HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 387I t I I! 3.3 14 15 16 317 18 ' 0 e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO,, 387 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-6 TO C-2 ON PRO- PERTY AT 841 AND 869 TAMARACKAVENJE, ON BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND STATE FREEWAY XI-SD-2B. .. THE StOUTIlERLY SIDE OF TAMARACKAVEPJUE _I_ . ,. . WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 9060, the P ning Commission did on February 9, 1965, hold a duly noticed public hea to consider the application of ARTHUR C.' MORGAN AND DOROTHY D, MORGAN, for a change of zone from R-1-6 to C-2' on real property in th of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly known : 841 and 869 TAMARACK AVENUE', ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF TAM RACK AVENUE BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND STATE FREEWA X-SD-2B. and more particularly as: That portion of Tract 2 37 of Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, Count, San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 1681, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County, December 9, 1915, E ed by a line described as follows: Beginning at apoint in the center line of Tamarack Avenue, distant there( North 61"16*23" east .155.00 feet from the intersection of said center line the centerline of Jefferson Street, as. shown on said map;' thence continui north 61"16*23" east 194.10 feet to a point in the boundary of the land des in deed to the State of California, recorded March 25, 1952 in Book 4413 494, Document No. 36930 of Official Records; thence along the boundary said State land south 28443r3?r* east 30.00 feet to the northwesterly line c 237; thence from a tangent whic.h bears south 78"28*07" east along a curv the right with a radius of 100.00 feet through an angle-of 47"31*37" a dist 82.95 feet; thence south 30"52T40" east 62.67 feet to the mokt northerly c of Lot 7 of Harbor Park, according to map thereof No. 3310 filed in the ( of the County Recorder of said County, September 12, 1955; thence along boundary'of said Harbor Park south 61"21T west 232.09 feet to an angle F therein; thence North 28°.39140" west '165.00 feet to the point of beginning EXCEPTING therefrom the northwesterly 30.00 feet of the ab.ove descrik parcel. WHEREAS, .at said public hearing,. upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make approval of &e application for change of zone necessary to carry out the visions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1, That this zone change appears to be in the best interests of the pt and is the highest and best use of the land involved. a I i\ * 0 I" 3 2, That it appears to be compatible with the recommendations of the 2 Ciazensz Committees for the use and zoning of this area. 3 3. That there is a need for this type of commercial zoning adjoining thf 4 freeway. NOWa, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission o commend to the City Council the ado] 0 changing the zone from R-1-6 to C' PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carl City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of March, 1965, by the foll AYES: Commissioners Palmateer, Grant, Sutherland,, McComas and NOES: Commissioner Lamb. ABSENT: Commissioner McCarthy. Freistadt. -2 -