HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-22; Planning Commission; Resolution 279~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If I I-g 20 1 l6 1 17 18 21 22 .2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 31 32 1 /j I I : j j 0 0 I I RESOLUTION NO. 279 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP OF EUREKA KNOLLS SUBBLYISICEN. ~~ ~- ~ ~~~~ ~ WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on Ja 1963, a tentative map of Eureka Knolls Subdivision, submitted by Max 0. owner and subdivider, located on property lying easterly of Eureka Placc between Basswood Avenue and Ghestnut Avenue, beirag a pQrtion of Optim NO. 2, portion of Block 2, Maps 514 and 2151 in the City of Carlsbad, Cc San Diego; WHEREAS, on January 22, 1963, the Planning Commission did consi tentative map as submitted, comprised of 6 lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did at that time take into consic the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies. NOW, THEREFORE p BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of Eur .. Knolls be approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision comes from the C City Water Department. 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision are connected to the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 3. The sewer and water lines are not laid in the same trench in any this subdivision. 4. Proper drainage is maintained throughoat the subdivision so as tc prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 5. One (1) standard six inch (6") fire hydrant shall be located at the Northeast corner of Eureka Place and "A" Street. 6. Size and shape of the parcel to be subdivided require substandard width to preserve existing Pots fronting on Eureka Place. Because the p way will serve only five (5) residences and carry limited traffic, it is sa factory as submitted with forty-two feet (42') minimum right of way, thil (30') curb to curb paved street width with cul-de-sac curb to curb diame. seventy-six feet (76l). e 0 1 7. Due to:the unusual circumstances and the unusual shape of the par 2 3 exception shall be granted to reduce the width on proposed Lot 1 from 70' 8. Because of previous development of the surrounding properties, 4 location of utility poles alon8 the rear lot lines is considered impractical 5 6 shall be placed in the street. issuance of building permits on any of the lots. 7 9. A grading pLan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior t ., . a 10. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans and specifi of the Citv of Carlsbad. 11. Street paving shall consist of two inches (2") of asphaltic concrete .. . stone chip seal coat laid on four inches (4") of decomposed granLte base. 12. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streets Concrete cross gutters shall be six feet (6') wide and located as required ewaSks shall be four feet (4') in width and located six inches (6l' 16 from the street right of way line. I 17 j 14. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices sha 18// installed. l9 I) 15. Six inch (6") diameter water main with standard fire hydrants and 20 water services shall be constructed to serve each lot. 21 appurtenances as required by the City shall be installed. One inch (1") cc 22 16. Eight inch (8") diameter sanitary sewer including required manholr .23 25 be constructed as required by the City. Pipe diameter may be reduced to 24 appurtenances with four inch (4") diameter service laterals for each lot SI inches (6") if the required minimum grade can be met. 26 17. Surface drainage of storm waters to Eureka Place will be satisfac 18. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as required 27 i 281 City standards. // 29 19. Alignment, location and grade of all improvements shall be subjec 30 31 approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans and specifications must be submitted as required for checking before construction of any improvemer 32 I commencedo I I 1 rt - i 2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 * r) 20. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office, Carlsbad, Ca with a copy of the final subdivision map. AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forward6 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the manner pr by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Gal 7 following vote, to wit; 8 City Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of January, 1963, by the 9 AYES: Commissioners Davis, Ward, Palmer, Jamie and Sonaaernan, 10 11 NOES: None. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Ewald. 12 ABSENT: Commissioner Grant. . .. -3- i/ i 11