HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 209a 0 1 -y,<,,, ."". RUL.<,Li. L LvS 1.10. 209 . ." 2 3 A p$i)lLU'i'IC$J C;? T'Jx 2iQ,LSB;f) CITY 2i,AXkIlXG c~~~~~~-JssIoN ~~~~p~~~~$~~~~;~ ~xjj~~~Vjl& GF T:qZ -7. - lLc.iT$LTIVx pi.5.P OF I$:GENP, VISTA- UNIT # 1 4 TzJ:TzKzps, the Carlsbad Sity -1enning Commission did receive on Rpri 5 6 1961, a tentetive map of Laguna Vista, Unit $1 Subdivision, submitted by tiighland bnor, Inc., owner a.nd subdivider, located e.sterly of the tem 7 of Skyline ,toad and westerly of El CzGino ireal, being a :>ortion of Lot I 8 -, hp.ncho &uz, Becl,ionda, accorling to a mzp thereof 40. 823 and lot 45, Car 9 i3l:;hlands i40 2 ;nd portions of lo-ts 45 and 47, Carlsbzd ?iighlands ?io. 2, " . 1o according to a mag thereor' No. 2825, in the City of Car1sba.d; z:nd 11 12 13 14 15 1.6 i .,77.-. .~ ~ 4 ,wLAziiu~S9 i ~n Ma.y 23, 1361, tke 2"l.nning Commissisn did co>Lsider the tative map as submitted, ccxJrispr1 _L of(22) twknty-two lots; a.nd '>$.; f:'->- . ....A US, z?:e i-lanning ;omission did, et thzt tixe? tzke into cons: ation the reports of the various Llty ageacies x,< utility coqanies; -. . ._ ;,!Gv.:$ .-y;;.y.,~ -"-c-i:i" . uli >P ...-> SZ LL :isLt;;LVZD, t-2.t the 'L'entative 133.p of L~.gd?~s. IJ: . ", .._ ,_,.- Unit 81 subdivision he a_;.srovec?, subj,ect to the foliowing cane.itioFLs: I? /I 1. hll cloi::estic :,;ater s~>~iied to tbis subdivision cotes fron t:le l8 !I CarLsbsc City 2zter De2artment. 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 2. Ai1 buii?:ings ccnstructed in this subdivision are con?.ected to Carlsbed .:u:;lic 3ewer S:7sten. 3, The sewer and wzter lines are not leid in the s;x-;e trenct: in 2.n of this subdivision, 4. Pro?er drainage is Taixtzine6. throughout: the_ subdivision so a~ I prevent pondi2g and/or storage of surfece wzter, 5. On2 (1) standard six inch (GSY) fire hydr~~t she11 be 1oc?te2 kt I 26 I/ sovt'neast corner of Sliyline and :;;:;~a S+-reet, one (1) sten$clr?. si:: inc17 (+ 27 I! hydrat sI?.~.ll 32 located at the I;.rolerty 1ir.e of lots 11 a,nd 12 end one ( 28 ll standard six inch (59 fire hydrent shr.11 !;e located 2.t the southwest corne Ij A. c.. 29 T2;;kt q--Ld SiB:; streets, 30 11 6, Ti12 intersection 35 $?iit; Street an?. Skyline ::iGz.d sh5.11 be change: 31 thct the center li~es intersect at ap?roxinz.tely 90 degrees aIld tile ccnte3 curvature is limited to 293 foot radius, 32 I .. , .. .. 0 0 i 1 1411 strzets s'na.11 be acquired and de6icatec . 2 to a/Jgroyaj of CjLjr En;ine$xinz 2~gartzent. 4 6. 3 7, utility pole location s'L"~11 be within Lhe streetsI 0 .C lL-site K <rzinage easey.ent, 10 feet in width shall be reqaired sub. _. 5 9, R11 i,ublic iqrovements shzll comply with sLend.erd. ;~lz.ns snd speci (5 ca.ti0p.s of the City of Carlsbad, 7 patted ;>ati,ve ix2teria.l is approved for base by the. Engineering Pjepartr;i.erLt g chip seal coat laid upon 6%~ of decoqosed graite base, or eo,us1, unless 8 1 10, SLygct paverrents shall c~~~ist of 2is of as2haltic concrete with 2 10 11. Concrete curb a? gutter shzll be type W'i 2nd shall be irLst2.11ec 11 14 installed as needef for drz.inage, 13 and 36 feet for 50 foot rights or' jay, Six (6) foot cross gutters shall 12 all streets, Curb to curb width shall be 4-0 feet for SO foot rights of 1 15 12, kncrete sidewzlks shsll be instdled on a11 streets, 13, Off-site drainage facilities of terqorery nsture may be ia~rovei 16 struccures as necesszry, i3esign of these facilities shz.I.1 be sdep~uzte i 17 chennels snd those of permanent nature shs.?l be close$. c0p.duj.t x.7ith draj anticipated storm flow S;..sec? upon 2 25 yeer storm, z8 19 14. All required street nz7.e signs, barricdes 2.nd safety devices st 20 21 be instFlled, 15, An eight inch (8") dimeter water main shall be inst~.lled in st 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 29 30 t!jL?S and six inch (6::) water mzin shall be ias.Lz..lled in street (?3:?. One (1~3) copper weter services shc.11 bz constructed to serve e;ch lot, The site water system 2.veila.ble in Skyline Drive consists of a 687 low press and shall be resolved by the City to supply auesuate :)ressure. 16, Zight (85p) dizxeter Y,C,1. sznitary sewers with necessary ai3pur structures shall be conszructe6. ir. all streets 8s require?.:, The)- sh?.ll of such scerpate d-epth to service ez.c'n ani every lot by grcvity flow, inch (4") v.C.?. sever lz.terals must be constructed to servc e.z.c;i: lot. 17, Survey monurr.ents 2-26 street trees shall bg ip.stalled as re-uirr 31 32 Lhe city stmdards, 18. A11 undergroxnd silities shall be instclied before the construe li sidewalks, curb and gutters c..nd street paving. I/ L Jl " 9 1 19, .&lignnent, location and grade of all inprcvezents shall be sub- 2 4 submitted 8s rquirzd for checking before construction of zny improvemi 3 to a?prov;! of the City Engipeer, Cm2lete plans and spzcific2,tions r.1 ANI FISLiLLY I;Z:SSLVZD, tkst a ccpy or' this $.esolurion be for\.Jar<& t 7 ornia. with a copy of the final subdivision map+ 6 29. The subdivi2er will furnish the 'U.S. rest Gfp' Lice, CErlsbad, CF 5 is commenced, 8 scribed by law, 9 City Cozncil or' the City of Carlsbad for i<s attention in the m2.r.ner p 10 ?SSED, iJTRGVE~ i<iTl ;tmZTZ3 3.t a regular meeting of the Carlsbad i: 11 12 13 14 15 Planning Commission heid on the 23rd day of M;y, 1961, by the follo\qig to wit: ),YES: Ghafmn Grant, Cmissioners Davis, Kistler, Jamie, ward NG2.S : None ABSZNT: Cotannissfoner Hardwick Hughes n 16 3.7 - \, ; /' {/' 658 - A+ /A&" .9F)F.:\ d" /@ 3.1 @, . ,,.y .. 5," Cha i rrn2,n I.9 /I ATTEST,,: I-g 20 A\+.- . ':. PRICS, Secretary L 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 II