HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-26; Planning Commission; Resolution 451q.' II * 6 I I X I! PLANNING COMMISSION RES'OL'UTION NO. 451 2 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AN AMENDWENT TO ARTICLE 9 OF 3 ORDINANCE NO. 9060 (.R-T 'ZONE) .' ' ' . . . .. . , 4 M"iEASJ pursuant to the ,provisions of Ordinance NO. 9060 5 R-T (Residential-Tourist) Zone, of Ordinance No. 9060; 8 Resolution of Intention No. 58, regarding amending all of Artil 7 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider Planning Commis 6 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on July 26, 19 : . . 9 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commiss 10 all individuals and parties who desired to be heard; I1 received the recommendations, objections , protests and comment 12 WHEREAS, said Planning Commission has found the following 13. and reasons to exist: 14 I1 15 1. That the passage of this recornmended amendment to 16 Ordinance No. 9060 is required by public necessity, convenience 17 18 19 20 21 22 11 and general welfare. I NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED that said amendment to Ordi I 23 25 to provide an area in which development oriented towards touris SECTION 900: R-T - RESICENTIAL-TOURIST' ZONE: This zdne is cre 24 No. 3060, Article 9, is hereby recommended to be approved as fo the tourist trade is to be centered and to allow certain commer uses to be integrated with the residential development to adequ z6 care for the tburist and those who come to the City as a resort 27 The following uses only shall be permitted in the R-T Residenti 28 Ordinance. 29 A. Notels or Hotels. 30 B. Dwellipgs. 31 32 I Tourist Zone, unless as may be otherwise provided for in this C. Accessory buildings and structures, including private gara! to accomodate not more than two cars per dwell ing unit. t L 5' * I 1 2 3 4 5 6 71 81 9 10 11 I,z I I 13 14 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 3 22 24 I 25 I 26 27 2% 29 30 ii 0 * D.' The following signs: 1. Name plates not exceedi.ng 2 square feet i.n area contt the name of the occupant of the premises. 2. One lighted sign not exceeding 20 square feet in arel i.dentifying permitted uses, provided such si.gn is st ary and non-flashing, is placed on the wall' of the bl does not extend above or out from the front wall, an tains no advertising matter except the name and.stre address of eke building upon which it is placed. 3.. One unlighted sign not exceeding twelve square feet pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of only t particular bul'lding, property or premise-s upon which played, or to identify .public parking lots as permit this zone. 4. Location of the above signs shall not be closer to t front property line than midway between the front pr line and the front setback line, and under no condit closer than 7 1/23 feet from the front property lines cept th.at on key lots and lots which side upon comrnc or industrially zoned property, the sign may be plac closer than .5 feet to the property line. SECTION 901: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS: The following uses SI permitted only by conditional use permit. A. Boarding and lodging houses. E. Motels and Hotels in which inci'dental business is condu for the convenience of guests. Such incidental busines. be conducted only provided that there is no entrance to incidental business exce'pt from the inside of the motel hotel and no sign visible from the outside advertising dental business.. C. Clubs, including but not limited to the following: frat sororities,. lodges, ,and any and all other types' of pub1 business, ,professional and community' clubs. D. Country clubs, golf courses, sp.orting and athletic club E. Fire and police stations. F. Schools. G. Chu'rches, convents and monasteries in a permanent builc H. Museums and aquariums. I. Parks, playgrounds and beaches. J. Any public or private recreation facility s'uch 'as beacl bathhouses, ,boat rides; boat launching and docking, fac games ,of skill, refreshment facilities, on-sa.le alcoho' beverages and off-sale beer uses as an adjunct to anot business on the same lot, commercial uses accessory to tion such as sporting goods shopsS boat parts shops, b repair facilities and' bait sales.. I -2- 1 I .' , . I1 0 * j i : 9 K. Public or private commercial parking lots, said lot must improved as required in Article 15'of this Ordinance, sub the adjacent residential us.es.' 2 to additional reasonable and necessary requirements to pr 3 4 5 SECTION 902: BUILDING HEIGHT: No building shall exceed a hei side yards as follows: 8 7 SECTION 903: FRONT YARD: There shall be a front yard of not 6 A. Interior lots shall have a side yard of not less than 10 9 in width on one side of the lot and not less than 5 feet 45 feet. than 20 feet in depth. SECTION 904: SIDE YARDS: In the R-T District every lot shall 10 width on the other side. 11 B. Corner lots and reversed corner lots shall have the follo 12 side yards: 1. On the side lot line which adjoins another lot, the s 13 yard shall be not less than 5 feet in width. 14 15 16 37 18 19 20 21 2. On the side street side the width of the required sidl shall be 10 feet in width and said side yard shall ex. the full length of the lot. C. Garages or carports with vehicular egress opening toward , street shall be located with a minimum of 20 feet between garage or carport and the side street property line. SECT.ION 905: USE OF SETBACK AREAS: A required front or side ; shall not be used for vehicle parking except such portion as i: devoted to driveway use. No automobile trailer, camper or boa, be stored or parked in a required front or side yard for any PI exceeding 72 hours. SECTION 906: REAR YARD: The.re shall be a rear yard of not le: 20 feet in depth. I 22 24 occupy any part of a required rear yard. 23 more than 1 story in .height and no 'accessory living quarters si SECTION 907: REAR YARD, ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: No accessory bui A. Accessory buildings within the required rear yard may be 1 no closer than 5 feet from an interior side or rear yard I line, except that accessory buildings within the required 25 yard on a reversed corner lot sha'lt maintain a minimum sic 26 to the street property line of 20 feet. B. The distance between buildings used for human habitation i 27 accessory buildings shall be not less than 10 feet in wid1 28 SECTION 908: AREA REQUIREMENT: A. The minimum lot area shall be not less than 6,000 square f 29 31 zoning symbol shall mean the minimum lot sire in square fe B. Lot Sizes Larger than the Required Area: A number. followi 30 except when an application for Site Plan Review has been a j 32 -3- I1 7 1 * /I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t3 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 SECTION 909: LOT AREA PER DMELLIMG LINIT: A. On lots of 9,999 square feet or less, the lot area per din.: unit shall be not less than 1000 square feet. 5. On lots between 10,000 square feet and 14,999 square feet lot area per dwelling unit shall be not less than 908 squ feet. C. On lots between 15,000 square feet and 19,999 square feet lot area per dwelling unit shall be not less than 800 squ feet. D. On lots between 20,000 square feet and 39,999 square feel lot area per dwelling unit shall be not less than 750 sqr feet. E. On lots in excess of 40,000 square feet, the lot area pel I dwelling unit shall be not less than 650 square feet. SECTION 910: LOT WIDTH: Every lot created after the effectil of this Ordinance Amendment shall maintain a width of not les: the following: A. Lots with a minimum area of 9,999 .square feet or less sh' have a width of not less than 60 feet except when an app tion for Site Plan Review has been approved. B. Lots which have a minimum lot area of 10,000 square, feet more shall maintain a width of not less than'75 feet. 1 17 SECTION 911: PERMISSIBLE LOT COVERAGE: All buildings, inclu l8 accessory buildings and structures, shall not cover' more than I' percent of the area of the lot, except when an application fo Plan Review has been approved. 20 21 forwarded to the City Council for its attention in the manner AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be 22 // prescribed by Law. 23 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 24 1966, by the following vote, to wit: 25 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 26th day of Jul 28 NOES: None. 27 AYES: Commissioners Smith, Sut rland, Palmateer, McCoi 26 9 29 &Zh.CC" G. CI E. McCOMAS, Chairman McCarthy, Freistadt d Little. ABSENT: None. '": ,x? -4- i