HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-24; Planning Commission; Resolution 1937 ". 0 1) 3. /I I1 RESOLUTZOX NO. 193 2 A RESOLUTICJN SF TBE C4XLSB;D CITY PUSNING 3 1 C@jjjISSI~~ RE~~.~~;~N~JJij fiEG@3~IFICf~T'IO~~ OF CERT.c6IN DZSIGNATED PEOFXRTY IN TBE CITY OF C,&&GSB&D FRaY 3-1 (ONE FMILY RESIDENTL'd) 4 5 TO R-3 (XULTl2LE FAXILY RESIDENTLYL) The Carlsbad City Planning Conmission of the dity of Csrlsbad does I 6l resolve as follows: 7 /i WHEREAS, there was filed with this Commission on the 27th day of Dec 8! 1960, an application by Richard and Audrey Rahe and Richard and Ma-rgaret 9 I requesting a change of zone classification under the provisions of Ordin lo I/ . 9060; and l1 II ."mp"L,", w~L~L..:~ the Carls'bad City 2lanning Commission did on the 24th day ( 12 13 uary-1961, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by laxq to Sider reclassification f,rorn Zone 3-1 (One Fzimily Residenti81) to i<-3 (Mu: 14 15 16 17 Fa.nily Sesidential) of that groperty desbribed as: That portion of Tract 236 of Thum Lands in the City of Carlsbad, Cqunty of San Diego, State of California, according to Nap thereof No. 1681, filed in the office of the County Xecorder of Sen Diego County, December 9, 1915, described as follows: 18 19 20 21 Beginning at'a -point on the center line of Ttmarack Avenue distant thereon 61° 20' 45P' West 208 feet from the intersection of the center line of k-dans Street as Streets 2re shown on Map No. 1681; thence North 28*39' West 273 feet; thence South. 61*20@45q' West 75 feet; thence South 28*39' East 270 feet to said center line of Tamarack Avenue; thence North 61°20f45" East along said center line 75 feet to the Point of Beginning. 22 I/ and 23 24 25 26 27 28 I Beginning at a point in the center line of Tamarack Avenue, which is distant thereon South 61°20'452* West 283.00 feet from the center line of Adams Street, as s2id streets are shown on Mzp thereof No, 1681, said point of beginning being the most Southerly corner of that parcel of 1a.nd described in deed to John T. Neil1 and wife, recorded March 13, 1953 as Document No. 3426 in Book 4782, page 442 of Official Zecords; thence along the boundary of said land North 28*39' \Jest 270.00 feet; thence South 61°20f451P West 233.86 feet; thence South 28"39' East 270 feet to a point in said center line; thence Mort'n 61"2Ot45iP E3st 233,86 feet to the Point of Beginning. Excepting the Southwesterly 75 feet thereof, 29 30 1 and 31 WEi3EAS9 the Planning Comission has found the follouing facts to e: 1, That there is need for Xore R-3 property where there is grezter 32 11 arear I/ 7 e @ 1 I 4 ii 2, That the property is coir.g?etely surrounded. by property on which 2 conditional use permit was Treviously granted to the Roman Catholic Churc for a paruchial school and convent. 3 I 3, That all the prQperLy Qh'ibf2L-S on the other side of Tamrack $%vent 5 11 endorsed the granting of this reclassification. 6 /I 4, There were no objections or protests, t7 11 I NCW, TI-!ZREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, thzt the reclassification of the abov 8' 9 described property is hereby recoinmended to be approved as submitted: &T'D FIXALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded tc 10 I City Council of the City of Carlsbad, €or its attention in the nanner prescribed by law, 11 3.2 13 14 15 16 17 I E7fi+SSZ:0, APPROVED AiiD .WGPTED st a regular meeting of the Csrlsbad Ci Planning Commission held on Che 24th day of January, 1961, by the followi vote, to wit: AYES : Chairman Jarvie, Commissioners Dp.vis, Kistler, Grant, Ward Hughes NOES : None IIBSENT: Com,issioner Hardwick i 18 20 19 I ATTEST: . .. 21 I *,'\ ..j:4 ; i, \.""""'" 2 2 I .'.. '*.. , 7; . "-"" ,. k/tJ\. ITi_,* \\- J.1-h.. >??;ICE, Secretary 23 j 24 I 25 i: , 26 11 27 28 29 30 31 32 I/