HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-08-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 4031 ! I e i, 1, I1 1 1 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL CHANGE Of ZONE 2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 403 4 SIDE OF TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN PI0 PIC0 DRIVE AND AD/ 3 FROM R-3 AND R-1-7.5 TO C-1 ON PROPERTY AT THE SOUTHEf STREET e . . . . . . . 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 906( e/ Planning Commission did on August 70, 1965, hold a duly notfci 7 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califou 9' AL for a change of zone from R'-3 and R-7-7.5 to C-l on real pu 8 publfc hearipg to consider the application of JERRY E. ROMBOTI 10 commonly known as the southerly side of Tamarack Avenue betwec 11 Pic0 Drive and Adams Street, and more particularly as: I,2 I 14 1 13 j i Portion of Thum Lands, Tract 237, Map 1681 3 R.Q.S. 2851 9 in the City of Carlsbad, and more particularly described on Exhibit i'A" attached hereto; being a portion of Parce- 8 of Book 206, Page 050 of the Assessor's Map of San Die! County. 15 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considt ' l6 2o zone necessary to carry out the provisions and, general purpose I' to exist which. make the approval of the application for change l8 be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and rea I-7' the testimony and arguments, if any9 ,of all persons who desire Ordinance No. 9060: 21 22 corner for commercial development. .2 3 2. That allowing a neighborhood shopping center to be bl 24 on this land conforms with the. generally acceptable practice 1 25 location sf such centers. 26 NOW, THEREF9ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 27 the City of Carlsbad that ft does hereby recommend to the City 28 the zone from R-3 and R-1-7.5 to C-7 on said property subject 29 Council the adoption of an amendment to Ordinance No. 9060 cha !I 32 31 the following property development standards. Said property 30 le That the land is level and is very suitable interchar development staiqdards shall apply to the entire property bound ;I I/ /i I t * e II 1 Street on the east as shown on drawing entitled Sjte Study, - PI 2 Pi0 Pic0 Drive on the west, Tamarack Avenue on the north and I 311 Shopping Center at Tamara.ck and Adams 3 Carl sbad, California, ( d 7-26'-65, prepared by Kenneth E. Quinn, A.I.A. and submitted b, 5 Property Development Standards: 6 applicant and accepted as Exhibit "B.". 7 I. An efgh-t foot wide strip of land extending the full * Carlsbad for street widenjpg purposes. 9 of the lot along Tamarack Avenue shall be deeded to the City 10 '2- Setback requirements for yards facing on Tam2,rack Avl I' This yard may be used for off-street parking except for the f I+2 and Adams Street shall conform to adjacent residential setbac 13" feet adjacent to the property line. The five feet adjacent t 11 14/j property ljne shall be landscaped with trees and other plants 15i1 maintained as a buffer between commcircial and residential Lase I-6 I 17 18 19 20 21 22 .2 3 3. A six foot high solid masonry wall shall he erected the south property line to separate the proposed @-1 zone fro adjacent R zones. Such wall shall terminate at the front yay setbacks of said R zones. A five foot wid.e planting area sha tend the full length of the masonry wall and shall be landsca trees and other plants and mal'ntained as a buffer between corn and residential uses. 4. In addition to the landscaped areas required in (3j 24j/ at least three percent of the area required for Off-street pa 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I 11 shall be planted and maintained w-ith trees listed on the City Official Street Tree List. Said trees shall be: (a) Planted in accordance with the requirements of Ordi Ho. 9174. (b) Contained in planting areas with a minimum dimensio four feet. ~ -2- I I li 8 I a a L 1 (c) Located throughout the off--street parking areas in c 2 3 obtain the maxfmum arkount c;f lii sge:-s;o-: o 5. All landscaped are35 shall be served by a water irric 4 system and be suppl ied with buhb'iers ayidiJ~ii;u" sprinklers. 5 6. A11 plans for such %and<caped- areas shall be approve( 6 ,parking 7 ot. 7 the Carlsbad Planning Department ;Irior to the construction of 8 7. No trash or any other itms shall be stored3 stacked 9< otherwise placed outside the walls of the building. 10 8. All signs shall be wall signs in conformance with Sec 11 12 3.27-27 sf Article 1 of the Carlsbad City Code. No other sign be a1 I owed. I3 I 9. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be installed to cc 14 with the Standard plans and specifications of the City of Carl 15 PAS,SED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the I-6 17 Carlsbad 'City Planning Commission held on the 10th day of Augu AYES: Com-issioners Munn, McComas, Lamb and Freistadt. 18 I 96.5 9 by the fol lowipg vote, to wit: 19 20 NOES: Commissioners Palmateer and McCarthy. ABSENT: Commissioner Sutherl./dnd. 21 $ ,z * 22 3-E .. ~N&4GLL .2 3 G. E. McCOMAS, Vice-chairman 24!/ ATTEST z 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 31 32 I -3- I/ e e : \I c .-11-11.1 #;<,ny<3nlj LyL: :I ' "' ..ZL * A1 I that portion of Trac-t- 237 vl' Tiliiiill 'LANDS, i 11 the County of San Diego, St ate c?f California, according to Map thereof No. 1681, f il ed in the Off i ce of the County Recorder of said San Di ego County, December 9, 191 5, described as a who1 e as f ol 1 ows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Adams Street and the center line of Tamarack Avenue; thence aLong said center 1 ine of Tamarack Avenue, South 61" 20' 45" West 515.31 feet to the most Northerly corner of land described in Parcel 2 of the Relinquishment to the City of Carlsbad, recorded July 26, 1954 as Document No. 97644, in Book 5312, Page 91 of Off i cia1 Records; thence along the Northeasterly 1 ine of said land, South 29" 08' 27" East 30.00 feet to the Northwesterly line of said Tract 237; thence a1 ong said Northwesterly 1 ine, North 61" 20' 45" East 117. 31 feet to a point distant thereon South 61" 20' 45" West 368. GO feet f rorn the most Northerly corner of said Tract 237; thence 1 eaving said Northwesterly line, South 28' 39' 15" East 68. i)O feet: thence South 4" 41' 30" East 49.24 feet; thence South 61" 20' 45" West 160.00 feet to an intersection with the Easterly line of the aforementioned 1 and described in said fdelinqui shment to the City of Carlsbad; thence along said Easterly line, South 12" 27' 32" East to the beginning of a tangent 1960. GO foot radius curve therein, concave Easterly, and.Southerly along the arc of said curve to an intersection with the Southwesterly prolingation of the Southeasterly line of land described in Deed to Mary E. Wilhite, recorded January 26, 1948 as Document No. 7849, in Book 2626, Page 109 of Official Records; thence along said Southwesterly pro.- l-ongation of said Southeasterly line, North 61" 21' East, to and along said Southeasterly line, to the center line of the aforementioned Adams Street; thence along said center line, North 28" 39' best 405.74 feet tb tkfepoint of beginning. EXCEPTING that portion lying within that part of said Lot 237 described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Tamarack Avenue and distant thereon South 61O 21' West, a distance of 644. 17 feet from its intersection with the center line of Adams Street; thence Viiest along the center line of Tamarack Avenue, South 6 lo 21 t West, 107. 37 feet; thence South 28" 39' East, 405.74 feet; thence North 61' 21' East, 107. 37 feet; thence North 28' 39' West, 405.74 feet to the point of beginning. ($.?LC[ ,& '2 )/ .ct '