HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 4021 /I * a c '1 2 3 4 PLANNING COMlvlISSION RESOLUTION NO. 402 A RESOLUTION DENYING APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE OF LAGUNA DRIVE, CONTIGUOUS TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF FROM R-1-6 TO R-3 .ON PROPERTY AT THE SOUTI-IERLV $ID€ U. S. FREEWAY XI-S.D.-ZB. 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 6 Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly kl 9 change of zone from R-1-6 to R-3 on real property in the City t 8 hearing to consider the application of L P R, a joint venture, 7 Planning Cornmission did on July 13, 1965, hold a duly noticed 1 10 as the Southerly side of Laguna Drives contiguous to the Weste 311 side of U. S. Freeway XI-S.D.-ZB, and more particularly as: 12 i I-3 I l4 I I That portion of Tract 117$ Carlsbad Landss Map 7663 9 in the City of Carlsbad; more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside 15 No. 9060: l9 necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of 0 18 to exist which make the denial of the application for change o 17 be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and rea 16 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desire 20 2. The present R-1 zoning is suitable for development. 22 1. There is adequate undeveloped R-3 property for the pr 21 and near future needs of the Community. .2 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 31 32 !I I I 1) the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny the application change of zone from R-1-6 to R-3 on said property. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 13th day of July by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners McCarthy, Sutherland and McComas. NOES: Commissioners Lamb and Freista ABSENT: Commissioners Palmat ATTEST: ("--&QF~;j"". J. D. M ARTH 4 ecr tary L a. b .. , -' ,I 5. :. j ! I I I ~ ! i 1 i ' I I ,, The Northerly 125.80 feet (masured along the Westerly line) of the following de8GPlbad parsel; of b~di That portion of Tract 117 of C42ESMD LA&Q$, in the City 05 Carlsbad, . County of San Dlego, Stat3 of California, according to the Map thereof No. 1561, filed Ln the offtce of the Recorder of San Dlego County. Xarch \ a1 1 1315, described a? ioflloas: Corolnencing at the most Northeasterly corner of saLd Tract 117. runnlng theace North 89'57 I West, S43 55 feet to the PQE13T OF BEGINNING; thence North 89" 57' West, 367.67' feet. along tba Northerly boundary line of said Tract" 117; thence South 0'03' West, 330.00 feet; thence South 36.' 33' East, 105.80 feet; thence North 55" 27' East, 471.62 feet; thence North 34' 33' West, 168.36 feet to Zhe POIST OF EEGIRXING: EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of Tract 117 lying Easterly of the following described line: Commsncing at a poi'nt on the center lfne of Elm Avenue, distant thereon North 55°21'20tT East 592 14 feet from a 5/8 inch iron pin set for the intersection of said center line with the center line of Narding Street (fomrly St11 Street) said point of cornencement also bearing for reference Soxth 55"21'20rr West, 275.00 feet from Engineer's Station 4/30 plus 5') "9 on the center line of the Department of Pub! fc Wor?cs Survey, made in 194'7 between 2 2 miles South of Carlsbad and the South City Limit of Oceanside, Road XI-SD*Z-B; thence North 34"38'4.Ott Yest 40 00 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Tract 117; thence North 48°16'47p! East, 49 "1 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 144 00 feet. through an angle of 7"25'37", a distance ,' of 179.52 €eet 'to a point which bear3 South 65'51' 10" Vest, 132 .OC feet fro": Engineer's StatLon 462 plus 06.78 on 'the center liae of said Survey; thence North 23°n8'50yt West, 144.22 feat; thence North 19'16'46': West, 207 47 feet; thence North L5"47 s 36" west, 218.K feet; thence North 23*% '30" West. 32 34 feet to a point on the North Itne of sa?-d Tract 117, distant thereon South 89°58'50" West, 97.87 feat from Engineer's StatLon 468 plus 28.89 on the center line of ssid Survey; thence continuing 40.'00 feet ni-de, as described in deed to the County of San Diego, recorded in Book 1878., page 258 of Deeds, filed in the office 05 said County Recorder, distant thereon Plorth 89'58 '50" East, 498.73 feet from the ' Southerly' copper wire Ln i; 5 Lach by 24. inch concrete monunent set for , :.. the intersecteon of the Souther1.y prolongation of the Easterly line of ;. . North 23"08'50'' West, 43. SO feet to the Northerly lkne of Laguna Prive, ' Block 13 of Sunny Slope Tract, according to Map thereof No. 995, filed in the office of- said County Xecorder, June 6 ~ 1906, and sald Northerly Line of Laguna Drive. EXCZPTIKG atly and all rights of ingress to or"'~ress frc ' the land herein conveyed over and across the above described Line ,. including that portion of said above described line included.within the .. . . side Lines of said Lagma Drive, kO.00 feet w:de;sa€d rights having , been reserved by the State of California .. .. -x ' ,. e-. I _- ".., k , ,.._.I. . ..._*" (."__ . i "_", ~ - I_"" .. _. _"_ ._ . . I: ."d F*"'*..~"' .","". ~ .,." + .,.....-