HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 2011) a a // RXSGLETIGN NO. 201 2 3 4 pA gEsoLu'yI(y< >;,9 .p,7 c;.->; qn ' .- .I_ :-~L\~-.uAL 2 ITY iiL[:,XNISG ~@+iI3S1~N D%N7fI>JS ~.~C~~=~~~~~~~:.-~~I~~~ GF .g.gg- pf&J>< ~~~ISN,,iz'~<D ;';ROi'Z,RTY xx TI<;; CITY OF C$%I<LSB)JJ F.<s.l R-1 (~~~<~L~ F:iJ\,iICf ~",sII)E;<'~I~!&) TO $1 (p<CUSTzI.;>5) 5 The Carlsbad City ?la.nning Conmission of the City 0: CarlsbRd does 'r. 6 7 resolve a.s follows: requesting a chsnge of zone classification under the provisions of 0rdins.n 9 1961, an application by Spn Diego Gas and Electric Company, a corporation, 8 z~~Li~:w!.S, there ~72s filed with this Cormissior, on the 14th day of Feb i 'Ti ;?-. .? 10 9060; and 11 WY"" , mx;.\S9 -- ' the Carls'sad City L-lanning Cornkission did on the 28th day c 12 February, 1861 hold a duly advertised puillic hea,ring ;is prescribed by law 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 consider reclessification frs- 2-1 to M the following described ;?roperty: The bv'esterly 700 feet of the Southerly 400 feet of th-at certain portion of Lot H of Rancho Agua Iiedionda, in thz County of Sen Diego, Stcte of California., accord-ing to ?artition Map thereof KO. 523, filed. in the C'ffice of the County Lecorder of San iliego County, Novernber 16, 1896, as conveyed to the Sen Diego Sas & Electric Company by deed dated 5epterr;I;er 23, 1948, and recorded Cictober 8, 1948, Document Mo. 100051, in Book 2974, Pzge 493, of Official F,ecords of said County of S2.n Diego, lying Easterly of the Easterly ri:;ht of wa.y line of forrner State Eighwtay XI-SD-2B (now known as Carlsbad 3oulevard) 20 and 21 'dFiE%EAS, after the pQblic heering portion of the hearing, the Carlsb 22 23 City Planning Corrnission did continxe consideretion of said reclassificezi February 28, 1961 to Piarch 14, 1961, at 7:30 P.N.; and 24 LJHERZAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Conmission did, on the 14th day 25 26 March, 1961, consider said reclassification: the property or improverrents iz such vicinity in which the property is loc 29 1, That such reclassificp.tion b70uld be materially detrixental to 28 described property is hereby denied for the following reasons: 27 3, That there is other land that could be used for a project of thi 32 and/or necess i ty . 31 2, That such reclassification is not dictated by public convenience 30 4, That there were overwhelming protests of surromding pro~erty oc NO\;, -""" L~~LKLFOAE, i33 IT 2ESOLVED, thet the reclassificztion of the 2.b~ I 1) il) 1 and no fzvorable comments were received other than by the applicant and it 2 agent. 3 PP,SSED, ~~??i~6~~~ L,:<E /lhDC?T?% at a regular Teeting of the Carlsbad Ci 4 Plennj,ng Commission held on the 14th d9y of Iviarch, 1.961 by the foll~wing \I 5 to wit: 6 7 AYES: Chairman Jarvie, Ccmissioners Kistler, Srent, Ward and Zughc NOES: None 8 ABST$.IN: Commissioner Hardwick .I 9 hESENT: Comissioner Eavis. 10 11 12 13 - 14 d 4TT” mT : 15- 3. PRICE, Secretary 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I,