HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 2921 11 il 1 a * @ RESOLUTION NO. 292 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING TWO "PANHANDLE" LOT SPLITS 31 ON PORTIONS OF LOTS 14 AND 15 fA.M.L5) ,OF A PORTION OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 6, T.12 S. R.4 W. S.B.M. 4 WHEREAS, JESSE 0. KINMAN did apply for a variance to allow a rec 5 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 6 8 property located on the northerly side of, Knowles Avesrae between Davis . 7 in front footage on two lots fmm 60' to 12 1/2' in order to create lot split 15 (A.M.65) of:a 'portion'.o.flth~.N..W., 1/4 of Section 6, T.12 S. R. 4 W. 2 9 and U, S. 101 Freeway, more particularly described as po:$iQim.of Lots I 10 in the City of Carlsbad; and 11 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did publish a leg: , 12 at 7:30 P.M; and 13 notice of hearing on April 11, 1963, of a hearing to be held on April 23, 1 I.4 I WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commission rece 15 parties who desired to be heard; 16 the recommendations, objections, protests and comments of all individua 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the request for said varj 18 property line of Lot 14 for the following reasons: 19 be granted with the "panhandle" lying parallel with and contiguous to the Y 20 3. That it conforms with the "Panhandle" Lot Split policy of the City 22 2. That it would not be injurious to. surrounding properties. 21 1. That it is the only possible method of utilizing the property. 23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the lot split be surveyed, and mom 24 Carlsbad. Ordinance No. 9136. 26 and street improvements constructed in KnowLes Avenue, in accordance y 25 27 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ca. 28 29 30 31 32 I I/ i I I 4 0 I 1 following vote, to wit: 2 City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of April, 1963, by the AYES: Commissioners Davis, Ward, Ewald, Palmer, Jarvie and 4 31 Sonneman. 5 8 7 ABSENT: Commissioner 6 NOES: None. 30 91 11 ATTEST: 94 23 ", 12 -.. l5 I 16 17 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Grant. {.'"",) (-? j :f ./&Lv & I i ? L/ .tnfG.tl. .' / i ./ Ghalrman -2 -