HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-02-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 339I. II b r 1 e I) RESOLUTION NO. 339 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING .., . TENTATIVE MAP OF MONROE PARK SUBDIVISION. --. . , , ' !,. ' ' 3 COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE . .. .. 4 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on 5 8 corner of the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Monroe Street, more pi 7 Jay Lear , Inc., owners and subdividers, located on property on the Sout2 6 February 13, 1964, a tenkative map . .. of Monroe Park Subdivision, submlttt larly described as: 9 10 l1 i 1 12 13 14 15 Portion of TI.'aum. Lands, Tract 250, Map 1681 described as follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of the center line of County Avenut with the center line of Monroe Street; thence along said center line of Monroe Street, South 28' 39' East 433.98 feet to its intersection wit1 the center line of Magnolia Avenue; thence along said center Line of Magnolia Avenue; South 61' 21' West 406.51 feet to the most Easterly corner of the tract of land coweyed to William Boyes and Margaret B by deed dated May 25, 1925 and recorded June 8, 1925 in BSok 1095, 150 of Deeds, records of San Diego County; thence North 28 39' We: the Northeasterly line of said Boyes land, the prolongation of said lin 637.62 feet to point in the center lineoof County Avenue; thence along center line o B County A, enue North 87 57' 30" East 454.63 feet to th of beginning . 16 bears North 61O 21 East parallel with said center line of Magnolia AF EXCEPTING that portion thereof which lies Southeasterly of a line wh WHEREAS, on February 25, 1964, the Planning Commission did cons 19 205, Page 230, of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County; line of Magnolia Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad, being Parcel 24 , Bc 18 along said Southwesterly line North 28 39' West 165 feet from said c 17 from a point in the Southwesterly line gf the above described land disi 20 I 211/ the tentative map as submitted, comprised of 13 lots; and 22 /I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the ,2311 of the various City agencies and utility companies; 24 1 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the subdivision s( 32 this subdivision. 31 3, Sewer and water Lines shall not be laid in the same trench in any 30 Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 29 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be sewered by i 28 Carlsbad City Water Department. 27 1. AI1 domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall be supplied 26 Park Subdivision be approved, subject to the following conditions: 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of Mon i i i 1 I I ,e B t il 1 'prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 2 5, One (1) standard six inch (6") fire hydrant shall be located at the 3 Southwest corner of Chestnut Avenue and "A" Street, 4 6. The proposed reduction in radius of right of way turning circle fro] 5 therefore, it shall be approved as submitted. 6 fifty feet (50') to forty-four feet (44') is satisfactory for small. subdivision, 7 7. Location, grade and deta%ls of proposed improvements as indicated 8 g Ithe tentative map will be subject to revision as required for improvement; and approval of the map shall not imply acceptance as submitted. 10 8. Because of the irregular shape of the subdivision and location of e> 11 utility poles, location of utility poles shall be placed in the street. 12 9. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior tc 13ciissuance of building permits on any of the lots. unless native material is approved for base by the Engineering Departmen 18 chip seal coat laid on six inches (6") of decomposed granite base, or equal 17 11. Street paving shall consist of two inches (2") of asphaltic concretc 16 of the City of Carlsbad. 15 10. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans and specif 14 /I 19 12. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed inAU street 20 21 Concrete cross gutters shall be six feet (6') wide and located as required j drainage e 22 13, Sidewalks shall be four feet (4') in width and located six inches (6' .23 shall be constructed as required by the City. Pipe diameter may be reduc 31 and appurtenances with four inch (4") diameter service laterals for each 1( 30 16, Eight inch (8") diameter sanitary sewer including required manho 29 water services: *all be ap- to serve each lot. 28 appurtenances as required by the City shall be installed. One inch @") co' 27 15. Six inch (6") diameter water main with standard fire hydrants an 26 installed. 25 14. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices sh; 24 from the street right of way line. I 32 I six inches (6") if the required minimum grade can be met. I i -2 - i I1 r: I 0 m t il I 1 2 17. Surface drainage of storm waters to Chestnut Avenue will be satj 18. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as require4 3 City Standards. 4, 1% Alignment, location and grade of all improvemenix shall be subj 5 with a copy of the final subdivision map. g 20. The subdivider shall furnish the U, S. Post Office, Cark$bad, G< 8 commenced. 7 submitted as required for checking before construcaon of any improveme 6 approval. of the City Engineer. Complete plans and specifications shal1 b 10 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forward! 11 12 the City Counc%I, of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the manner px by law. 13 i i i PASSED., APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ca: 14 15 1 City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of February, 1964: by the ABSENT: None. 19 NOES: None. 18 Sonneman. 17 AYES: Commissioners Davis 9 Ward, Grant, Palmar, Jarvie , Lamb 16 foUowing vote, to wit: 201 21 22 ci ./-? ;. ,.,-.- I ,&/ l3r.u ?T/ dJ@. , // &/&y/*: +; JO'HN' T. PALMER, Chairmar ,. ~ I'. r 27 28 2g! ::I\ 32 1 11 li i .. ,- -3-