HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-08-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 370I e e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 370 A RESOLUTION DENYING APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3 and R-1-7500 TO C-1 ON PROPERTY AT SOUTHERLY SIDE OF TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN PI0 PIC0 DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 y the P1: Commission did on August 1% 9 1964, hold a duly noticed public hearing tc consider the application of Kamar Construction Company, Incorporated fl a change of zone from R-3 and R-1-7500 to C-1 on real property in the C, Carlsbad, County of San Dj-ego y State of California y commonly known as t Southerly side of Tamarack Avenue between Pi0 ?co Drive and Adams St and more particularly as: Portion of Thum Lands, Tract 237, Map 1681, Record of Survey 285: the City of Carlsbad, being Parcel 8 of Book 206, Page 050 of the A5 Map of San Diego County, more particularly described on Exhibit ā€œAā€™ attached hereto. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which r the denial of the application for change of zone necessary to carry out th provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1. That at the present time there is no need for such a zone in this neighborhood. 2. That the City should not zone an afea where they cannot control t: b uilding s and plantings . 3. That the property owners on the east and south of the property pā€™ to be rezoned would be unduly hurt by the rezone. 4. That the streets bounding the area proposed to be rezoned are no presently wide enough to handle the more intensive use which is propose I ~ NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission ~ City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny the application for change of z 1 said property. I I I s a 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 11th day of August, 1964, by the following vote * to wit: AYES: Commissioners Palmateer , McCarthy, Sutherland and Freistz NOES: Commissioners Lamb and McComas. ABSENT: Commissioner Grant. *. {: / .? ' ':i ,: J R i "?I *, i I : ? ,! ST "+{e. : J. I. ' : . i' .!+fi/,i ( q,/dJ/&l /., 1 ." i'. j ; '9 ,.,- I I :.' i:; . , .. j 3 r,' c ,(- RLA~ .i/ , Chalrman - ATTEST: -2- w w Tbt portlea of follaoia(l: dwcplbd laad bot jnjrdf #ad C-1 pmm In ; ~f;f~utportionoi~~P7oP~W1DB,inth.~t~ofSIlrMe(p, State of ~~ornh, me- to Map thereof So. la, fUd in tho Oftyae of the Cm%y RueorUer of ufd SIIl Mew Countr, krkr 9, l9lS, dutxQmcl a@ 8 .L, ob0 infffnotion Qf ti&* eaator usbe of UIllr stw udl tho ek Avamo; dbam ciloa(l dd wstex Una of Tvulrck Amma, Saut& &I0 20'49 Wee 515.31 f- to tho m0.t lorth.rlg cent- of land domr5M in ParceP 2 of tbe RdAncpAulna& to tb. City ot Carlabad, ne~rdd Yw 26, 1% ab Doamamt Roo W# h Ebk $W, p~g~ 91 Of mU -dm) th-0 Jtaag of &aid met 237; fhrw. 8lm# uid "V ab., llsrth mS Of rJd kid, mt$ m" m' nu && s.00 fO8% to f8e hd b 8 - a#%& -* 8db &.' at 15' && st Itodhor3j wmar e5 lrrid Fncrt Z37t #-e 1" saolth 2%. 39' U" EEut 68.00 bU&j ant. SaAtb 4' a' 30" kt 49.24 faett thmea'kth 61' 20' 45. Ytot 160eO0 ?a to 111 Oab~w WQth the acter~l~ Uno of the riorrroltiaod lrnd der4flkd La rJd RoUn@daont te tha aty sf CarbW~ tbroce w rrM 1L.t.rlJr -0, sartsr 32' 27' 32" && tot the barn Of 8 -m 1960 00 fO@bP&h# M -9 ctQtd.l, t.krEJI, ad %mhesu m tho m Of rsld cpp11, d8 0 btm8OUbh wftb a0 Sartbnrf- dy pmloxL&atica at tho SeeslhrutU4 uao si ZIld b" in dad to ha7 L* W!LlUte, recordad Julru;rg 26,1948 I Pm 109 et ornu -@I th-8 iloag OYJd tlaatb- .Utor4 Ilne lkth 61' a' Eut to upd .Ifaaa OM4 8mthamt.rly mo, to a. - cmter Uno oi tha &mmtkrod Mma St-; thw - mSd aatrr u#r, lbdh 28' 39' MWt 405e71, t.rt to tho Pobat Of -* ~~~po*"~~~.pudoi88l$~337dworlibdu fo3;lbarro &~at8pcklnfaolth,catc#~~oi~~lirmrr,uddb$u#t thn, sarrfh 6l' 21' Ueot dfrrtmca ob We17 f.d ikar it. iPLf" dtb tho aatar Uno of ddrapr Strertj thaO+,iha% w we e- Iln, of Tm Amma, soerth 61" 2l' We& 1orl.fl fCntj, Uaneo scrdh so 99' k#t rc65.'7& faat; tbac. krth 61' 91' BeJt w.37 fwt; thmca lsrfb a. 39' ma 405.7& ?8& tu the Point Of -0 L /; L' c- c' /,J * ud "4 " \ 1.