HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-08-24; Planning Commission; Resolution 408b 0 0 I1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 408 2 I/ A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL AN AMENDMENT TO -- 3 // ORD'INANCE NG. 9060, ARTICLE 15, BY ADDING SECTION 1518 REGARDING LKNDSCAPING OF OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS. 4 Pjanjiljng Commissjgn did qn Awgust 24, 1965$ hold a duly noticed 8 NHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060, 6 7 public hearing to consider Planning Commission Resolution of Pr adding Section 1518 to Article 153 Ordinance No. 9060, as fo7lc 8 tion !4ge 54$ regarding landscaping of off-street parking areas, 9~ "SEC'f'lf3M 151 8: LANDSCAPING OF PARKING AREAS. 10 Every required park-inng area having a capacity of five or 1 11 ve!~icles, except in R-A, R-1 , and. k-2 zones, shall be Sandscap 12 fOI1 OWS : 13 11 1. For purposes of this section9 the words "'parking area I.1 19 or approved shrubs. l8 naintained with trees listed on the City Official Street Tree I'i' 2. At least three per cent of said area shall be planted 16 and areas. 15 shall jnclude all black top or paved areas, including access w 3. Said trees or shrubs shall be: i 20 (a) Planted in accordance with the requirements of 21 22 .2 3 Ordi nance No. 97 74. (b) Conta?'ned in planting areas with a minimum dimen of four feet and bounded by a concrete or mason1 curb of a minimum of six inches 9"n height. (c) Located throughout the off-street parking areas 24 25 26 27 28 system and be supplied with bubblers OB" sprinklers a 29 5. A11 plans for such iai~~dsca~ecl. ar::as shall be ap-,rovel 30 the City P1anning %epartment, p~j~r to the construction and p order to obtain the maximum amount of dispersiol 4. All landscaped areas shall be served by a water irri! I 3111 ment thereof.:' 32 1 I! 2, 11 1 I !. . 0 0 I I/ WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commis 2 all individuals and parties who desired to be heard; 3 received the recommendations, objections 9 protests and commen 4 WHEREAS, said Planning Commission has found the followin 5 lion of additional open space. 'i' 1: That this would improve and beautify the City by pre 6 and reasons to exist: 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV'ED that said amendment to Or 9l No. 9060, Article 15, by adding Section 1518, is hereby ~ecom~ 10 121 forwarded to the City Council for its attention in the manner to be approved. 1965, by the following voteg to wit: l6 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 24th day of Awr; l5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetifig of the 14 prescribed by Law. I3 17 18 19 11 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Res~lut-ion be 1 AYES: Commissioners Munn, Palrnateer, McCarthy, Sutherla Lamb, IvlcComas and Freistadt. 2o I NOES: None. ABSENT: None. /?" 21 I 22 .2 3 2411 ATTEST: 25 I 26i 27 31 jl I 28 29 ' 30 32 i -2- li