HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 207a 0 I 2 3 4 5 .- - - r- KL=wZUT IO14 NO. 2 07 A XSSGLUTIOE Cjj' 'Tsz c.?~$S~I;~, CITY i:LL.sxl~~ ~?$$~~~;~~;\{ y~~~('~~u~~~L<QiL~g 'j"BX ~ECL&~SI~~C~~~~~ GF C~BTRI>; ;;;Q>zi<Tij7s CN fl& j7ALkS'j'Xi?ILIf ';I32 GE y-J-0 :- L-ICC DEIVZ, BO'JNDED BY EU4 P,VXNUE: TO TI-i", PjOp,Tkl 4x9 i--$&Q; XJ<:NiJE yo TEz SOUT'ri, The Carlsb6.d City ilanning Cormission of the City of Carlsbd does 6 hereby resolve gs ~O~IOWS: 7 ?p~~q$; ',rAiuLd-a3, re t:-;e City Cou.cil of t%e City of Zarisbad did on the 21at d 8 to consider the reclassification of the following describ.ed properties f. 9 of iyiiarcb-, 1,361, adopt Yesolctron of Intention NO. 734 declarizg its into,: 10 Zone %-I to Zone K-3. 11 12 13 14 1. Carlsbad Acre i'sa.c'r, lcrtiozl or' Tract 115, i'-i;g 755, ;:!ore pzrticularly described 8s Assesso~~s Book 35, ?age 41 9 .Id3S2SS- ' oris ,jz,rcels 197>,3 and 13, 2, Porticn of Cerlsbad Lands Sub Trscts 114 2.d '12.9, parti- cu1arI.y kssessorqs 300k 35, i'zge 38, $ssessor's yxrcels 1,2,1& and 12x1. .. - 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 26 27 28 3. Carlsbad Lznds rirect 113, sarticulz.rly Assessor's aook 35, -> Ir'age 36, Assessor's LDarcels ?1A, 11x2, i13 s.nd 12.Xl. 4. Kulis gLdditicn, Slock 1, ad portion Carlsbad Lands 113, pa.rticular1y &sessor's Eook 35, ijege 77, Ass2ssorPs szrcels IS, lk., 1x1, 2x2, 23, 2A 2nd 3. 5. Fortion of Optimo Trzct sv-6 portion cf Carisbrd Lsnds 'Tract 113, 13articularly Assessor's 300:; 35, Page 35, Xssessor's parcels 14, 15, 16, 17 a.nd 18, 6, ?art ion klles Avocado k-croc, iiesubdivision Block C, par- ticularly t~..ssessor's Book 35, Sage 5, .;i..ssessor',s parcels 7x1, 7A, 9 and 5. .. -I , - . >~/~idE5~S, the i;lanning Cormission did on the 25th d2.y of AFriL, 1961 1 hold a duly ad.verLised. public 'nezring 8,s prescribed 'sy law to consider the above proposed che?.ze of cicssificztion: and T ,-.T>-- 1 = ;+?%~r.c~s, the L"1enning CoxTission has found the foilcx.Jing fscts to e: 1. That it wi 11 allo:\i tilis property to be ;;.;ut to its best use, 2, That such reclzssificarion .i.iill not adversely a.ffect t;?e coE-,rel general plan bllt v~il? rether enhznce it 2s frc-,tage pro2erty i5 not - 29 I1 usually considered to be desirsble Ti-1 property, 30 31 3. Public necessitry indicates th2t this is the best use to which t'r property coclld be put, 32 */,g.,:D , >,](y< ~ TE 72 7 - -r u-:.~2d3Z, be it resclved thst it is rcconxended t5z.t the ClassificFtion ~f the ab0~3 described property is hereby approved as sub? li s /I a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .. bNil, * FIp:&l,Y &ES,SLVZ:D, thet a c02y of this Resolution be forwarded t City council of t~e city 0; Carlsbgd, for its attention in k\re rnalmey 2 cribed by law. -0p ,:'co . ---..- L,u13u7jTJ9 pL::~~~\/~7J :$!E pL20TTED at 6 regul3.r meeting of the Czrlsbaa C PLaTL;ning Cmnission held on the 25th day of April, 1961, by the followl vote, to wit: ]>by 2 s : Chairman Grant, Com.issioners Hardwick, Kistler, Jarvie Il.j(ES : None ABSENT:: Commissioner Zughes .and Davis .I " Cha i man e!I'I"'"EST: 1 13 14 15 96 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I + x -%