HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 148I t e (I) P 2 3 4 I 5 3:ESQLL'TIOK NO. 148 A -7E:SOLCTION 9F THE CARLSEA!: CITY 37 1 u;+L~xIT<G .I 7- CC)L&':ISSICN CZSYING RECSfi:SSI- FIcLiyx(7x CT CEBT.'LIN E~s:~&4,'r~E I'xcp<:RTy y< .rH- ZIpy SF (-"-?:Lsz;:~Lc rr'RZp: ZZXE x-1 fO;{E-yA5&IJ>y v;srcl.xTrL\Lj To K-3 (>;iTiT?PLE- F~'l).;i'Ly x<SzCENT:P,r,) . 6 8 hereby resolve as follows: 7 The Czrlsbac! City Plsnning Comission or' the City of Carlsbad tioes i;r. , ..--.-..s, :? 2 0 .? there was filed yvc;-;;h th.is Ccmnissioi; 3r? the 26th day 3€ Jar 9 1968, an appIicstisn by Finis .3., J~hnson requestiing a change of zone cia: 10 cqtion unrier the p1(3t7ir;i13~.s ,23f Srdi~anice No. 986C; and 11 m",r;R.sAS, the CarlslYed ,City ?laming Comxission did publish a legal r 12 13 of hearing cp, Janusry 28, 1969, oi' a hsc7riEg to be he?$. on February ?, !.I (~ultip?e-~a.~i1y Resfdentiai) p of that property deszr:bes as: 17 consider reciassificstion from Zone R-i (One-FzxiIy ?.ssidential) to Zone 16 February, 1960, hold a duly advertised public hezring as p--r~~py~ LLaLL:bed by lr 15 \dHE::h%iiS, the *Carlsbzc! City Pl.arrr.ing Comrission did cin the 9th day 0: 14 at 7 :33 P,M. ; an6 18 19 20 21 22 Property lccated north of Laguna Avenue between Buena Vist3. Gardens and Jefferson all of Parcel 12, Tax Assess~r's Book 35, Page 171, af Sa?& Diego County, 2nd all OE Par:e!s 11-A and 11-X!, Tax Assessor's Book therefrom the eastzrly 1.50 feet of said Str-* cct, Tore particularly described cs 35, Page 171, of Sap. 2i0g0 Coci?.ty, e~~e~~ing Parcels 11-A ~3 Il-Xl e 23 general plan a-d 5e de~rinenta! :o the propsr"iy 2nd inprovemeats 26 1, Rezoning this propsrty would adverssly affzc'. the corn?rehen~i-~*e 25 described prop.~rLy be denied for ths following ~2asons: 24 SOW, TEEREFORE, BZ ZT XIESOiVED, irhac thz reclassification of the abc 27 in the vfcini~y, as i'i smgld block futur? devslopmfnt of t5e 28 lmg parcels to the north. 29 2. It is in the best intz'r-.s';s cf :;:?e City that no rezxning to R-3 30 I/ be grected ur?'~il such Eixe as ar: acceptable precise plan can be 31 32 pYEsS??tEd to the c3iT::.1:iSS io?.. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 I - . I If e e pAS:.;1;C, -~pp2~$LC .iND A?CspT53 at a regular neetip.g of :he CarIsb.36 Cit Planning Commission held ca Lh.2 9th day cf February, 1960, by the followin vote, to vlt : AYLS: Chai-l-man Sr~-i>ger~ Eo;m.issioncrs Necks, Zahler, Xard9 ‘Thomas, KiIlsr 2nd Jarvie, NOES : None * AZSENT : Noz~~ /.-fly@[/ J,~g-”-~ ,.”,, . ,” ,” ., c /&75~ / e’ - ,. Chi m.zn AT‘T :<ST : \)jS” - 3 .-a TXZCE, Secrztaz-y -2-