HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-21; Planning Commission; Resolution 427I1 <. 'W "- ll 0 c .I. i r 1 2 3 4 PLANNING COMMISSIOLi RESOLUTION NO. 427 A RESOLUTION RECOi4?4E!4DING TO COUNCIL CHANGE OF ZONE FRON R-.A-10 TO C-2, 014 PROPERTY AT THE SOUTHHESTERLY CORIV€R OF STATE HIGPlbiAY 78 AMI E'I GAilINO REAL.' WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 9060 5 of California, commonly known as the Southwesterly corner of 9' real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, St 81 for a chaFge of zone from R-A-10 to C-2 (General Comme.rcia1) o 7 noticed public heari,ng to consider the application of FAWCO, E 6 the Planning Commission did on February 21, 1966, hold a duly 10 State Highway 78 and El Carnino Real, and more particularly as: I 1 I 11 I 12 I 13' l4 I 16 Is I I 17 i I i Portionsof Section 32, Townshi'p 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, and Lots .40, 41 9 42' and Portions of Lots 39 and 13 through 17 inclusive, and of Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract', Map 1136$ ,in the City of Carlsbad County of San Diego, State. of California; being Assessor' Parce'ls 3, 16 and 17 of Book 167, .Page 010; Parcels 8,9, IO, and 11 of Book 154, Page 160; Parcels 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of Book 156, Page 090 of the Assessor's Map of §an Diego County acco.rding to the Assessment roll of the fiscal.year 1965-1966, of San Diego County; more particul described fn Exhibit ''A" attached hereto; WHEREAS, at said public hearings upon hearing and conside 18' change of zone necessary to carry out the provisions and gener 21 reasons to exist which make the approval of the application f 20 to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and 19 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desire -23 I 25 I 22 I purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1. The location of the property at the. intersection of t 24 major thoroughfares makes it ideally suited for a regional sho I center such as has been proposed and is perrcitted under a C-2 26 of the City of Carlsbad. 29 3. This rezoning appears to be in the best general inter 28 in the proposed General Plan. 27 2. Permitted uses in C-2 zone are provided for at this s 30 I 31 I/ 32 I I I i 1 i i . .. ,. ?; a. <* l * * 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissio, 2 of the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the 3 City Council the adoption of an amendment to Ordinance No. 90 12 said property. 5 changing the zone from R-A-16 to C-2 (General Commercial) on 6 meeting of the Carlsbad city Planning Commission held on the 7 PASSED, APPROWED, AND ADOPTED at a regular adjourned 1 8 9 10 11 12 I l3I l4 ~ 21st .day of February, 1966, by the following voteg to wit: AYES: Commissioners Sutherland, Munng Palmateer, McComa Lamb and Freistadt. NOES: Commissioner McCarthy. ABSENT: None. ~ ~ 1511 17 I-6 I i 19 ~ ATTEST: ,,;,I /7 20 +2y '0 /.,x 3? R. H. Palm teer, Secretary 9 21 22 .2 3 24 25 26 27 2% 29 30 31 32 I i; . & :, 7 .. (IC. 0 c T*3& DELqm-c"i )a mt r& prcpel*ty sj..b~at& wi'c;2fp, 'L& city of &y.Ls'&, is the C~doty of sn 2.icgo9 gc, ,'Le of &UTonia> described as I"oUcris: F.% &&"e - P poy-&-gcns of Sely&lc-, 32> r"-- &&.L1dAi,;3 n* e .-, ., L 7 su&-yL* z?sge 1) Res-&, sE Be'L?-,FziBo c- L~.L~ 39 Eza 13 ya~?9 17 iucpdsive a& of ~z~y2~As strret al~ of E~~~. Fd&yp-LlJS Porest CLqELyJ E 5 yj&ct , EcCaL-dag to :.!a2 ~:~~~~op >;o* -:30:, filed in the office ui' Lhe Cozznty Recorder. or" ~ald CmnYLy, descyibed 2s follws: ~sg~snfng at $he ~ozrtheast comer of YI~ X~YL~ ~z1a of ne ~'ort&s~c ~2s~~ of S~:ctics 31; thence along Yae Sodc'n iine of said 1q:orth ~zl.f, ~out'n 890 iTU 09" est ~~04.78 feet; theace ~uc?ta e0.03 feet; thecce ~ozath 760 30' =stg 1265.~ fzet; 'Aence =st ~U),OO feet; '&axe ~o~h 770 15' =st, &oh5 feet Core or lesa to the Wes'terky line si Zl C2aino Res1 (&3 Fee'; wide) 8s described iu deed to tile @as$y of ~n giego, recoriiai ~prfi 10, 1945 6s ~oament NO. 28357 of ~ff~cw ~eco-cs; theace ~orthcrly &ong said ~esterly lize 962.22 feet, =ore OT less to ~0 acgge ~pi2-k in fae Smcaey1y- 1iz;e of @lk€'~mi~ S"te Hi&magr as described in deed to the state e? ca1i~ora-h~ recordej. Septa'ber 8, 1994. 8.6 DOCI~Z~~; XO. 163't32 of' OTffciaP Records; thence along %?;e bsqdary line of' said S-te Highway ES PO:!~~,YS:: ~orth 70 09~ 55" W~S'G, 110.20 feet; ~~orth 560 32' 56" \$est, ~21.72 feet to a poiat Fa %he ~TC of 2. S!jO.CO foot md2w curve concave SourLherly, 8 mdi8.l carve 8l.31 feat Y3x-cxgh zz? angle of 3l-c 03 F ,Ti', ~~~on-b~gent to =id cuve Scut$ 8go 82' 51" Vsst, 167.13 feet 'io e 2oht in t're %PC of a 205 .c3 foot zzdiw a-e concave ~~."iherEy, a mdki. IFae of said mrve bezrs North 20 30' Vest to s~id p~pc-~? \:!esJGe:=ly &long saad cc:we z5.78 ~eet ~~~~u,& en angle of 350 09' 13" to a coin" -b of yeversed ca3rG*~re l3s~fL1-.!~ e :flG<kcs of 95.GO fee'c, \'es.terly and >:arv2- ,-c-~n--> y dccg ssie; ccne 185.56 leet k>c7ah cE ansle 0: ~ZO og~ 13" tG the SezLSes$ t-orae: of 2~F~t easaenc for dreiy~ge -cdqAses - g~~~'~i;cdb to -C;:=le $<ate of mifornia, ~-cco~~& S~p-$ec>e~. 63 Ig6& GS Doc-wiezt No. 163432 cf Officizl Rsccrds; t'&zn@e 3-a~risg mid cc~re cad sal6 Ssc;;~.;yly bine of ~~~fo~~~& Sbte TJQ&&y alocg ~ne SeJyneriy ar,~ ~es~ce~ly ~i~~~ si szid &~~~2~rre 0 easEest, SOJ~~ 740 30' \:!est, 13.a feet end ~<~~~~~ 150 19' ~6'~ ';<?st, 35.45 fset, %ope oy less i;o 8 poist 15 -i;he S~~~~erly lire of the hzd &~~~~~~& cndzr pGrcel i i>? deed 'io th~ Cyi;y .. Lv-eLLama9 pq.,,C" 7 dm &e@o,%kng to offieiah pkt rcer&' EL? of L0-t~ iQj 41, 4.2 and p31dci533 " T TI lPce of said czme bears 5~Ych 2&' 33' 27" Bst to seid ~313-L~ Westerly alovg ssiic 3 L1 UG.L- .- " of' Oceanside, yecor&ti Apil 213, 1959 cs DOCU-Z-?~~ 30. 77257 of Offici& Eecords; Q? 6i5.G" feet, more or less to the Toin-2. of 3egis;niLg. @,cqting fye~ 56id pQrtioL oi: Sectio;? 32 250~2 all minerzl. ~L&qts 535 211 0-1 A- 9 gas3 petroiem op ocher bydrocay%on s~js'ca~ces krith,ia or u~dcrlyi.r-.g ~310 land wit] yi@t of i;rzrface enki;~.~ as jreszzved 5.2 deeds execJt& by Regizaido XLYZO~ a3d Qro: ~WCZQ~ recol+ed in ZOG~ 6699, -mge 264 of Ofr"icia1 Records, ar.d Book 7712 pge 47' of Official Wecords. thrnpce c-4 svd-~b 690 30' Wesk z~ozg khe q-:>+~-,-v- L,,LuA~~A~y 1i.m. or" said FG.-ce!, 1 2 distance