HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-10-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 376I 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3-0 13. 12 13 3.4 15 16 17 3.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 9/ Ir RESOLLrTION i4O .. 376 .. A RESOLUTION 3F THE CARLS'BAD C1,TY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOi'4MENDING APP.ROVAL 'OF THE TENTATI'VE MAP 'OF BONITA VALLEY SUBDIVISION. .. WHEREAS, the Car!sb.ad City, Planning Commission did receive September. 29, ,1964, a tentative map of Bonita Valley Subdivisio submitted by Robert L. Watson, .owner and subdivider, located on property on the Easterly side of Vall.ey. Street, between Oak .Ave and Valley Pl.ace'$ more particularly described as: Portion of lots,' 32 ar~d.' 33., Patterson's Addition to Carlsba Map No.. 565, ,Carlsbad, California, be'ing Assessor's Parcel 5,' 6 and 7 -of Book, 205, .Page' 08.0 .of the Ass.e.ssor's Nap .of Diego County; .WHEREAS, .the Planning Commission did consi.der the tentativ as submitted, comprised of 16 lcts;. and WHEREAS, ,the Planning Commission did take into considerati the reports of the various City agencies' and utility companie's; NOW, THEREFORE, ,BE IT RESOLVED th.a't the' tentative. map of Bonita Valley Subdivision be approved, .subject to the followi?: conditions: 1: All domestic water supplied to this .subdivision s-hall supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Departmeit. 2.: A71 buildings constructed' in this su.bdivision shall bc by the Carlsbid Public Sewer System. .' 3 .. Sewer and water 1 ines' s.hal1 not be laid in the same tu in any part of this subd.ivision. : 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the sut division so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface.wai 5. One (.l..) stanaard six inch. '(6:") fire hydrant sh.all be located at the lot line -of lots No.: 2 and No. 3 '.on Valley Strec 6.' The cul-.de-sac .radius shall. be forty-eight :fe&.(48l) 7.' All distribution utility, facilities within the bounda .of the. su.bdivisisn shall be placed. underground with utility ea ' tw.elve feet (.l',Z:') in width provided for as required by ordinan I l e e 1 I1 8. . Ornamen'tal stree.t 7i.ghting shall be provided for as re( 2 by. ordinance'. I1 9.' A grading plan shall. be..submitted as requ,ired 'by. ordin; prior to issuance of building permits on any of the 'lots: 10. Lo'cation, grade and details .of proposed improvements F indicated upon the tentative map will be 'subject. to revisTons .a: required for improvements .plans, and approval :of the map will nc imply a'cc'eptance as -submitted.. 11.. The:subdivider shall submit a name for "A" Street as s .I 2.'. . A1 1 improvements -sh.all comply with the Standard Plans .. specifications ,of the City of Carl.sbad. ,13.' Street paving sha.11. consi-s.t"of two .inches' (2;") of asph concrete with stone ch'ip sea.1 ciat laid on four inches (4:") of l4 decomposed. granite base. 15 14.. Type "G" co'ncrete .curb and gutter'shall be installed i 16 streets. Concrete 'cr'oss. gutters shall be six feet (6:") wide and I!7 //located' as required. for drainage. I8[j .15. Sidewalk. shall be .four feet' (4:'.). in width and located 19/linches -(GI[) .from the street right' of way line. 20(/ 16. Six inch' '(6:") diameter water main with Standard fire h! 21/jand appurtenances. as required 'by th.e City sha-71. be 'installed. Os 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 inch (1':") co.pper water service.s shall be constructed to serve eac ,17.: Eight inch (8,".) diameter sanitary sewer i'ncluding requ.. nanholes and appurtenances with 'four inch (4:"-) diameter service laterals for each lot shall be constructed as required by the Cil sDipe diameter may be red'uced to six inches (6:") if required minip grade can be met. 18:' All required' street name signs, barricades and safety evices shall be installed. 11 19.' Surface drainage :of storm waters to. Valley Street will 31 lfatisfactory. 3% -. 2 .- I I 0 a 1 required ,by Ci'ty st'andards .) 2 20. Survey monuments and street trees.shal1 be installed i 311 27. Alignment, .,Tocation and grade of all .improvements sha' be subject to approval of the' City Engineer'. Complete plans ant specifications must be subm'itte'd as required. for check'ing befort construction .of any improvement is commenced. 22.' The approval of the .ten'tat.ive map shall be contingent upon sewer se:rvice beipg availabl'e to the subdivision. 23.' The ,subdivider sha.11 furnish the U. S.' Post Office, Carlsbad, California, with a' co'py of the final subd'ivisi.on map. AND F1MAL.L.Y' RESO.LVED, that a copy of this .reso,lution be fol to the City Council .of th.e Ci-ty of Carlsb.ad for its .attention in ma.nner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetiFg of the Ca Is City Planning Commission held. on the 13th day of .Octobe'r, 1964,. 1' .the, following. vote,'.to wit: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ATT'EST : ,AYES: Commissioners Grant, Sutherland, Lamb and Freistadt. NOES:' None. ABSENT::Commissioners Palmateer, 1ulcCar.thy and McComas. - 3 ..- 11