HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-27; Planning Commission; Resolution 237v. I- I, e. e I ll 1 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on 4 TENTA.TIVE MAP OF HAR.B~~:R.:':v~E~:. ._'_:':-_" .. . 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING 2 RESOLUTION NO. 237 5 February 9, 1962, a tentative map of klarbar View, shbmiihd by R, L. 6 COMMISSION RECOMMENDmG APPROVAL OF THE 6 ',being a portion of Block B of a resubdivision of Tracts 238 and 243, Thur: 7' owner and subdivider , located on the southeast corner of Chinquapin and. 8 Map 21 03, Gity of Garlsbad, County of San Diego; 9 WHEREAS, on February 27, 1962, the Planning Commission did cons 10. the tentative map as submitted, comprised of 16 lots; and 11 WHEREAS,' the.Planning Commission did at that time take into consic 12 13 the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies; Gity Water Department, 16 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision comes from the C 15 View be approved, subject to the following conditions: 14 .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED $hat the tentative map of Har 17 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision are connected to the ( 18 19 Public Sewer System. ' this subdivision. 20 3. The sewer and water 1ine.s are not laid in the same trench in any 1 21 I1 4. Proper drainage is maintained throughout the .subdivision so as to 22 23 prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 26 25 Adams and Chinquapin. 24 of lot No. 1 on Adams. 5. One (1) standard six inch (6") hydrant located at the southeast cor t 6, One (1) standard six inch (6") hydrant located at the south propert 27 7. Deep lots radiating around the cul-d-e-sac circle having 20% area 28 permitted to reduce the required lot frontage from sixty feet (60') to fift) 29 excess' of the minimum represent good land planning use and exception SI issuance of building permits on any of the lots. 32 8. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior 31 (SO') at the front yard set back line. 30 II * -. CT- 0 il 1 9. Because of the irregular shape 2 division of adjacent property, location of of 0 the subdivision and indeterminat utility poles along rear lot lines 3 4 5 I 61 8l considered impractical; therefore, they. shall be .placed in the street. 10. The subdivider shall submit a name for "A" Street as shown. 11. A sanitary sewer and drainage easement fifteen feet (15') in width provided in a location subject to approval by the City Engineer to serve ac pyoperty to the east. 12. All improvements shall comply with standard plans and specificat 9 the City of Carlsbad. 10 13 unless native material is approved for the base by the Engineering Deparl 12 stone chip seal coat laid on six-inch {6") of decomposed granite base, or 11 13. Street paving shall consist of two-inch (2") of asphaltic concrete v 14. Type "GI' concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streetr 14 the street right-of-way line. 17 15. Sidewalks shall be four feet (4') in width and located six inches (6 16 shall be six feet (6') wide and located as required for drainage. 15 Concrete cross gutters shall be installed in all streets. Concrete cross ; installed. 19 16. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices sh 18 .. .. 20 17. . Six-kch (6") diameter water main with standard fire hydrants ant 21 24 18. Sanitary sewers .to serve the subdivision shall depend on construt 23 water services shall be constructed to serve each lot. 22 appurtenances as required by the City shall be. installed. One -inch (I") c 32 sewer will be permitted for the cul-de-sa.c if the required minimum grac 31 and Chinquapin Avenue to the subdivision boundary; Six-inch (6") diametl 30 the City. Eight.-inch (8") diameter sewers shall be required on Adams S 29 (4l') diameter service laterals for each lot shall be constructed as requix 28 Sanitary sewers including required manholes and appurtenances with foul 27 connect to existing City facilities in the contemplated subdivision improv 26 subdivider shall be required to include the construction of sanitary sewel 25 contemplated by propos-ed Assessment District No. 2, 1961. Otherwise, I be met. - 2- \ . 1, li 0 0 1 19. Surface drainage of the subdivision to Adams Street shall be satis I 2l 4 3i 7 21. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office, Carlsbad, 'Ca 20, Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as. required standards. 5 with a copy of the final subdivision map, AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarde 7 law. 8 City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the manner prescr 9 PASSED, A.PPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Car