HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 185I. t , l. I/ RESOWTION pia. 185 I 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CAR SBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION DENY NG .RECLM* ERTZES XN THE CITY OF C J WBAD FROM R*1-15000 Sq. ft, To C-1 FROM R4 TO C4! AND FROM B-Am1500 B Sq, ft, TO XON OF CERTAW DES GPATED PRO- I R-T (RESIDENTIAL TOURIST^ 6 resolve as followst 7 The Carlsbad City Planning ComniSsion of the City of Carlsbad docs hereby *- .., ,,: -;: ; -_ . 8 1960, an application by F. Stevens Hacey requesting a change of zone 9 WKERW, there was filed with thls Cotmission on the 3rd day 6f October, 10 classification under the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060; and 11 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Plmnilng Coniaission did on the 25th day of 12 15 property: 14 to consider reclassification from R~1~-15000 sq. ft to C-1 fb fQ&lowing described 13 October, 1960, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law along Park Drive and approximatelk 450 ft. southwesterly to the southerly 16 A portion of lots 10 and 11, Bock: D, Bella Vista Tract beginning at the intersection of Park Drive and Adb Street, measuring 250 ft, southerly boundary of Adam Street, thence bortheasterly along the southerly line approximetely 500 Et., fro 17 of Adaras Street, back to the lnteusection of Adams Street and Park Drive, 18 19 and from R-A to C-2 the property desckilbed as: The southeasterly corner of the qtire parcel in Tax Asserrsorts Bo& 31, 175 ft, on the southerly side, 275 ft. on the westerly side and 175 ft. 20 on the northerly side* 21 Page 105, Parcel 7, measuring appboximately 300 ft. on thk eaatarly side '; r: 22 Assessot's BoQk 35, Page 105, PpltIel 7. 24 The remainder of lots 10 and 11, $lock D, Bella Vista Tract and the re- 23 and from R-A-15000 sqe ft. to R-T the property described astf 8, ~, , *f mainder of that portion of Lot I,,Rancho Agua Wedionda, as shown Ea Tax 25 26 and -' BEAS, the Planning Coaaaission has found the following facts to exist: // I. That such reclassification will not be materially detrimental to the 27 ll public welfare or injurious to the prqperty or improvememts ifi.such vicinity 28 and zone in which the property is locsted, 29 30 31 32 2, That the reclassification will not adversely affect the comprehensive Beneral plan, 3. A project of this type is the best use to which land of this type could be put. I1 // _"""" II_"" -... - - - ~ - ."~... ~. ~~- ~___"~ " .""" -