HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 2030 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 I, RZSCLCTIGK NC. 233 bL. p,ESfiLUTICN OF yI$z C;:>ZL',LS'fP!,Z CITY L L,;KK Iif\'G C~~;~~I~.~IQN .~&i~~j~~~~~ !;- v.;~~<~;~-JC~ 014 I;Rc>s?,TY L,F&:.;LLY TJx;S- py;p /pi &j-Tl~I~~~~ 1"" "it UdU ."" , ,- ": bi? LX J r, fi::hJflu ' yr-7 P~G;U,~ :!EQ I~>~~A~~ ),CCO~.l'jI~~ TQ psi I.. 4;' 823 IN THE CITY OF C,b~.LSjy:,C I~HEKE)_US~ pi):&iGH K, HEI;<B:;CH did apply for a variance to allow reduct of frontage-on street from 75 feet to 20 feet, on property located on thg side of C:?.estnut Avenue ~t the intersection of \$esthaven; said :>rop?rty I z. portion of Lot J, Rancho Agua Yedicndz according to Pap thereof 8?3 in city of czrlsb2.6 and being Tax hssessorss L.,-rcel JA, rsge 107, Book 35, 1 LSS.3SSOT?S P:Ap of San T*,* blego Zoaty; and .;,; ,.,Lj~;<;4-tLa9 id =-. I; i. <> the Ca.risbc$ City 2lEnning Coazissicn did ;)ublish a le@L ' of hearing on %arch 2, 1961, of E hearing to be held on Farch 14, 1961, 7:30 P@,; a.nd ! T' i -*, .. -3 . ", ii 5 fi i .._ !.' 'i 9 the said public 'reari7,g was h,sld by the Carlsbad City llan Somission on Piarch 14, 1961, end at said phlic hearin-g the ,C?rlsbz?. Ci Planning Comnissior, receive?. the recozmendations, objections, protests comments of all ind.ividua.ls 2nd i2z.rties i;!hO desired to be heard; and - 17-77 '77, '.~;ICL<L&, the Carlsbad City i-lanning Commission did continue to cons the request at the regular ;r.eeting of the Carlsbad City Ylanning Comiss on March 28, 1961; NOId, -yi?""F~T:" -87 1-r &~S"'i" r.iiLLij td, - U~d3;D that the variance be granted as sub, for the following reasons: 1. That the granting of such variance will be putting this la~d tc best use, 2, 'That the granting of such variance will increase the tax rolls. 3, That the granting of such variance will no'. be materially detri to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvei-Gents in st vicinity and zone in which the ?roperty is located., 4. That such variance is necessary for th2 preserva.tion 2nd enjoy1 a substa.ntia1 property right possessed by other property in the same vi< and zone but which is denied to the property in question, , I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a lJ-&cg&, ~(~~~~i<~~~~~ kli‘z ” -C3i3’-7TZE at c regular meeting of the Cz,rlsbad cj Planning Commission held on the 28th day of March, 1961, by the followin: AYES: Chairnm Jarvie, Commissioners H~.rd~ick, KisrLer, Gra~nt, ELI; NOES: None Commissioner Davis ’U I