HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-27; Planning Commission; Resolution 241II I1 0 0 a 11 RESOLUTION NO. 241 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A. POLICY FOR PANHANDLE 3 LOTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 4 WHEREAS , the Carlsbad City Planning Commission recognizes that ' 5 create two lots with the required frontage as set forth in Ordinance No. '7 lot are-a to create two lots, but insufficient frontage on a dedicated stree, 6 arc areas within the City where "dead land" exists in that there is suffic 8 // and 9 situations; the Planning Commission has' arrived at' certain conclusions , 12 Diego County that have the common problem, as to how they handle simi 11 study of this problem and has communicated with various other cities in 10 I WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission has made a thor 1 13 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Carlsbad' City Planning Cc 14 unusual circumstances by location, topography, etc, , but may bc 16 1. That the creation of such lots is generally undesirable, except ir 15 does make and establish a policy in regards to "panhandle" lots as follov 17 5. That the driveway shall be at least 14' wide and of 2" thick asph: 22 shall not be considered in determining the minimum required lot 21 4. In granting a variance to create a panhandle lot, the "panhandle" 20 3. The "panhandle" shall not .exceed 150' in length. 19 2. "Panhandles" shall not be less than 20' in width. 3.0 done by variance. 23 6. 'That no structure of any kind be erected in the "panhandle" portj 24 concrete paving on proper base to prevent nuisances from dust a ,. 25 I! any lot so created.~ 26 11 27 I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to th Carlsbad City Counci1,for their concurrence or other action as they ma: 28 appropriate. 29 30 31 32 .. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the ll e 0 1 A YES: Commissioners Davis , Neisw ender 9 Kistler , Grant? Hughes 3 vote, to wit: 21 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on March 27, 1962, by the foil 4 NOES: None. 5 Jarvie and Ward. 61. ABSENT: None, 7 9 3.0 11 ATTEST: " 30 31 32 -2 -