HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 1901) I) It 1 11 RESOLUTION 30. 190 2 3 4 5 II A RESOLUTION OF T'HE CPRLSBAD CITY L'LANNISG COYPiISSIrSN GRANTING A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY DESCKIBZD AS PARCEL 19A, BOOK 35, FAGE 46 of THE; ASSESSOR'S MAP 3OOK OF %X DIEGO COUNTY, AZCGkDING TO h MAP TWEREOF NO. 775, IN THE CITY OF CAXLSBAD a 61 ldHEREAS, X.C. SCHINDLZR did apply for a variance for reduction in front 7 1 from 20 ft. to 5 ft. and increase in height of fence from 42'p to 6' on prl 8 located on the northwest corner of Highland Drive and Oak Ave,-rore partic 9 described as portion of Carlsbad Lends Tct. 119, in the City of Carlsbad 2 10 ing to a map thereof No, 775; said property being Parcel 19A, Book 35, Pa.: 11 46 of the Assessor's Map of San Siego County and 12 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did publish a legal notic 13 14 of hezring on December 1, 1960, of a hearing to be held on December 13, l! at 7:30 P.N.; and 15 WHEREAS, the Zarlsbad City Planning Commission did hold a hearing on Dec 16 13, 1960 at 7:30 2.M.; and 17 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commission received tt 18' parties who desired to be heard; 19 recommendations, objections, protests and comments of all individuals and 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the request for said variance be gra 21 for the following reasons: 22 1, Thzt the granting of such variance will not be materially detriments 23 vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 24 , to the public weJ,r'are or injurious to the property or improvements in su prehensive general plan. 26 2. That tne granting of such variance will not adversely affect the corn 25 27 3, There were no objections 01 protests to the granting of said variant 28 ABSENT: Commissioner Kistler 32 AYES: Chairman Jarvie, Cozxissioners Davis, Hardwick, Grant, Ward and I 31 vote, to wit: 30 Planning Comission held on the 13th day of Recember, 1960, by the followi 29 PASSED, APPROVZD NJD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tho, Carlsbad City NOES'% None I, ATTEST :' ."- _I - )-1" c- /j:..$\*& (-& ~ .r '... \; - LL. -"/G Chairm'