HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 412't a 0 Jr I 1~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. 41 2 A RESOLUTION OF TI€ CARLSRAB CITV PLAMNIMG COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP OF FALCON HILL UNIT NO. 4 SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receiv October 19, 1965, a tentative map of Falcon Hill Unit No. 4 Su sion, submitted by Kamar Construction Company, owner and devel 81 located on property lying on the Northerly side of Basswood Av 9 between Canyon Street and Donna Drive, said property being a p 10 I-1 of Lot 7, Fractional Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 We WHEREAS, on November q9. 1965, the Carl sbad City PI anning 13 San Diego; 12 San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, Cou I l4 I.5 Commission did consider the tentative map as submitted, compri 16 lots; and l6 1 i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into considerat l7 the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies I-* 19 relative to said tentative subdivision map; 2o Hill Unit No. 4 Subdivision be approved, subject to the follow 21 con6.i ti ons: NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of 22 .2 3 1. A11 domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. 24 25 26 sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 30 division so as to prevent pending and/or storage of surface wa 29 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the su 28 in any part of this subdivision. 27 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall b 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same t 5. One (1) Standard six inch (6") fire hydrant shall be 31il on Elenkarne Erive on the lot lines of lot number 1 and lot nu 32 I i I lf I. 0 0 #I II b 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo I 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 I 17 1 l8 I 19 20 21 22 .2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I 6, Proposed Lot lo5 rad.iating around the cul-de-sac of W wood Drive as submitted has 10% or more area in excess of the required mini~iirn and is good land use planning 9 and exmtian be permitted to reduce .:?e resuired lot frontage from sixty fe to fifty feet (50') at the front yard set back line, 7. (lkestwood Drive cul-de-sac turning circle radius may b reduced froin 50 feet to 45 feet, because no more than 4 lots k be served. A twenty foot (20') pedestrian way connecting saic cul-de-sac and Elm Avenue shall be provided for dedication. 1 to be noted that terminating Nestwood Drive as a cul-de-sac wi provide better vehicular movement for Elm Avenue. 8. The width of proposed streets as subm-itted is satisfi The developer shall dedicate Elm Avenue through the limits of unit as per City Precise Plan, Project 1-18, Drawing No. 132-1 9. A71 lots abutting upon Elm Avenue are "through" lots ing on Blenkarne Drive. Since Elm Avenue will be a 4 lane ar. street, this design is satisfactory; howevers it shall be con' upon relinquishing access rights to the southerly side sf Elm and a 1" barrier on the northerly side dedicated, but not for public use. This restricted access stipulation shall then be forth both upon the final map and in the protective covenants parcel northerly of Elrn Avenue to be not a part of this subdi and to not be a buildable parcel until further subdivided. IO. All distribution utility facilities within the bound' of the subdivisions shall be placed underground as required b< ordinance. 11. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by ordinance. 12. A gradin3 plan shall be submitted as part of the Imp ment plans. 13. Location, grade and deta-ils of proposed improvements , indicated upon the teiitative map will be sui;ljeet to revtsions 1 ,' .. -2- 1 il '. * 0 'r I/ 1 13. required to meet City standards for improvements, and 2 approval .of the map will not imply acceptance as submitted. 3 14. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans 4 specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 5 75. Street paving shall to~sfst, of two (2) inches of asgh 6 7' concrete with stone chip seal coat laId upon four (4) inches (1 primed decomposed granite base. 8 76. Type ."g" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed 9 streets. Concrete cross, gutters shall be six (6) feet wide ar 10 located as required for drainage. kZ 17. Sidewalks shall be four (4) feet in width and located 121 (6) inches from the street right of way line. l3 I ' 18. All required street name signs, barricades and safety 1*1 karne Drive. Eight (8) inch diameter water main shall be inst 19. Six (6) inch diameter water main shall be installed i j 15 shal? be installed. I-6 I I l7 in ungradi?g water supply in the area. The amount of this paj 2o Water area charge to be paSd of not more than $200.00 per lot l9 copper water services shall he constructed to serve each lot, l8 I in lnlestwood Drive and stubbed through to Elm Avenue. One (1) 21 to be determined by the City. 22 20. Eight (d) inch diameter sanitary sewer including reqt '23 manholes and appurtenances with four (4) inch diameter service 24 laterals for each lot shall be constructed as required by the 25 Pipe diameter may be reduced to six (6) inches if required mir 26 , grade can be met. 27 28 site control measures to be provided. 29 I 21. Surface drafnage of storm waters will be satisfactorq 30 I 22. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed reqwi red by City Standards. 31 32)1\ be subject to the off'cial. grade of Elm Avenue as per City of 'I 23. Alignment$ location and grade of all improvements shi !I 11 )* 11 -3- 'a I il' I 0 e dI 1 23. Improvement Plan and Profile, Project No. 1-18, Drawir 2 24. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office, C 5 before beginnipg construction of any improvements. 4 and specifications must be submitted as required for checking 3 No. 132-4 and to the approval of the City Engineer. Complete 1 6 bad, California with a copy of the fjna1 subdivfsion map. 7 AND FINALLY RESQLV'ED, that a copy of this Resolution be 8 attention in the manner prescribed by law. 9 forwarded -to the Ci ty Council of the City of Carlsbad for its I 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the c 11/ 11 13 by the following vote to wit: 121 bad City Planning Commission held on the 9th day of November5 /i AYES: Commissioners Palmateer, McCarthy, McComas and Fre I* 1 NOES: None. 15 I ABSENT:Commissioners Nunn, Sutherland and Lamb. 1 16 17 18 19 /? -& 5.4. c& G. E. McCOMA 3 Vice-chairman 20 21 22 .2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I i 32 ' 1 1 I, 'I ATTEST: )' > 1' 2,' ,"'. 3 p"--T ,, .) >! -.; .,,,",,"' /' q ,di.&&&dq J . D .,,4'.i$ A'RT H P;-5-e c r/e/t a r y $+.A !I .. v -4-