HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-24; Planning Commission; Resolution 194I I1 a P II 1 1 RESOLUTIOIU' NQ, 194 2l 7 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING CmXISSIOiU' XXOYNENDIXG REC.LASSIFICATION OF 3 CERTAIN DZS IGI'I,$.TYd?iEE PROE'EXTY , IN TEE -CITY 41 OF ChsELSEAD FiEOLc; Rp3 (HULTIPLE FAKTLY IiESI- DENTIAL) TO C-2 (GENERAL CO@iZ;tcrt&) I The Carlsb2.d City Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does he: 6 resolve' as follows: 7 i Ii WiiEXS:A$, there was filed with this Cmission on the 6th dsy of Janus. 8 under the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060; and 9 1961, an application by Luise 3. Aguilar requesting a change of zone clas: 10 GTHEREAS, the Czr1sbz.d City ??lanning Commission did on the 24th day of 11 reclassification from Zone x-3 (KuLtiple F=amily Residential) to C-2 (Gener 12 uary, 1961, hold a duly advertised. public hearing as prescribes by law to 13 11 Comercial) .of that property.de?scribed as 14 15 16 17 A porti(3n of Trect 115, Cerisbad Acre Tract according to a M2.p there01 KO, 775 of the City of Csrlsbad; said lxoperty being T2.x iI,ssessor9s Parcels 1,2,3 and 4 of ?age 40, 13ook 35 of the Assessor's K3.p or' Sen Diego County i.iow, -I>-, ill"" L;i~~a~Oii;X, ZE IT BESOLVXI, that the precise plan for the above de property is hereby recomen~ed io be approved subject to the following rev 1. The public alley along the westerly property line of subject prope: between Elm and Oak shall be iqroved according to the specific2tions of t] 18 19 20 21 /I Carlsbad' City Zngineering Depsrtnent, 22 23 2, 'i'ha.t the street openings as show on the tentative dzve1opr::ent s2.g be subject to the final approvzle Of the City Engineering Department. /I 3. That' the developsent of the shopping center along OcLk street is sui 24 25 I1 to the covpletion of v~.cation proceedings before the City Council and thee 26 27 28 1 /I and all improve~ents made on 02.k Street s'ilall be conditioned upon v;cz-tion said streetr and I I/ ?G~~E$~S, the i'lanning Coxmission hes found tIl6 following fscts to exist 29 il 1, This is the best use to which this land could be put. 30 31 I1 2. There is a need for a shopping are2 2nd it is to the best: interests the City of Cerlsbad. 32 3. There were no protests 0% objectims to it and many people were in favor of it. I, i a ? a b+?D ?Iz\!\!liLLY kESGLVE5, thZt ;. COPY Gf this Resolution bo, forwarded to 2 by law, 3! City Council of the City of Zarlsbad, for its effsntion in the nau~n~~ ?ye 411 1'AS SED, &zP- I'bLVEG -, .6&D :'1DOPTED at 6 regular meeting of the Carlsbad Cit: 5 vote, to wit: 6 Planning Co-ission held on the 24th day of January, 1961, by the folloeii 1. 7 8 9 10 11 3.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I/ 1 1 I /%YES: Cbirnan Jarvie, Commissioners Davis, Kistler, Grent, kfrtrd and NOES: None Eughes ABSEKT: Comissicner Hz.rdwick c . .. bgTEEST; i " . . -,"_ ., ., . I.. .-,;$$*, . "..I J k PiiICX, Secretary ', ,8 ", a <-" >\ f ) , \-"-.~,..;.."L \' -* .-----", 1-2