HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-05-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 397t I I 6 0 $ 1 1 :RESO:LU'TI'ON :NO ." '3.4.7. t .. .. . .. . .. .. A RESDLU'T,.I.DN OF .TH'.E %ARLSBA.D CITY; PL'ANNING COMMISSI'DN .RECOMMEND'ING. APPRWAL- 'O~F .THE .. . . TENTATIVE NAP '0F"GRECOURT 'TERR'ACE' :SUBDfVI'SJ.'ON. I. -~. .. .WHE'R'EAS .. ,: ,the Carl sba'd CYty P1 a'nni ng C,ommi ss.i on di d. .rece:'ive Apr.i 1: 26,'. :19.6.!5; .a tenta'tive map :of .Greco'urt Terrace' :'Subd.iv.jsi.on submitted' ,by: Howard PI. .. .Baumgartne.r. and J: B.: .Tr.aye.r., ,own.ers, ,an Howard M. Baumgartner, .,su.bd;i vi der',. ,l:ocated on .proper,ty' on the: .. S,obth.e'r'ly si.de .of Magno1.i.a :Avenue,' be.tw,eenn Adams Street and, Yve Way,. more .'parti.cu'l a.rly. de.s'c-r'i bed: as:' ... That portion ,.of: .Tr.:act' No ..I .241:,, T.i?'uix La'nds 9' Map rllo .. 1681- in ,the. City :of Ca.rl s,b.a'd, Coun.tyy: ,of .Sah Diego, ,State. .of .Cal.iforni"a; be.'ing, Ass.e.s's.or's..,Pa:rcels. :12-:and '13.',.of Bo'ok .'accord.ing to. the: ass,essm.ent, rol 1, ;of .the.: fiscal, year 19,6,4-.1 96.5. :of .Sari Diegb C.ountyy;, ' NHEREAS,' ,th,e. P1a.nning Commiss,i-.on did consider .the tentatij : .20,5.,: ,Pa.ge. 280 -;of .th.e 8ss.e-ss.o.r's Map -of San .Di ego C.ounty ,' , .. .. 15 lnap as subriitt'ed, ,cornpri se.d :of .1 2. '1 otsy and, 2.6 WHEREAS, .the'. 'Pknning Commi ss,ion did. take. .into: considerat- a7 18 the 'reports :of .the'. vari:ous City agen'cies' and uti1 ity: companie's NOW,' .TH.€R.E.FORE , 'BE .'IT. .RESOLVED. .tha't the tentat,ive map of .. 19 : conditi.oris:. 20 Gkecourt .Te'.rrace' Subdivi si.on be. 'a.ppr.oved', .,su,bj'ect' to' the .foll.o, .. . .. .. 23. 1 : A1 1.. .domestic wate'r: :su.ppl i,ed'.' to .this: :.subd.ivi si.on sh,a.l 1 22 .supplied ,by the' Ca:rlsb.ad City Water Department.' 23 : 2 .'. ' A1 1. .bui 1 dings' constrtrct'ed. in .th.is. subd:ivisi.on sh.al 1 b 24 scwe'red by the Car1sb.a.d .Publ.i.c 'Sewer' System. ,' 3 .'. Sewe'r' and. wa.ter. 1 ines' :s-h.a'l 1. not be; .l al d .i I-. .th,e' same t -in a.ny ,part ,of th'is :subd.ivisi,on. ,' 4 .. Proper .drainage .shd 1. .be. maintained' .thr.ought th,e: .su.bc so' as to: prevent ponding and/o,r sto'r?ge of su:.rface' water'. I 5. .'One (q'.), st.a'ndard six i'nch' "(6;";)- fire hydrant shall. .be 1'oca'te.d at th'e'. co'rner. .of Magnol.i'a .Avenue and Grecb'urt ,Way. ,' 6 .( .A1 1 di stri.bu.ti-on. uti 11'ty. faci 1 iti'es: v1ith-i n the b.o.undl ,of .the' .su.bdivisi-on shal 1. .be. 'placed' underground as requ,i.red. by' !I , ,. I1 I a e I ordinance .' 7.:. O.rnamenta1 street .lighting shall be -pr.ovided for as requi red by' ordinance'. 8. A grading plan shall .be .submitted as required: by. ordin prior to issu.ance':bf :building permits..on any of th'e' lots. 9.. L'o'cation, grade and details of -propose.d improvements a indicated' upon the tenta'tive map wil 1 'be :subj'ect' to rev'isi.ons a required for impr.ovement plans;. ,and approval ,of .th'e map will. .no imply acc'e'ptance' as -subm.itted'. 10. All improvements sha.ll'.:comp,ly with the: standard plans 3.1 spec,'ifications .of-the City .of Carlsb.ad. E I 11. Street paving sh.al1: consist .of two (.2,). inch'es of aspha 3.3 1' concrete with stone 'ch'ip seal coat laid on four '(4,). i'nche's ,of .. 3.4 15 16 57 18 19 20 21 22 1 decomposed granite base. .12. Ty.pe I'G" concrete .curb and. gutt,er sh.a.11 .be installed i a1 1 streets:. Concret'e cr'oss: gutters .sha.l 1 be six (.6,), feet wide located as requ.ired for drainage.. . .. . ,13.'. Sidewalks shall be four (a,): feet' in wi'dth and l'ocated. six '(6,) .inch.es .from the Magnolia--Avenue 'st.reet' right. of way lin and sidewa1k.s in Greco'urt -La.ne .sh.a'll' 'be four (4.); feet' in width l'oca'ted conti:guous to th.e .curb. ~ .14.: 'All requi.red street na:ne signs; barricades and safety 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 dev.i ces ;shall. be 'i ns tal 1.ed. 15.. . Six ..(.6,) inch' diameter wate'r main .shall be installed in Grecourt Way. One .(.l',) 'inch' io'pper water services .sha.'l 'I be cons ted' to serve e'ach' '1 ot: 16.. ' Ei.ght (8.). inch' .diameter' sanitary sewer i'ncl'uding requi manho.1e.s and .appurtenances. with four '(4.). inch diameter service laterals. for each' lot sha'll .be' const,ructed as .req.uired' by the C Pipe diameter may be red'uce'd' to six (8,) inche's :if required. mini grade ca'n be met. ' ,17..' Surface. drainage of sto'rm waters will be satisf'actory. -. 2 .- t I 0 e ~ 1 18.. 'Su.rvey' monuments. and 'striet..trees shall be installe( re.quired by' City Standards. . 19.' A1 ignment, locati'on and. grade of all improvements .SI be .subject' .t~ .th,e ,~,#Qicial..grade 'of Magnolia Av.enue as per' Ci Carlsbad Improvement Plan and Profiles', Proj'ec't' 3-'41:; Drawing No. 140.-.9 .and to the' approval of the. City Eng.ineer'. Compl e'te 'and specifica'ti.ons must .be submitted' as re:quired for ch'ec.king before construct'i'on of any .impr.ovement is' cornmrinced'. .. .. .. .' 20. 'The subdivider shall: :'furnish. .the' U.' S. Post.Qffice', Carlsbad, Cal.ifornia, with a co'py -of the.: 'fina.1 subdivision ma AND FINALLY' RESOLVED, ,tha't a co'py .of this reso,lution be forwarded to the City Council .of the. City. of Carlsbad, for its attention in the' manner. prescribed by law. .. PASSED, APPROVED AND.'ADOPTED at 'a regular meeting .of the' Carlsbad City Pknning Commission he'ld on th,e 11th day of May .. 1965; by the foll'owing vote',. .to wi't: AYES: Commiss,ioners .Palmateer., \McCart,hy., ..Grant, Suth'erl; : La'mb,' McComas and Freista'dt. NOES:. None. ABSENT: . None. .. ATT.EST : - 3 "