HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 290" e 0 I ll RESOLUTION NO. 290 2 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on 4 TENTATIVE MAP OF FALCON HILL UNIT NO'. 2 SUBDIVISIOP 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE 5 6 April 12, 1963, a tentative map of Falcon Hill Unit No. 2 Subdivision , su Sec. 32, T. 11 S. , R: 4 W., R.O..S. 4509 in the City of Carlsbad, and p 9 between Canon Street and Donna Drive,' said property being a portion W, 8 developer, located on property lying on the 'Northerly side of Basswood , 7 by Maureen McInemy Rorick, owner, and Kamar Construction Company 10 of Carlsbad Lands, Tract 124, Map 1661, R.O.S. 1709 in the City of Ca 11 County of San Diego; 12 WHEREAS, on April 23, 1963, the Planning Commission did adjourn .I3 14 meeting to May 14 , 1963, and at that time the Planning Commission did ( of the various City agencies and utility companies; 3.6 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the 15 the tentative map as submitted, comprised of 127 lots; and 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of Fa1 18 Unit No. 2 Subdivision be approved, .subject to the following conditions: 19 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall be supplied i 20 Carlsbad City Water Department. 21 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be sewered by t 22 ". 32 (dl The lot line of lots #47 and #48. 31 (c) The corner of Donna Drive and Elm Street. 30 (b) The lot line of lots #124 and #125. 29 [a) The Northeast corner of Sandy Drive and Falcon Drive. 28 5. One.(l) Standard six inch (6") fire hydrant shall be located at the ' 27 prevent ponding and/or storage of surfqce water. 26 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained through out the subdivision s 25 this subdivision. 24 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench in any 1 23 Carlsbad Public Sewer System. I e e - // I/ 1 2 3 4 (e} The lot line of lots #57 and #58. (f) The Southeast corner of Sandy Drive and Talon Street. (gj The Northeast corner of Sandy Drive and Monroe Street. (h) The lot line of lots #99 and #loo. 5 6. Six inch (6") diameter water main with standard fire hydrants and 6 appurtenances as requised by the City shall be installed, Eight inch (8"] 7 shall be constructed to serve each lot. 8 main shall be required €or Monroe Street. One inch (1") copper water se 9 7. Eight inch (8'') diameter sanitary sewer including required manho 10 appurtenances with four inch (4") diameter service laterals for each lot s 11 standards. 19 9. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as required 18 shall be subject to determination by the City Council. 17 Basswood Avenue. Detailed design and cost participation, if any, in this 16 A storm drain main shall be constructed in Monroe Street from Elm Aver 15 8. Storm waters shall be surface drained to Monroe Street and Elm i 14 the designations-are approved by the City Engineer. 23 may be reduced to six inches (6") if the required minimum grade can be 3 12 constructed as required by the City. Pipe diameter of various lateral m 20 10. Alignment, location and grade of all improvements shall be subjec 21 commenced. 23 submitted as required for checking before construction of any improveme 22 approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans and specifications must bc 24 11. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans and specif 25 drainage . 32 Concrete cross gutters shall be six feet (6') wide and located as required 31 13. Type "GI' concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streets 30 resulting from extra width and depth of pavement required for Elm Rvenu 29 City of Carlsbad shall reimburse the subdivider for the increment of cost 28 stone chip seal coat laid on four inches (4") of decomposed granite base. 27 12. Street paving shall consist of two inches (2") of asphaltic conrete 26 of the City of Carlsbad. /I - 2- I1 - A I. /I e 0 :I 1 I Ij 14. Sidewalks shall be four feet (4') in width and located six inches (6 2 the street right of way line. 3 15. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices sh 4 installed. 5 16. Proposed Lots 26-30, radiating around the loop of Sandy Drive a submitted, which have 10% or more area in excess of the required minim '7 goad land use planning and exception shall be permitted to reduce the reqt 8 lot frontage from sixty feet (60') to fifty feet (SO') at the front yard setbacl 6/ 9 17. The developer shall vary lot lines as necessary so as to cause all 10 to be a minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. , and the remaining lots to be a minimu. 3.2 shall vary lot lines as necessary so as to cause all lots in the area shadec 11 in the area shaded orange on Exhibit "A" to be a minimum of 9,000 sq.ft. 13 7,500 sq. ft. I1 14 18. The width of proposed local streets as submitted is satisfactory, 15 (4 Elm Avenue - Right of way width 84 feet, curb to curb width 64 16 the following through streets and arterials shall be established as follows: 17 (b) Canon Street - Monroe Street and Donna Drive - Right of way w: 18 -60€@di curb to curb width 40 feet. 19 19. (yo provide safe and adequate roadway for vehicular movement at s 20 intersections, property Line radii lengths should be increased as follows: 21 22 [a} At Elm Avenue and Donna Drive, proposed Lot 129, from 20' tc fb> At Elm Avenue and Monroe Street, proposed Lot 109, from 20' 23 24'Sandra Place", existing street names. A new name shall be submitted for 20. '?Sandy Drive" as a proposed street name conflicts with "Sandy Pla .Nith a copy of the final subdivision map. 31 23. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office, Carlsbad, Cali 30 issuance of building permits on any of the Lots. 29 22. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior 28 utility poles shall be placed in the street. 27 21. .Because of previous development of surrounding properties, locati 26 street. 25 32 -3 - )I I <'' '. I i I 9 3.1 by law. 3 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the manner px 2 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarc 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ca City Planning commission held on the 14th day of May, 1963, by the foil( vote; to wit: AYES: commissioners Davis, Ward, Ewald, Palmer, Jarvie and sol NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Grant. ". /-) ( ,,,? / /I ,i: ,;/ L/bL+f f.;' ~ (/Lq4,f4 /! Chalrman ATTEST: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I/ 27 28 29 30 31 32 I -4 - r " *. 1