HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-03-22; Planning Commission; Resolution 431-4' ). I j 1 i ~ 0 9 ll I PLAIYMIMG CG'MPIISSION RESOLUTION 'NO. 4.31 2 3 4 5 6 7 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL CHANGE OF ZONE FRO14 pI-1 TO C-2 ON PROPERTY BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE AND ELM AVENUE, CONTIGUOUS TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF U. S. FP,EEWAY XI-S.D.-22 AND DENYING APPLI'CATIQN FOR CHANGE OF Z9NE FROM R-1 AND R-3 TO C-2 ON PROPERTY BETWEEE LA'GUPJA DRIVE AND GRAND AVENUE 9 C0NTIGUOUS.TO THE lidESTER SI?€ OF U. S. FREEWAY XI-S.D.-2B. .. . . ',2]ME?,EWS, ?mrsuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 8 hearing to consider the appl.ication of LPR, a joint venture, a g Planning Commission did on March 22, 1966, hold a duly noticed to the Kesterly side of U. S. Freeway XI-S.D.-ZB, and more par 14 as property located between La.guna Drive and Elm Avenue, conti 13. Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly k 12 8-3 to C-2 (General Commercial) on real property in the City G 11, MORTOkd AND DOROTHEF, E. NIELSEN for a change of zone from R-1 a 10 15 larly as: 16 17 18 19 20 That portion of Tract 117, Carlsbad Lands, Map 1661 p in the City of Carlsbad; more particularly described on Exhibits "A", 'IS", - .. and 'IC" attached hereto. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considc the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desir( be heardg said Commission did recommend approval of the chapgl 21 '2 3 Avenues contiguous to the Mesterly side of U. S. Freeway XI-S 22 zone from R-1 to C-2 on property 1yir;g between Grand Avenue a The following are facts and reasons regarding the recomrn 24 chaFge 2 25 z6 freeway interchange a'n Carlsbad. 27 28 1. [hat this property is ideally situated close to the - 2. That it is in conformance with the proposed General 3. That this appears to be in the best interests of' the 29 of Carlsbad. 30 HHEREAS, said Commission did DENY application for the ck 31 of zone from R-1 and R-3 to C-2 on properties lying between L 32 Drive and Grand Avenue, contiguous to the Westerly side of Ua Freeway XI-S.D.-ZB. 1 -fl tc 0 * . il i l: 2 /I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~ 23 24 25 ?6 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 The following are facts and reasons regarding the denied 1. That the denial is because of the fact this would be unwarranted extension of commercial zoning into residentially areas of the City. 2. That it is logical and Eatural to have the boundary i commercial zoning terminated at Grand Avenue. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissior the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the Cit; Council the adoption of an amendment to Ordinance No. 9060 chi the zcne from R-l to C-2 (General Commercial) on property lyir between Grand Avenue and Elm Avenues contiguous to the Nester1 of U. S. Freeway XI-S.3.-23, being that portion of Tract 117, Carlsbad bands 9 Map 1561 9 in the City of Carlsbad; more partic described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of Marc 1966, by the following vote, to wi't: AYES: Commissioners Sutherland, Munn, McComas, Lamb and Freistadt. I's,OES: Commissioner Palmateer. ABSENT: Commissioner McCarthy. r' ,,$</+&, " G. E. McCOMAS 9 Chairman ATTEST: R. ti. PALMATEER, Secretary i -2- I ".. .. cc 9 d* _,: ... ~~CFY . non.-of?:wcCw . .-: . , .; 'PARCEL '1 8 . .. . . ". -." "." ...."." ~. .. ~. .~ " . " ."" . . .."" . .. . _...._ _". . .. The' Northwesterly 150.00 feet of 811 that portion of Tract 1 I of CARLSZAD LA=, lnthe County of San Mego, State of California ':. according to the Map thereof 140.. 1661, filed in the office of the County Recorder of .Son Dlego County, Maroh .1, 1915, described a8 followa: Geglnnm at a point in the FIcrthwestazly line of Elw Street .. ' which is South 55' 27' 00" Weat 599.28 f.cct f"rcun the East line of said Tract 127; thence along the Northwesterly line of Elrn Street the land 'deacrlbed in Deed to Hudolph 'knnemann, et 'ux recorded Book 861, page 452 of W?d@j thence alon(: the' Southweeterly line .. .. hi' said land North 34' 33' 00" Meet 450.00 feet to the Southweete said prolongation Noith 55' 27t 00 bat 598.2 9 Fee't to- a, line th *. South 55' 27' 00'' Vest 596.24 feet to the Southweeterly corner of _. prolongation of the Southeasterly line of the .land deeoribed in C , . ,i 8 .' ' .. . .', to Augusta Amua recorded in Book Po, page 42 af Deede~ thence 4 . , . . .: .. , . SOUW 3' ,33' 00 East 4w.00 .feet to the, PObk b$. BegCiKXlZnge. , ,,:, . EXCGPTXNQ TtiERBFR~ the kuthweate,r&y 60.00 fee.$ thersoir , . .. ' : ': bears North 34' 23' 00" West fraru'tlre Point of"&giming;' thenoe -, I.. .. , ,. ., I. _-,I .. . . .. , .: ..:- i , .,, I. . . ~' . . , I : . . ,;. . . .. ... . .. .. . *.'..' , . PARCEL 2 i ,. ~ ,...,._. ,.i -..:.-. . *i .,.,... - .- W'' :,- L: ' - ' :@ -4'. ',, order. sa. 833 ' <'. . &Pt .. .; . 5 6 sc&EDmLE c i i 'I i* .. i me 1aa r&etred to &n chis po1icy.ia situated id the State Of @ufordar i aunty of Son Diego and bo described a8 follows: . i .. .. .. 1 .. f Tie Northerly f25.00 feet (neasgred along the bksterly lp-) if the followfng described parcel of PaRd: .. 1, TIzct portiozl of Tract 117 of CARLSMD U'iDS, in the Cifz+y of Ca;ls&d; Co&y of 5371 Diego, State of California, accor8.ing to the Xap thereof Eo. 1662 filed in the office of the Recorder of San Diego..Coanty, %bid1 1, 1915, described as foflcw 1' I i, i I ! I i i i i t I- I ! i ; I i ! i !. i I ! I 1 CCiZLeetcLCg at the qost Xorthmaterly corner of said Tract 113; rucning thczca :Tort 89'57' West 543.65 feet te tI.,e point of beginning; thence North 89'57' West, 367.6 fe.22 slang the Xortherly boundary Pine of said Tract 117; thence South 0'03' kiest.: 330.00 feet; tltmce South 34'33' East i05.80 feet; thence North 55'27' East, 491.6 fee^;; thence Emth 34'33' Wast 168.36 feet to the point of beginning. i Zxcep&inz "ehcrefrm that portim of Irec'r 117 lying Easterly of Che folboying .' .. deacriled line: Cax~.ancEzg at a poifit on the center line of Elrr. Avenue, distant 'there& ..North '. 55'21°20" East 592,14 feet frm a 5/8 lnch iron pPn set for the intersection of said center line with the center line of Xe-rdbng Street (formerly 5th Street) said . pokct of zoTmencanent also bearing for reference South 55'21'20" West 275.00 feet fro". ZngFneerP5 Station 450 plus 68.99, on the center line of the Depzrtment of Pub V&ts Survey mde in 1947 between 2.2 ailes South of Carlsbad and the South City L of Oceansida, Road XI-SD-2-E; thace Xorth 34'38'40" West 40.00 'feet to the Southe, line of soid Tract 117; thence North 4.8"16'47" E2st 49.91 .feet; thence along e tan c .. : . .. contimad .. .. ,. ~. '* - . " . "" . ,. ~ . , .". - - -~ ' . . .. . . . . - . - - .. - ~ I + .. .. r .. 5 i . , . . . . . . . ." . . . "_ - """ ~- .. ". . .~ . . ... . . . . . .. _-. . - "."""_..___"_ ".""".._." " . "" .." , .I I , ,, ; 1.: ., ' ' :. e,. i r. a< <A 1 6,. ., .> .. \- &er ,,*. 63A60 , . ... < .. . .. ,. .. .. . (. \ '. ,' : ,. r, . ,,, , , , . - . t ., . ,. . , ,'. ,$S :; .,... . ' .. , ' ,, . . .'. .. ,. . , .,. , .. .) 1 ,. :* ,I ',, .. ' (',I ;,; < , . .. . .. I' curve to the left with a radius of 146.00 feet,' through an angle of 7"25'37" 8 distance of 17.9.52 feet to a point which beers South 66'51'10" vest 132.00 feet ,. I.. frm Engineer's S,tation 462 plus 06.78 on the center line of said Survey; thence , ... , . North 23'03'50" West 144.22 feet; thence Rorth 19"16'46" West 207.47 geet; 'thence A. North 15'47'36" West 218 .SO feet; thence North 23908'50'' West 9F .34 feet to a poi: 1 on the North line of said.Tract 117 distant thereon'south 89.58'50" 'West 97.87 fec ,. .. Engineer's Station 46% plus 28.89' on the center line of said Survey; thence conti1 wide, as described in 'Deed to the County of San Diego recorded in Book 1879, page of Deeds, filed in the office of said County Recorder, distant thereon North 89"5 East 498.73 feet frm the 3outhzrly copper wire in a 6 inch by 24 inch concrete m 'set €or the intersection of the Southerly prolongatfon'of the Easterly line of 8;1 13 of SU%iNY SLOPE TRACT, according to Xap thereof No. 995 filed in the off i'ce of s&id County Record& June 6, 1906 and. said Morthcrly line of Lagum Drive. i North 23.e08'50tt Mest 43.30 feet .to @e Northerly line of Laguna Drive, 40,OQ fete i I. I i i I i i I j 1 Excepting any' and all rights '0.i ingress to or egress from the land herein conveye described line included within the. side lines of said Laguna Drive, 40.00 feet wide, said rights having been reserved by the State of California. . over and across the above described line including that portion of said above .. d ~. .. *. ' 1 I .. I *,. .. I I 8 '. [ ! 1 .. , ., .. .i d 4. . . . ".... ~ """""" - "." ~~~ "" ." . .. .. .. "_._ -."- ~- "".._"" ." """." " "" ~. - .. I ! *: Ill ', PAC1 YR C PROJECT CONSU 'h ANTS, INC. PROJECT ENGINEERING PLANNING DESIGN CONSTRUCTION .> 690 ELM AVE., CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA " SECTION DI ,I COPY !' LEGAL D&&&R/,P /6N OF SOUT.W€RM PUR7-1dN .. e: PARCPL d .. That portion of Tract' 117 of CARLSBAD LANDS, in the 'City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accordir to Map threof No. 1661, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, Mardl 1, 1915, described as follows: Commencing at the most Northeasterly corner of said Tract 117; thence North 89" 57' West along the Northerly line of said Tract9 1211.32 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 0" 03' West 330.00 feet; thence South 34" 33' East 105.80 feet; thence North 55" 27' East to a point in the Northeasterly line of the land described in deed to Donald A. . McLean recorded June 19, 1'952 in Book 4500, Page 83 of Official Records9 being a point in the Southwesterly line of the Cal-ifornia State-Highway XI-SD-E-B' thence Northwesterly along the Northeaster1 lie of said McLean's land to said Northerly line 6.6 Tract 117; thence Westerly along saa'd Northerly line to the TRUE POINT OF BEGII EXCEPTING the Norhterly.li25.00 feet (measure alopg the Westerly line) of the above described land. Order No. 400591 %%,;, I. 754 SECOND STREET ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 753-5561