HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 349I c I 4 I!) c, @ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO', 349 2 A RESOLUTIQN (GRANTING~E] A CONDITIONAL I USE PERMIT ON PROPERTY AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER 3 OF GHESTNUT AND MONROE STREETS. 4 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 9060, the PLannir: and the building of a new church on real property in the City of Carlsbad: 8 use permit to allow remodeling the existing house for temporary use as a 7 consider the application of the Pilgrim Gongreg&tioPal Church €or a cwdi 6 CommissioJn did on April 14, 1964 t hold a duly noticed public hearing to 9 of San Diego, State of California, commonly known as the Northeast Corn! 10 Chestnut Avenue and Monroe Street, and more particularly as: 11 i 12 I 13 1 I-4 i 15 Portion of Tract 255, Thum Lands, Map 1681, in the City of Carlsbac Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Ch%stnut Avenue (County Avenue) and Monroe Street; thence North 8T 57' 30'' E2st 233.55': thence North 28' 39'00'' yest 421.63'; thence South 6T 2.1' 01 West Za8.81 feet; thence SouYI 28 39' 08" East 317.03 feet to the poi of beginning, EXCEPTIbTG THEREFROM the most Southerly 30 feet a the mast Westerly 30 feet for public right of way; 1 WHEREAS, at said Fabric hearing? upon hearing and considering the testi 16 17 I and arguments, if ary, of all persoaS who desired to be heard, said Corn] purpose of Ordinance No. 906% 19 of a conditional use permit necessary to carry out the provisions and gent 18 did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the (granting/ 20 3. That it will be zm improve-& and benefit the City. 22 2. That it is desirable to have the church in the City of Carlsbad. 21 1. That there were no objections. .2 3 24 25 4 27 28 29 I 32 I 11 i il I/ 30 31 4. That it does not conflict with the overall plan. 3 : e 1 I 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 39 20 21 22 .2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i I , I 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the of Carlsbad that it does hereby (grantm a conditional use permit on sai property for the purpose of remodeling the existing house for temporary us a church and the building of a new church on real property in the City of Ca on the following conditions and limitations: 1. Existing dwelling, upon being remodeled to be used as a temporary shall maintain its present residential appearance. The existing trees and scaping associated with the existing dwelllng shall be maintained in its pre form o'r equivalent as long as the building exists. 2. The dwelling shall meet all the requirements set forth in the City a State building laws. 3. All existing structures shall be examined by the Fire Chief of the City of Carlsbad prior to the use of existing building for a temporary chur and shall conform to all requirements of the Fire Chief. 4. The off-street parking r,equirements shall be one for each Si= fixe or if there are no fixed seats, then one for each 100 square feet of floor s' for assembly purposes. All exits €or both the temporary and permanent ( shall be from Monroe Street. Proposed parking lots shall be improved to City Engineer's standards so that all surface waters originating on said PI and all water that may flow onto said property shall be disposed of down s exits onto Monroe Street. 5. Front yard setbacks shall be 20 feet. No buildings shall be erecte in 10 feet of either rear property line. 6, Sidewalks, parkways, curbs, and gutters shall be installed on Mol Street and curbs and gutters on Chestnut Street by the time of completion permanent church per specifications of the City Engineer,. 7. Construction of the permanent church must be started within 24 IT: from date of granting of this permit. 8. The permit and construction privileges granted apply solely to the applicant, his vestee or agent in said construction and these privileges a: transferable without the express permission of the City Planning Commi5 32 (j I I I I I IC -2 - 1 t 3 - -, I1 b * f * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 9~ 10 PASSFD.,!.BP3?ROV,EP, AED .ADQPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsb City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of April, 19 6 by the following vote 8 to wit: AYES: Cornrnissioners Davis, Ward, Grant, Palmer, Jarvie and Lan NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Sonneman. i 1 .q Ij /“? /) / J :..“1-/i ,:i >&A&- t’I ;? &.( #>‘i : :L / ,A :+, 2. 2.fJ & J,OHW T. PALMER, Chairman i; ! ,; , .q Ij /“? /) / J :..“1-/i ,:i >&A&- t’I ;? &.( #>‘i : :L / ,A :+, 2. 2.fJ & J,OHW T. PALMER, Chairman i; ! ,; , I I’ b/’ -3 - 4 t I) ,' * i f .._ .. . .... ... -. ___s - "- C"" Jar;"" w e. ".I. 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