HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 218!! 0' 6 I1 ll /I RESOLUTION NO. 218 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CAXLSBAD CITY PL-ANN ING COMMISSION APPROVING A1"IMENDMENT OF THE TENTATIVE NAP OF TANARACK NANOR SUBDIVISLON. 3 WMEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Cmission did approve On June 2 * ' the tentative map of Tamarack Manor Subdivision, submitted by Kamar Constr Company, owner and subdivider, located on the north"side of Tamarack Avenu 6 between Adams and Highland Streets, being a portion of Tract 241, Thum Lan 7 according to a Map thereof No. 1681, in the City of Carlsbad; and 8 FJHZREAS, on August 8, 1961, the Planning Comnission'did consider an 9 adjustment in the lot width, at the building line setback, on lots 3,4,7,t 10 9; 11 NOW, THEREFOR,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tentative Map of Tamarack Mar l2 1. That all the lots in the subdivision have more than the minimum 16 reasons: 15 revised Tentative Subdivision Map on lots 3,4,7,8 and 9 for the follosging 14 reduction from minimum required frontage to the frontage as shown on the 13 Subdivision be approved with amended front yards at the setback line with 17 2. That the lots with substandard frontage are cul-de-sac lots. 18 required lot area. 3. That a reduction in the required frontage at the setback line 19 20 21 will not be injurious or detrimental to the proposed use of the lot5 and other lots in the subdivision. 22 4. That such reduction in frontage on cul-de-sacs has been done in 23 AYES: Chairman Grant, Comissioners Kistler, Jarvie and Ward and D: 27 wit: 26 City Planning Commission held on August 8, 1961, by the following vote, tc 25 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the Carlsbad 24 numerous other subdivisions. 28 I NOES: None ABSEMT:Commissioners Hughes and Hardwick 29 30 . -, ,> / z ,./ /- #. .. ;< ~ ;' : x,. 1' ,-p-,/; ,;> . i. ,. -,t .:?" ,/"L 2- :..-/. c _" / : g _/.'<"+/. Y ,;A$:",." Ad. f-, 2- // 31 1 ATTEST : 32 .-. /-> *. x. 7: - '. k-cL J&IXICE, Secretary I