HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-05-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 398c 1) 4b PlAflMING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 398 A RESOLUTION GRANTING-VARIANCES ON PROPERTY BETWEEN 2373. AND. 2381 JEFFERSON 'STREET. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 Planning Commission did on May 25, 1965, hold a duly noticed p hearing to consider the application of ROBERT A. AND MERRY J.B for variances for the purpose of reduction in the required lot from 6000 square feet to 4000 square feet, and reduction in re yard setback from 16 feet to 0 feet, on real property in the C Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly k as property between 2373 and 2381 Jefferson Street, and more p 13 14 15 16 a7 18 19 Portion of Tract 2,. Laguna Mesa Tracts, in the City of Carlsbad; being Assessor's Parcel 15, Book 155, Page 180 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County according to thl assessment roll of the fiscal year 1964-1965 of San Diego County; more particularly dzscri bed on Exhibit "A" attach1 hereto; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside the testimony and arguments9 if any, of all persons who desirel heardg said Commission did find the following facts and reason: exist which make the granting of variances necessary to carry ( provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1. That the variance is necessary for the preservation 01 substantial property right possessed by other property in the : 2. That the rugged physical contour of the property is ex tional for an R-3 zone and the open area of thG Lagoon does prc ight and air typically furnished by the rear yard setback and 3. The yeduction of rear yard setback is necessary to all depth of building area whfch is now possessed by 0th n the same vicinity but which is denied to the proper " I1 1. '1) 6 t I/ i 1 4. Inclusion of the recommendations listed below will pr 2 for a less detrimental use of the prope,rty than is allowed at 3 4 preserct. 5. The, graniipg of such variance will not adversely affe 5 the comprehensive general plan. 6/ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissioc 7)) the City of Carlsbad that it does he.reby, grant variances on sa €i 9 property for the purpose of reduction in the required lot area 6000 square feet to 4000 square feet, and reduction in rear ya lo setback from 16 feet to 0 feet, on the following conditions and 1' 1 im? tations: I l2 I 1. In addition to the one parking space now required per 13/ dwelling unit, an additional parking space per unit shall be r ''I 151 exception that the additional parking will be allowed in the s meeting all the code requirements for required parking with th /I 16jl yard setbacic. 17 /I II 2. Only one means of ingress and egress 22' wide maximum l8 19 be allowed from Jefferson Street. No garage, carport or requi 20 parking space shall face upon Jefferson Street, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 21 22 .2 3 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of May, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Palaateer, Grant, McComas and Freist, HOES: Commissioners McCarthy, Sutherland and Lamb. ABSENT: None. a I i' 25 26 27 28 29 ATTEST: I I II i I -2 If - \E -w p&&p** I1 -,^' ' rz I / !#:\at lertctau W ef -* 21 fhb Glty UP "9 -w i:,%I 1 p s..xrr.E,t . raaarrlA,rJcE w - In we Off%# of - -* &lS3 (L po~bm or QU"= -* 1wrrrQljl w Gaunt$ m a- ~bp. l~* b~rg -w Y -t 130s- at W "Wblan *f * " 'irw *' '! S-rt, & f.at ui4., - avlnr on - - - ** 943, ox aaia -nap 1%- or *a- ~a -* %*we m*t l.gy5 feet3 th;+a8e - 29'44' -** 53.w -* * - we 2ot;at or kem~~g - m 3 ?P9' Ma* ~9~9' rmoj -nclcl, SaLup ~ed*a' mt 670s -* m a mint w k:Ul,sbd mad, vaatsd, U&th w w*rw 1- Of '*'" filed Ln the 3ffia8 Qf tbS mm* e,- -tJ; *- \. -1 +&& arc OL" a 430 foot maw a- --- -w=4 1P - - ~ h'oag,prly 1%- Of J8ff8- awe*# a -a I- Of '.id {T) # ' /I oUI"v1 L+wn dhur &-37*50* best rr m ipo5att y-rruar ! t /# I '%. 8abh.r4 rtcyr .arid mrrc~ I;r9.pS it w ra, IkrS-4 "+ of +rid -nut uleql! dkrrrth npz*%* VCIJIlL &r?,.chb$ CL feet w tha SM wht cr( -a. L ', uC*P*a th.* p3r- d8rrssl.iM 8 f70&*8 j I auma 48.w ' of b". I b tbarr+t ;BeuuI pmG# 2t 3 I .- 8, p krrtaaama*" -.p.rrL.-&Vm","mlauF. "llyklllCDIjs krrrru.l -awxQ- sr;lu & aud rryL kW - m *all-# 0 P. wb-* a* - Of#t-Qrrwrt+r4 w, * IrmS 1 thrsnm km 3*W'' &88 flCq mb) ml8!l&vkn* dm' b@a*R'aY h 8f &f'f+~ 8-t. Eftot 6*@ fwt w olrr#l % a' tu$ ,u *@ fa ..$,a 9. 4 *J:*-* -19. W d * 8t a- srrrr$r m, 2%3, ~~~~ by khrQ Am *- IWI b~ $0 m, '4rl~1~1 y~a are, to mcb xarwvaun ysl mima - 47&&1- .cIo .mum ~~~* * .~MOL~ Y -b- 4 t5s.n a fame ot ' hald A* *ipClltr* Jr., 8wh m, m ~rq 0-p mu .bJaYable u*Z" - *fi# thrrxlrsQr, FI- bfl& m, lC$ja, Gald &*e Qf ht i8 8Wbi.lrrgtl-t fn ;Urn 00 #I, w or ?N@* rwmw "m-msw n+-m ta ramr or bacrmr maas *'Gt,naPd 8ncJ ,3cm e, "nl&