HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 2067- ll * @ 1 2 3 4 5 yzs;:, L y ", -u"T*tfl LLUL~ NO. 2G6 i?, pSOT "'TI"," ~~~ '-? 7"" P , 1- r 1 dL L ,-.A L..bgLbarAD z 1y.y ?T&:\:IJ 1':G cp&;IS<F~,~q ~&z~p~.i~>:i~;.;;3 ,Tzi;+.rr oy*,I;.:<>>qc~ SG* 9050 E$ ,:,;,..;:;,T?T? T' * T 7 "T' ~,U!.l)iL~L' LO :&iL;vl"r :; bU&S~ITTC?VJJ PO,, '- "55 L;.s7&!;IT (=x &GPEgTY Ls$;LLY EsSCRIBE;D i!s A IUKTIGpj OF TRACT 252 and 253 , T-iUi.iL&\Tf3st NAP NO. 1681. 6 resolve as follows: 7 The Carlsb2.d City llanning Comission of the City of Carlsbad does nc 8 hi-ERE.?.S, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. d.i6 on the 7th day 9 hold a duly adverLised ?ub',ic hearing as prescribed by law to csnsider a 13 d :L.L.nk;:d:Z, tRe Tlanning Comission did 017. the 25th dsy of April, 1961, 12 house; and 11 allowing a condition2,l use ?ernit for the Xtman's Slub of Carlsbad's clul 10 March, 1961, adopt iiesolution of Intention No, 728 to mend Ordinance Eo ? ."", l4 I l5 I ing said conditional use permit on property described as follows: The Southwesterly 396 feet of the foilowing described lands: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 'That ;>ortion or' Tracts 252 and 253 of T'nurn Lands, in the County of San EizgD9 Stzte or' California, accord-ing to nap thereof, No. 1681, f ileci in the off ice of the CouTLty Xecorder of San Giego County, December 9, 1915, described as follows: 3egicning at the intersection of the center line of Besswood k-vep.ue and Monroe Street; thence along the center line of il.Ior,roe Street, South 28" 39' Zast 67.73 feet to tne most Southerly corner of the lard conveyed by South Cos.st Land Cozpany to ivtinnie i!imerman by deed recorded January 30, 1939, in Sook 868, Page 188 of Gfficial Recorcis ii-: seid Xecorder's Office, and the TRUE 2'CINT OF BEZIMNII\IG; thence sioxg said center line of idonroe Street, South 28O ,353' east 243.17 feet to the xost Xesterly corner of the land cozveyed by South Coast Lznd Cozpany to Krs. Zlla Genevieve Yeend by deed rccorded October i8, 1930 in book 1814, page 4.44 of Deeds, it., SI aecorder's Office; tkence alor?.g the Northwesterly line of said Yeen( land 880,17 feet to the sost northerly corner thereof; t;:ence along the Eortheasterly ?ines of seid Tracts 252 and 253 north 230 33' west 244,14 feet to the nost easterly corner of t>Le land cop-veyed to 2iinnie Zimmerman by seid deed above referred to; thence along the southeasterly line of said Zim-iernan land, south 610 21' west 902.92 feet p,Ore or less, to t:ye TZES Fcj;-(- CF B~GT;<~,~I~,G, EXC3:FTiI:Z M'"T-. 7 A--icxd?Fd~i the southeasterly 133,17 feet (measured at right angles) of the zbove described. ?roperty, .k&2, i\!CW, TiiEAEFORE, be it resolved that it is recomnended thpt Ordinance 30 9960 be zmended to allow a cmditionzl use permit for the !pio;na.~.'s club 3: 31 32 Carlsbed's clubhouse, subject to the condition t'nEt eny structure erectec upon the aforesaid described pi.Opn_rty shall not be used for ?ublic ids.ncec L I! .. ’ I1 c1 e 1 for the following reasons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 1, That the characteristics of such use are not incompatible with t of use yxrnitted in surrounding area. 2, That the factors of hazard occasioned by unusual volume oft’ chara ter of traffic or the congregating of a large nmber of people or vehicl IGOU~~ not SO, detrimental to the surrounding properties. ~,>;SS~D, &P;+XX~~ ;>:a ~AJXPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C: -:2 L12nning Comnission held on the 25Lh day of April, 1961 by the followin! vote, to wit: $.YES: Chairrxn Grant, Comissioners Hardwick, Kistler, Jarvie and i NOES; : i?cne ABSTAIN: Conmissioner Bavis- 813SENT: Ccmissioner ,.iughes. _- 14 15 16 .:-TTEST : I,.r7 h y\ - l8 I?” 5. . BiCE, Secretery L 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 29 30 31 32 i,