/or storage of surface water, 23 4, Froper drainage vi11 be zxintainecl throu3host the subd-ivision so rnl 29 be 1.nc;u-n as Lot ?a.fi::: =A , will be dedicate6 to th~ City of Carisbad but r.ot fc 30 7, The psxer s.nd telepltone poles shall be locatcd in t5.2 utility e; 31 ~ublic use, nen:s p-roviclcd for ihct purpose, 32 L I1 I‘ e 9 1 8. An Srt sewer main shall be extended from offsite location at Harbo 2 southerly boundary with the necessary laterals to each lot, Also, a 68’ t 4 in Chinquapin Avenue to the easterly boundary, and in Baldwin Lane to the 3 Drive and Chinquapin Avenue to the westerly subdivision boundary, then on 5 water main shall be placed in Baldwin Lane with all necessary lcr copper c 6 to each and every lot in the subdivision. 7 9, One (1) 6*0 standard fire hydrant shall be installed at the aavthe 8 corner of Chinquapin Avenue snd Baldwin Lane, 9 10, The improvements required shall be Type 8tG” curb and gutter, stan 10 shall be prepared to comply with at least 90X compaction as indicated by 12 necessary barricades, 2%? of A. C, pavement with seal coat, and the sub-gr 11 693 P.C.C. cross gutter; a €our-way street sign, not-a-through street sign L 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 actual compaction tests, and this paving should extend to the center line Chinquapin Avenue within the subdivision limits, 11. A grading plan will be submitted to the Engineering Department fc app rova 1 b 12, The subdivider wi1’1 furnish the U, 5, Post Office, Carlsbad, Cali with a copy of the final subdivision map. 13. All improvements required of the subdivider to be installed and dedicated to the City of Carlsbad shall be described in improvement plans approved by the City Engineer, and no construcrion shall commence until s plans are approved, /pp.ID FINALLY XESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to City Council of the City of Car1sba.d for its attention in the manner pres by law, PASSED, API%OlrZD AND -0OPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Cit Planning Commission held on the 26th day of January, 1960, by the followi vote, to wit: -2 - 4, L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * kLy ,-, ;: 5 . . Chairman Stringer, Commissioners Netka, Zahler, iu'ard, Thomas, Xiller and Jsrvie, NOZS : None. -&I;BSP?Q : None , //// 227 H*2zA.d.. L"ha i A,. I ,,kn / ATTZST: 1.14 "A \-. J .m PRIC5, Secrstary m 3..