HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 195(I) e l I1 x%soLu~Ios LO. 195 2l 3 J 4 I1 {i RESGLUTIGN OF ,rxx C$~~:LSB!G> ",TY :LAXc NING ~~p$~IS~IO~ ~~CO~\$p~E~(~~NG TWAT YfiE CITY COijSCIL ?&:S ;i :~:qJ~TI;J<~L USE ORDIN&<CE 2;N CCRT.!>LXP: DES IGSfi,TZ;D F'KOPSP\TY IN THE CITY OF C$KLSBAD. 5/j WHER&%IS, the Woman's Club of Carls'bad and Nilliam H. and Della C. 6 /I did apply for a conditional use Fermit tc allow the construction of a Wornar 7 /I Club, with necessary 2-cilities for the conduct and operation of a Woman's 8' on property located on the emt side of Mowoe Street, between B;.sseood Str and, Chestnut ?.treet, more paxticularly described as a portion of Tract 252, 9 10 1 Ilands,.according to a Kap thereof No. 1681, in the City of Carlsbad; and PI Ii r ",".,rn h 1 I- ./ -i -,A,5~?,S, ?I i the Carlsbzd City r'lanning Coxmission did publish a legal l2 i! of hearing on %ebrua,r)r 2, 1961, of a hearing to be held on February 14, 19( 13 11 7:30 FeN.; and 14 11 7.1 ,YY%;Z:AS, c? public 'nearing wes held at sa.id time and date; 5.xl 15 li -I.- --. ?, '. ,VX,L;MS, the prqerty on wi?.ich t!le Wonan's Club of Carlsbzd is re( l6 I1 said conditicnal use permit is in am K-1 zane and 'che zoniizg ordinance spec 17 18 provides thzt private clubs ere a permitted use in tho 2-P zonc:and 'therefc usage in any other zone would be precluded; and 19 20 WHEX3.S3 it was the opinion of the Planning Commission that there property zoned fi-P within the City of Carisbad th~t is suitable for tne USE 21 //type of structdre that the Gjo~an's Club of Carlsbad anticipa.tes. 22 pjOl,$, THEyL7J'CXj7, BE IT 57"' ,.,si;LVj-fLI that it is recomendeci to the City 23 24 25 that api3ropriate action be initiated to pass a conditional use ordinztnce g~ to the t.loma.n's Club of Ca-rlsbsd the uses as requested in their original apI i;'&,SSEiJ, &'zxGVED .L$!D i\,DO?TS;D 8.t 2 regular meeting of tLle carlsbad 26 Plz.nning Comission held on the 14th day of February, 7961, by the followin 27 ** I /to wit: AYES: Chairman Ja-rvie, Comxissioners Hardwick, Xis-tier, Grant, k and. l-iughes . NOES: ?!one >,BSENT: Commissioner Davis. 29 30 31 32 ATTEST : j!s3$Gs!eL J. ti. TRICE, Secretsry \