HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-04-26; Planning Commission; Resolution 4330 b I1 4 RESOLUTIQN 140. 433 21 TENTATIVE MAP OF SANDALtdOOD DALE SUBDIVISION. 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, QF THE 4 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Cornmission did receivc 5 April 12, ,1966, .a tentative map of Sandalwood Dale Subdivision, 6 submitted by Harold E. and Anne P. Crowe, and John Iv. Ducy, owr 7 and Bee Cee Company, subdivider, .located on approximately 3.90 8i 91 of property located on the Southwesterly corner of the intersec of Basswood Avenue and Valley Street; said property being a pol of Tract 244, Thum Lands, Map No. 1681, ,in the City of Carlsbac County of San Dicgo, State of California; being Parcels 13 and 10 11 I ''I Book 205, Page 130 of thhe Assessor's Map of San Diego County, 14 15 16! map as submitted, comprised of 17 lots; 13 1 1 accordtng to the assessment roll of the fiscal year 1965-66 of San Diego County; 1 KHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the tentatii 17 I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into considerati the reports of the various City agencies and uti 1 i ty companies; NOW, TKEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of S 18 19 20 21 22 .2 3 dalwood Dale Subdivision be approved, subject to the follow.n'ng di tions: 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall be 24 25 26 :Li in any part of this subdivision. supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. I 2.- All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same tre 29 I 30 I 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the subd sion so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 31 5. One (1) Standard six-inch (6") fire hydrant shall be 101 I 321 I at the corner of James Drive and Basswood Avenue. / I i e 0 1 I i XI 6. One (1) standard 4" x 2 1/2 'I wharf hydrant shall be i 2 at the end of Sandalwood Lane. 3 7. The street stubbed westerly shall be moved southerly t 4 8. Lots A and B shall not be buildable lots. 6 intersections shall be as nearly concurrent as possible. 5 vide a better future 1,arid development to the West, and the str 7 8 9. Proposed street widths as submitted are satisfactory. 10. All distribution utility facilities within the bounc 9 of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required by 10 Ordi nance. 11 11. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided as requi l2I by Ordinance. 13.1 12. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by Ordi 14' l7 indicated upon the tentative map will be subject to revisions l6 13. Location, grade and details of proposed improvements 15 prior to issuance of building permits on any of the lots. Pequi red for improvement plans, and approval of the map will r l8 imply acceptance as submitted. 19 14. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans 2o specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 21 15. Street paving shall consi.st of two (2) inches of aspl- 22 concrete with stone chip seal coat laid upon four (4) inches c '23 I 24 25 streets. Concrete cross. gutters shall be six (6) feet wide ar 261 located as required for drainage. decomposed granite base material on approved su-bgrade. 16. Type 'IG" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed 27 I1 17. Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet in width and locatec 28/1 contiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 29 11 18. All required street name signs, barricades .and safet3 30 31 devices shall be installed. 32 19. Surface drainage of storm waters in Sandalwood Dale 1 James Drive will be satisfactory. 11 -2- // 0 e It 1 20. Drainage improvements in James Drive and Basswood Avc 2 points. 3 shall i'nclude standard inlets and conduit to satisfactory disc 4 21. Water mains, including one (1.) i'nch diameter service: 5 shall be constructed as required by the City. 8 ances with four (4.) inch diameter service laterals for each 11 7 22. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and appl 6 each lot shall be constructed as required by the City. 9 23. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed 10 required by City Standards. 11 25. Complete plans and specifications shall be submitted 13. subject to approval of the City Engineer. 12 24. Alignment, location and grade of all improvements sh, 14 15 required for checkir,g and approval before construction of any in the manner prescribed by law. 20 warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its at 19 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be 18 Carlsbad, California with a copy of the final subdivision map 17 26. The subdivider shall furnish the U.S. Post Office, 16 improvement is commenced. 21 PASSED, APPROVED .AND ADOPTED at B regular meeting of the 22 AYES: Commissioners Smith, ,Palmateer, ,McComas, McCarthy 24 1966, by the following vote, to wit: 23 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 26th day of Apr 25 I 26 27 28 29 Lamb and Freistadt. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Sutherland. /3 &:.-< / i. (/- rc- /!% La .>Jd+< G. -E. MccOMAS , Csrrnan 30 31 32 4 ' R. H. PPLMATE.ER, Secretary il -3-