HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-11-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 189rl I1 0 0 1 10, Legal description of the exterior boundaries shall be shown. 2 11, Lipproximate location of existing buildings and pemanent StruCturE 3 shall be shown. 41 12. Location of trees within proposed right-of-ways to be dedicated sh 5 be shown. 61. 13, Width and location of all existing easements shall be shown, 14, Protective covenants shall be record.ed if applicable. 15, The onsite street shown as Piacey Road shall be dedicated. to a full 9 54 foot right-of-way now shown as a 50 foot dedication and a 27 foot right 10 1 way nov known as a 25 foot dedication. This will provide for a ha,lf stree 11 improvement of 22 feet, two drivicg lanes, and a 5 foot contiguous sid,ewal 12 street width is iqroved and dedicated. Slope easements shall be procurec 13 area. No street parking at any tine shall be allowed, until such time the terminus of Macey Road. 18 radius to allow at least the minimum traffic turnaround area., at the south 17 a 601 radius, There shall be a zul de sac, designed with sufficient 16 and enough land acquired at the first angle point on westerly boundary to 15 for the construction of the improvements for the westerly side of Macey kc 14 8i 7l minimum 19 16, The onsite 20 foot right-of-xay, shown as access drive, is substan 20 21 for a dedicated street. Since it only serves two lots the reduced right-c parking at any time, This shzll also have a street nsme. 24 for overhead utilities and sidewalk area. This shall also require no stre 23 would provide two 12 foot driving lanes with a 4 foot are2 on the south si 22 is justified but this right-of-way shall be not less tha.n 30 feet. This 25 Carlsbad's blaster Street plan, and a.cul-de-sac provided €or at the southe 26 17. Park Drive shall have a 66 foot right-of-way, as designated on Cit be above storm flood plain elevation and above high tide elevation. 30 1 18, A Site grading plan shall be necessary to insure that all lots wil 29 i half of the street is to be improved. 28 end. This shall also require no street parking at any time where only one 27 31 property line of lots 41 and 42, or along the easterly 20 feet of lot 70, 32 19. A 20 foot storm drainage easement shall be provided for along the e 6 1 20. An 8 foot drainage easenent be provided €or along the common proF 21 the easterly property line of Lot 70 then an 8 foot drainage easement be p 3 line of Lots 14 and 15. If the 20 foot drainage easement is not granted a 7 for along the common property line Of Lots 69 and 70, 5 21. All subdivision streets and improvements shall be constructed to 6 'i' standards and specifications of the City of Carlsbad. Permanent street p; Said street paving improvements shall extend to the centerline of Adams St 9 decomposed granite sub base if native material does not meet 90% compactio 8 shall consist of 2+* of asphaltic concrete with a chip seal coat laid upon 10 Park Drive at design grade within the limits of the subdivision, 11 22. Type t@G'O curb and gutter To be installed in all subdivision onsit, 12 streets and upon all existing streets within the limits of the subdivision 13 23. 6pe F.C.C. cross gutters shall be installed as needed, 14 of the easterly boundary of the subdivision and the centerline of the propc 22 /!water main be laid in Park Drive from the existing 14*@ water main lying ea: 21 1 It is recommended that a 619 T.A,C. water main be laid in Macey Road, a 6SO : 2o the necessary water mains are laid in the onsite streets as shown on this T 19 26, City water mains are available to service all the lots, providing 18 be instzlled, 17 25. hll required street name signs, barricades and safety devices sha: 16 streets and upon all existing streets within the limits of the subdivision 15 24. 4** x 4q3 2,C.C. Sidewlralts shall be installed in all subdivision on 2S/i~nsite Park Drive to the southeasterly boundary of the subdivision, and a L 24 \/water main be laid in the 20' access rod from Park Brive to the middle of li 25 39, 1 26 !I 27, Sersrage disposal will require a pumping station or pumping stations 27 /'a force main system to the existing gravity sewer main in Tamarack Ave, bet 28 'and be above high tide elevation, 29 dams St. and Highland Drive. All onsite gravity sewer mains shall be 8t' v 30 1 28. All onsite storm drainage nay be controlled by surfs.ce flow upon t 31 improved streets, An underground conduit 2nd necessary appurtenant scructu: e provided for in drzinage easements as recommended and be of sufficient s 32 b i - I1 e 0 I I I P/ 30, Due to the irregular exterior boundaries of subject subdivision 4 29, 4.11 underground utilities to be laid in the subdivision streets 2 to handle stom water flows computed from a 25 year stom basis. 3 shall be installed before the permanent paving is laid. 5/ overhead utilities shall be placed in the street right-of-ways. 6 '1 I 71 I 8! I 91 I 10 11 12 13 31, The following street improvement sections shall be made: a, Bark Drive: 48 ft. roadway, 4 1/2 ft, parkway and 4 ft. sidewall one half foot iron property line. b, Adms Street: 40 ft. roadway and a 4 ft. sidewalk set one half : from property line and contiguous to curb. cI IVIacey Road: 44 ft. roadway and a 4 ft. sidewalk set one half foc property line and contiguous to curb. d, Access Drive (to be named); 24 feet of roadway with a 4 1/2 foot 14 ' with a copy of the final subdivision map. 16 32, The subdivider will furnish the U.S. Post Office, Carlsbad, Calj 15 .. :+salk set one half foot from property line and contiguous to southerl: 17 33, All improvements required of the subdivider -.to,.. be installed t 18 dedicated to the City of Carlsbad shall be described in improvement plar 19 plans are approved, 20 approved by the City Engineer, and no construction shall commence until pJ4D FIN-GLY KESOLVZD, that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarc 21 ._ . 22 ABSENT: Commissioner Hughes 28 AYES: Chairman Jarvie, Commissioners Davis, Hardwick, Kistler, Grant: 27 vote, to wit: 26 Planning Commission held on the 28th day of November, 1960, by the folio 25 24 scribed by law, 23 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the mannez PlLssEI), iiJ?PP,CIVED $LSD .m??TZD at an adjourned meeting of the Carlsbad NOES: None 29 i AcsLA*- 3o 1 ATTEST: 31 32