HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-24; Planning Commission; Resolution 436I/ ij 1 0 a I 1 2 3 4 5 , RESOLUTION NO. .436 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING TENTATIVE MAP OF LAGUNA RIVIERA SUBDIVISION. COlVIMlCSSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receiv 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 May 9, 1966, a tentative map of Laguna Riviera Subdivision, su by Kamar Construction Company, ,Inc., owners and subdividers, .1 on approximately 160.4 acres of property located on the Wester side of El Camino Real 9 Easterly from Park Drive; and property a portion of Lot I, Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823, in the of Carlsbad; County of San Diego, State of Ca1,ifornia; being F of Parcel 10, Book 207, Page 100 of the Assessor's Map of San County, .according to the assessment roll of the fiscal year 1s 13 ~ 14 15 of San Diego County; the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies 18 WHEREAS, the Planning Commiss.ion did take into considerat 17 as submitted, comprises of 311 lots; and 16 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the tentati 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of 20 Riviera Subdivision be approved, subject to the following con( 21 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall 22 .2 3 supplied by the Carlsbad City $dater Department. 25 sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 24 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall I (b) L'ocated on Kelly Drive at lots # 8 and # 9. 32 (a) The corner of El Camino Real and Kelly Drive. 31 the following locations: 30 5. One (1) S-tandard six-inch (6") fi:re hydrant shall be 29 ion so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 28 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the s 27 in any part of this subdivision. 26 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same 0 0 1 (c) Lo't line of lots $16 &, #3.11. 2 Ii (6) Lot line of lots #39 & #40. 3 4 I (e) Lo't 'line of lots f50 & 857. ($1 Lot line of lots #58 & #59. 5 11 (cj) The' corner of ''A" street & I'D" street. 6 (h.) Lo't line of lots #1lO & #711. 7 (k) . Lot line of lots #149 .,& #l50. 9 (j) The corner of "A" street & -'IH" street. 8 (i) The corner of 'IC" street & "H" street. .. . 10 (0) The corner of Hillside Drive & I'M'' street. 13 (n) Lot line of lots, #164.& #165. ! 12 (m.) The corner of Hillside Drive & 'IC" street. 11 (1) The corner of "A" street & Hillside Drive. 14 (9.) The lot line of lots #234 & '#235. 15 (p) The lot line of lots #194 & # 195. 16 17 18 19 20 21 (r.) The lot line of lots #241 & #242.. (s.) The corner of "E" street & I'B" street. (t) The corner of 'IF" street. & ''GI' street. (u> The corner of 'IF" street & Park Drive. (v) The corner of Park Drive & "B" street. (w) The lot line of lots #271 & #272. -. 22 II 2 3 6. The subdivision design .. as proposed generally complie: the standards of the City of Carlsbad. Lots 97, 98, 286, and : appear to have 55' plus measured tangent to the setback line. 24 25 26 lithey appear to have in excess of 10% of the required area, they 27 I! shall be approved as submitted. Lots 18 and 19 shall be develc 28 I1 to the standards, .set by the pol'icy on "Panhandle" lots establi 29 30 April 3, 1962, by the City Council. Proposed street widths as mitted are satisfactory. One-half of Park Drive shall be dedic 31 32 s on this development. -2- I I I 0 0 'I 1 7. All distribution utility facilities within the bound{ 2 8. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as ' 4 nance. 3 of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required by ( 5 prior to issuance of building permits on any of the lots. 7 9. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ord 6 quired by ordinance. 8 10. Location, grade and details of proposed improvement 9 acceptance as submitted. I1 quired for improvement plans, and approval of the map will not 10 indicated upon the tentative nap will be subject to revision a ' 11. The subdivision shall be developed in the indicated 131 and sequence of units, unless otherwise approved. Lots 311 an 14 shall be included in either Unit No. 1 or Unit No. 2, and shal 15 fully developed as part of such unit, i'ncluding Park Drive ha1 16 width. l2 I 17 12. All improvements shall comply with the standard pla 18 specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 19 13. Street paving on local and minor streets shall cons 20 upon four (4) inches of decomposed, granite base material, all XI. two (2) inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat all on approved subgrade. 26 chip seal coat laid upon six (6) inches of decomposed. granite I 25 of two and one-half (2 1/2) inches of asphaltic concrete with : 24 Street paving on Hillside Drive and Park Drive shall con: '2 3 approved subgrade. z2 27 Street paving on Kelly Drive shall be designed based on 28 29 grade tests made after the right-of-way is. graded, ,but shall n less than the pavement placed on Park Drive. 30 14. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter shall be installe 31 all streets. Concrete cross gutters shall be six (6) feet wid 32 located as required for drainage. -3- I I I 0 0 I 1 15. Sidewalks shall be five (5,) feet in width and locat1 2 contiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 3 16. All required street name signs, barricades and safe. 4' devices shall be installed. 5 17. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets 6. as required by the City. 8 litiies shall be constructed in and adjoining Unit No. 1 and el: 7 conduit to satisfactory discharge points: Adequate drainage fl 9 18. Sanitary sewers, ,including required manholes and apy 10 shall be constructed as required by the City. 11 ances with four (4) inch diameter service laterals for each lo1 12 19. Mater mains, including 1" diameter services to each 13 replace existing water mains as required and shall pay costs ir 14 shall be constructed as required by the City. The developer sf required by City Standar.ds. 19 20. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installec 18 and easements exchanged before certain lots are usable. 17 It is to be noted that the existing water main must be re 16 dental to providing water service to the property. 35 20 21. Alignment, location and grades of all improvements s 23 '23 specifications nust be submitted to and approved by the City be 22 be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans an land, or in lieu thereof, the payment of fees shall be made to 32 approval of a fn'nal subdivision map, dedication of additional p Ed not meet all the requirements of City ordinances at the time of 30 condition of approval of final subdivision map. If said park d 29 Ordinance to be dedicated for recreational and park facilities 28 Said Park may constitute a part of any land area required by Ci 27 Four (4) acres of Lot 309 shall be dedicated to the City for a 26 graded to a usable grade as part of the subdivision improvement 25 22. The proposed School and Park site (Lot 309) shall bc 24 construction of any improvement is commenced. City. jJ -4- I e 0 1 23. Lo'ts 64, 65, .66 and 67 shall be at least 10,000 squa 2 Carlsbad, California with a copy of the final .subdivision map. 4 24: The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office, 3 feet. 5 AND FIMALLY',RESOLVED, ,that a copy of this Resolution be f 6 in the manner prescribed by law. 7 warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its att 8 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 9 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 24th day of May, 10 1966, .by the following vote, to wit: 11 12 13 14 15 16 AYES: Commissioners Smith, Sutherland, .Palmateer,M.cComas Freistadt and Little. NQES: commissioner McCarthy. ABSENT: None. 14 &PTh ii :j cL P' :' G. E. M:COMAS, Chairma 17 11 ATTEST: tw/Md 2o 21 :"f R. H. Pa mateer, Secretary .- 22 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 II