HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 355I" 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 355 A RESOLUTION (GRANTING&~X"€G~A VARIANCE ON PROPER? ANT~UU"A~ DlFw UHIPJL. AT NORTH SIDE OF OCEAN STREET BETWEEN GARFIELD STRE WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060, the Planning Commission did on April 28, 1964, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of Kamar Construction Company, Inc. for a variance for the purpose of reduction in front yard setback from 20 feet to 14 feet, on real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly known as North side of Ocean Street between Garfiel Street and Mountain View Drive , and more particularly as: Portion of Lot "A" of Granville Park No. 2, Map 2037, and those portions of Ocean Avenue and Mountain View Drive , according to Map 1782 in the City of Carlsbad; being Parcel 4, Book 203 9 Page 010 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County, more particularly describe on Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the (granting,hxxka&of a variance necessary to carry out the provia and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1. That there are exceptional conditons of topography and street curva affecting the property. 2. That by reason of the provisions hereof the variance applies only t corners of proposed buildings and not to their entire fronts. 3. That granting of variance would not injure the public welfare. 4. That granting of this variance will not conflict with the comprehenr general plan. 5. That the proposed use is the highest and best use of the property. i e e NOW, THERFFBRE, BE IT PXSOLVFD by the E3zn.nb"g Commission of the City of CarlsSad that it does hereby (gz-zntw a va~i-znce on said property for t>-e purpose sf reduction in front yard setback from 20 feet to 14 feet, on the fo!.J.owing conditions and likni-tz-tions: That the variance herein granted shall be only to the extent shown on the plot plan attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and by this refe~enee incorporated haein, and shall not allow the placement of buildings other than as shown thereon. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Car&+a City Planning Commission held on the 28th day of April, 1' by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Ward, Grant, Palmer and Lamb. NOES: None ABSENT: None. -!/ /i J - J-:& ,I &/ /- -. li t t- - ;;& &7 /+LA[ 1' I JOm T. PALMER, Chairman ATTEST: k.' /K& a? 4 Secretary -2- 1L i 1s 0 ,# * i t i A1 I that port ton caf Lot "A'$ eQ CWVi LLE PA &@. 2 0 a&mPd3 @g to tk3p th@m?G,? 5b. p..Ti''c: &S$ s In the Office of the County WWQT~~W SB %m 01- County, &RSS 18, i927; ~~~~~~~,~ %sPP; pQrtIwrsf kea0 Street {fomrly Laguna Drive) awd bnta!a Ww Drive, as sh,? it I GfUNVIOCE PARK, asccsrdllng %e bbp thereof Ms. 1782, Filed in the 06FFea of the County 1 of sard Sm Dlege County, February 21 p 1924, ell being in the 61ty of LBf'jsbad9 hmt! $an Qlsgo, State of California, described as a nblo! os follows: begfnning at a polnt in the Easterly line of Wourrtetn Wlw Isrive as skown on said bp 1782, said polnt being on a curve, concave Easterly, kravtng a radius of 268.03 feat, line through satd point bears North 58'14'45' East; tbnce Northerly along. raid clfwa through a central angle of 12'59'27'' an arc distance of 60.77 feet; thence taprgeRrpt to last mentioned curvo, North 18°15148i~ Llest, 165.00 feet; thence Wth 86'15'50" V.Bt f-t; thee *th 32'21 '40'' Ebbt, 315.00 foat to 8 point 8n the kWthW'ly 1Dn0 Of h Drive, r8td PC??;? %eIng in a curve, concave Southwesterly, having 8 redius of 190.98 a rad181 lint L+:.J-, .h said polnt bears South 1'08'20'' &st; thonce Swtheaster1y rlor last menti ::teO : 'r~e, through a central angle of 4'31'25", an arc dtstencs of i!j,OO 1 to the beginnln::: - a reverse curve. concave Northerly, having a radius of 587.95 fa theme Easter,'iy &long the tart mentioned curve, through a ce~tra\ angle of 22'19'S5" arc dtrtance of 229.16 feat; thence tangent to the last mentioned curve, Worth 73.19 fast, 25.33 feet to the bagtnn1ng of a tangent curve, amcave brthmstarly h.vInq a of 183.88 feet; thence Northeasterly along the last mentioned curve, through a curtr, of 37'06'2041 en arc distance of 119.08 feet to the bqfnnlng of a reverse curve, ton hthorly, having a radlus of 65.00 feet; thence Easterly and Soutbarter1y ai mentioned curve, through a cantr8l angle of il2'O1'I5'', un arc dlrtance of 127, 3 ;: point of beginning. I I I 'W