HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-27; Planning Commission; Resolution 211A'* c 1 2 3 4 5 0 KESOLUTIOR No, 2111 A BESOLUTION OF TRE GARISBAD CITY PULmG OMMESION ECOl4MEXDIZ APPROVXL OF TEE TENTLITIVX W OF Rsl;I HA1 - UXLT #2; _I...II.._.....III .. .. ..,. ... ..,... .. .,. .. .... . WW, the Carlsbad City Pla.nning Commission did receive on Ju: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ation the reports of the varions City agencies and utility companies; 14 how, THEXBFORE, BE IT RESOL'ITED, that the Tentative hp of Bali Ha 15 Unit #2 subdivision be approved, subject to the following conditions: 16 1, 811 domestic water supplied to this subdivisim comes from tl L'b Carlsbad City Xater Coxnprry, 18 19 the Carlsbad Public Sewer System, 20 21 prt of this subdivision, 1961, a tentative map of Bali Hai, Unit #2 Subdivision, subnitted by &mar Construction Goapaqy, owner and subdivider, located on the north side Qf Tammmk Avenue between Adams and HighLad $tree* being a portion of Trac Thum Iands, according to a Map thereof No. 1681, in the City of Carlsbad; ~~~S, on June 27, 1961, the Planning Commission did consider t tentative map as subnitbed, comprised of(13) . thirteen lots ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, at this time, take into COD 2, All buildings constructed in this subdivision are connected t 3, The sewer and water lines are not laid in the sane trench in 22 5. One (1) standard six inch (6'1 1 fire hydrant shall be located 24 4, Proper draiaage is maintained throughout the subdivision so t 23 to^ prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water, 25 8, "Margaret Mayrf shall be adjusted to 54 foot street right-ofd 30 with the ordinance. 29 7, All lots shall be adjusted to contain 7500 square feet to COI 28 since it Is not an integral part of the original Bali Hai Subdivision. 27 6, The subdivider sbzll submit a new name for the propsed 'subd: 26 the lot line of lots 5 and 6. 31 with 34 foot curb-to-curb width and typical section sb&. be shown. 32 1 subdivision with curb 20 feet from center and typicd section shall be sh 9. "Tamarack Avenue" shall be improved to centerline adjacent t I, U 0 0 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 10. A lot split application shall be filed for the property shol n aot a part of the subdivisionlt. ,. ... . L. 11, Location of utility poles s-hall be in the streek, 12. All improvements shall comply with standard plans and speci cations of the City of Carlsbad, 13. Street pving shall consist uf 2" of asphaltic concrete wit stone chip seal coat laid on 61' of decomposed granite base, or equal, UnL native material is approved for base by the Engineering Department, L!,., Type rrGn concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streets. Concrete cross gutters shall be 6 feet wide and located as requ for drainage. 15, Sidewalks sbll be 4 feet in width and located &I from the right-of-way line. 16, All. required street name signs, barricades and safety devic be installed, 17, Six (6r') inch diameter water main aha- appurtenances .as requ ky the City, shall be installed. One (1") i~ch copper water services sha be constru-cted to serve each lot. 18, Eight (8" 1 imh diameter sanitary sewers including reqplired manholes and appurtenances, with four (4w) inch diameter service laterals each lot shall be constructed as required by the City, .. 19. Surface drainage of the subdivision to Tamarack shall be re 20, A grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Depart for approval as required, 21. The subdivider shall furnish the U.S, Post Office, Carlsbad California with a copy of the final subdivision mp, AND FIELILY KESOLXED, that a cow of this Resolution be fomarde the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. ~ . - a 0 1 PASSED, APFWVED BPD ADOPiED at a regular meeting of the Carlsba 2 vote, to wit: 3 City Planning Commission held on the 2'7th day of June, 1961, by tb follo 4 5 6 7 8 9 AYES: Chainman Grant, Commissioners Davis, Kistler and Hughes ME9: Commissioner Jarvie ABSEmr Commissioners Hardwick and Ward u :/- /- *I ,,__.. ;fi- / ,*4&-> Ff ' e !,,a+; 2-f;\: "". /' /'. . . Chairman $1' ,. .. 10 I1 12 A-T : &a& 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 2o i 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% 29 30 31 32 /I