HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 2041 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' 32 -a w .. I/ '' fLkSOLUTION NO, 204 A RESOLUTION c;~ c~i'S C~ALJB,:~ CITY iL;,NNI?iG CClb&;ISsIc)iJ Gfu4Pi L'IF!G, .;- CiNDITIONkL US 3 L,E~.~IIT CE;,TA.Fi\l ~;:CIL~~.W liZSCiLIBLCt :~5 f, k(?RTfGN SF LOT K ,Z,ii$l ii kORT1UN GE UNL\'X*J31~b$l) LOT I.]OE;TH ,, UP L(j'~7 J, R-3JCt;O AGUA HEUIONDP. khCCOWIi\lG TO j, b&LJ THLCOF 823, IN THZ CITY OF CACLSBiD, FOH qUpJ3tY OT.CF&:TSUN 1:ICLUDI;dG THE ,II\!STZ;LLk.TICrN OF fzIl?i&Y ,",.?dl2 SECOX.D.QY LOCK CiIUSIIEXS LAND .TROLLED U LiST ING 4 TO SOUTH COfiST k.9. Hr'LLT IkOEUCTS, Ti.:c. 08 NECESSJ,RY COWEY ING BELT EQU Il'rm" MD CON- ' WIlEk,E.b;, SOGTh CO!,ST J&IHALT Pi;(XXJCTS, INC. .did apply for a conditional use permit to allotq quarry operation including the installation of primary and .. . . .-. _- . - .. 4 '8 ,I . .,,,- - .. ll ir ' secondary rock crushers and necessary conveying 'belt etluipment and. controlled blasting on property located on ,the south side of Vi,sta @aY, H.cJy 78, one and three tenths miles east of El Camino Real, be.ing a 'portion of Lot Ic and a portion of unnu;llbered Lot north of Lot .J, Rancho kgua Hedionde, according to ;\iap tilereof 823, in the City of Cdrlsbad and, be-ing the most e,-sterly 75.64 acres of Tpx ~ssessor's''2ar~,el 12, Page 040, Book 167 of the J1,ssessor's Xzp of San Diego County;.and .. .. ~JHERX-S, the Cprlsbad City llanning Commission did publish a legal notice of hearing on i\iz.rch 30, 1961 of a"hearing to be held. ,on ~pr31 11, 1961, at 7:.30 A' .h. ; and rGdEF;EAS, the said .public haring was held by the Carlsbcd City 'klznning Commission on April 11, 1961, e.t 7:30 L'.X., 'as advertised; and .. .. XML.U,S, at said public hearing the rlanning Commis,sion received the recomend.ations, objections, protests and comments oE all individuzls and parties who desi.red to be heard; and ' .. .. WH~;J,.~.,$s, thereafter Li.le said A lannirig Commission 'considered each and every reco&endation, objection, protest atld conwent raised by any' party at sa,ir; public 'hearing: I I ' NO,?, ~r~~k~~o~;%, d< .LL' .tt&liVZG that the CaTlsbad City ilanning Cornmission 1 II 'I determines 'thst a conditional US& permit shsll be issued for the applied'prop- ~ erty, subject to the recommendations O'f t:.?zSjan Diego County Director of Public Health and k&ir i'ollution Control officer: a, That the access kopd .to the site be oiled, paved or otherwise dust-proofed, be Elat water spray bars be provided a,t the primary.and secondary crushers, sad at screens to control dust enlissions Erom t:,ese sources, ., - -- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 b * cr 'That dust control be ?rovideC by wet xethods at conveyor trams€( points and Et such ot'rer noirts as may be required by the Air 'poilu Co?.trcl t;ffjcer to iimit dlJst err,issions during traisFortation =f materials+ d, 'Yh8.t en adequate supply of wr;.ter be provided to effect the abov dust control methods. if the water used for dust control is taken from Euena L'iste Creek, it shall be chlorineted so tht it has a Content of O,5 ppn of chlorine efter a thirty minute cor;tact 2erioc e. 'That an approved 2otable water suppiy 23.6 sanitary method of SE disposal be provided in accordance with state and local laws; the of Carlsbad Fire Deprtrnent reconmenda.:ion that the South Coast Asphalt products cos Inc,, ccm?ly with the 'ire 2revention Code of the City of ~~,rlsba.d, i.,rticle 11, as adopted by City Ordinance No. 2020; the recon ztions 02 the :~i.t>7 of C,rlsbs.dts Zngineering Zepartment: a,, ~h~.t t'!:e posting of a ison6 covering the Zi'i>7 of Csrlsbsd's pub1 ities and roadways woulc' be re uired; for the following reasons: 1, The p2.rticulz.r use is cospz.tibie with the site a.nd in consid.er: of other existing an? potentis.1 uses in the general ares.. 2. The factors of noise, smoke, dust, vibretion, odors a3.d other t would not be detrimental to the surroun6,ing properties, ._ k'/"SSED, j:.CLzOijEE i<<z .A.llC?'TL:D at a regular rreeting of tl?e C2.rlsbad. ( i-lannirrg Comission heid on the 11th day of April, 1961, by the follow, vote, to wit: iiY E s : Cha.irnan Jervie, Comissioners Davis, Sard.wic:c, Kictler, 1, -, ,"lughes i\iOES : N one kiB s I? 1. r-7. -L.*L. Comissioner (;rant 26 27 28 29 LmEsr: : r-.-" c. ..-J=:~J i,~~:xcs, Sedretzqr 30 31 32 I1