HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 215-. 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 . .. ~ - . - . . . - - . .. " RESOLUTION NO. 215 A RESOLUTION OF THE C-AELS~AD CITY PLANNING DESC~IBED AS LOT I, BLOCK B, ~JB AVOCADO COMMISSION GRAKTING A VMIARCE OM PWPEEtTY ACRES RESUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO A W THERE- OF NO. 2027, IN TQ3 CITY OF CANS3A.D. WHEEEAS,Marvin S. and Idella Humphreys did apply for a variance in s 6 yard ffmn Si3 feet .to 3 tee$ on property locate0 on Magr@i& Street b@,v{ 7 City of Carlsbad; and g Alles Avocado Acres Resubdivision, according to it Map thereof No, 2027. of 8 Marding Street and US. 101 Freeway, being a portion of Lot f, Block Wrl 10 WHEREAS, rhe Carlsbad City Planning Commissiowdid publish a legal I 11 P.M., aqd 12 of hearing; on June 29, 1961 of a hearing to be held on July 11, 1961 at y the public hearing to the next regular meeting on July 25$ 1961, at 7:30 16 VHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commission did con 15 July 11, 296-1 et f:30 P.N., and 14 WHZ%AS, th,CarLsbad City Flaming Cotinnission did hold a hearing 011 13 17 ana 28 parties who desired to be heard; 20 recommendatfons, objections, protests and comments of all individuals and 19 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Cammission receive 21 gpanteb. for the follwing reasons: 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED rhat the request for said variance be 24 1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. or con 23 applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply gener 25 to the other property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 26 2, That the granting of such variance-will not be materially detrim 27 to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in suc 28 vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 29 3o . prehensive general plan, 31 PASSED, ATPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Ci 32 Planning Commission held on the 25th day of July, 1961 by the following Vf 3. That the grantirtg of such variance will not adversely affect the to witk / , .. c 0 AYES; Vice Chaimn Bughes, Cotmissioners Davis, Hardwick, Kisther NOES : None -4BsENT: Chairman Grant, Commissioner Ward and Jamie r" . . . .I ,+,f . -.<L&.- B ,: ,/" /.*,;. r . ..I i ,4 . .* .<."I 3: ,&.. &- , d<;;L;;Kl+/ /,/ ?! $' // .&,& ,4 / Cha irmarp ' I ,, 1.