HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-08-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 453I I.. I * 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 453 1 2 :3 4 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL US€ PERMIT ON PROPERTY AT'EASTERLY SIDE OF PI0 PIC0 DRIVE BETWEEN MAGNOLIA AVENUE 'AND TAMARACK .AVENUE. 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No- 9060 6 Commiss-ion Resolution No. 7) to allow the use of existing fact 9 to expand the use. of ths present conditional use- permit (Plar?n 8 public hearing to consider the application of FIRST BAPTIST CH 7 Planning Commission did on August 9, 1966, hold a duly noticed 10 of the Education Department of the Church for a Nursery School 11 on real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, 12 State of California, commonly known as Easterly side of Pi0 Pi 13 Drive, ,between i'iagnolia Avenue and Tamarack Avenu'e; and more p 14 15 cularly as: 20 19 18 17 City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of 16 Portion of Thum La'nds Tract 236, Map 1681, in the California; more parti.cularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside I the testi.mony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desire 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and rea to exist which make the granting of a conditional use permit n sa'ry to carry out the provisions and, general purpose of Ordina No. 9060: 1. That it will not be detrimental to the surroundi.ng ar 2. That there is a nee.d for a nursery school of this typ .. the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissi.or: ~ of the City of Carlsbad that it does -hereby, grant a conditiona 30 31 use permit on said property for the purpose of expanding the u of the present conditional use permit (Planning Commission Res 32 tion No. 7) to allow the use of existing facilities of the Edu I1 1 I 11 I!,, a a r 1 5 conditions -and limitations that this .be granted for a period of 2 Department of the Chu:rch for a Nursery School on the following three years and that the play area remain as presently shown or 4 map submitted with th.e application and as presently used. 5 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meet'ing of the 6 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the '9th day of August 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1966, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Smith, Palmateer, McCarthy, Freistadi NOES: Commissioner Sutherland. Little. ABSENT: Commissioner McComas. . .' . , I. .,- __ ,by.-/ ,,, . . /i, .. .y.. 6 J-3 .,! ,: . . . , ' J. 94 kly-CCARpi-v"34 cyChai rr r' "T52- L,,' 14 I/ ATTEST: 15 16 ., + 18 I? $$ //A& ?a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ii -2- "l.I.1.( x. **. *%. WA. ". A. ...... . REAL ESTliTE LOAN 0 BOKROWER I) §ECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK YO-A V W A VV...iJmNL..MH(n... (Not ;og, used for Bldg. Lonn) Escrow Instmctions .&Zil"lQ ...................... .. 1 ~o SeCUriPy-~h3t National Bank, a8 ~scrow Holder. ' ,.. 8.. .. 1. PRIOR TO FORTY-FIVE DAYS from the above date, I will hand you note described below with Trust Deed on Equit&le Tru: 2. F.H.A., or Veterans Adm. forms, securing same, together with any additional instruments and funds necessary to enable you to compl] 3. instructions, which YOU are authorized to deliver provided on or before the time limit set forth on line 1 above, as qualified by'&. pro? 4. top of page 2 hercof, you hold for the account of the maker of said note, the principal amount thereof and instruments ha& been file, 5. enabling you to procure t ~~~...~~~~~.-.~~.~~~~...~.~ r~.~~..."...~~.~ : -. - .............................................. ..................... .................... ..... I. . 6. Standard Coverage Form Policy of Title Insurance, with liability of title compa,ny of not less than the principal amount of the loan, 7. pr\operly..in.ihe-C~untY~~f~h.rr.~n-,,,~~~~..-.--.,.s~te ofmforniq.yk,+ -:TI . I . ........ 8. ..A,... ;;-.,.ur~.-..Lv.c.uI. ~,~.~..~~.~~-!~.~--~-." "....,. L,.; L.-.,.i.I 2 , , ';,y,;, +?y> p.: ..; !<y&,;; ;;.-mc,.,%.* .,.- .'.l/. /.,.. ._ . . .... 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That portion of Tract 236 of Thurn Lands, in the City of Carlsbad County of San Diego, State of. California, according to lap' theye Ro. 1681, filed ifl the Office of the County Recorder of San ,. Diego County, December 9, 1915, ddscribed as follows: .. .. I 3eginning it the intersection of the center line of Msgnolia AVeKUe with the center line,of Adam Street; thence along said center line of Xagnolia Avenue South 61°1813iz11 Wqst (record South 6lo2l1 7Jes.t) &6* 36 feet to the rnost Westerl!r coi.ner of that Farce1 of land conveyed to Dean F., Palmer by deed tlatec? Ma) 5, 1927 and recorded in noolc 1335, lmge. 334- of Deeds, records of San niego County; thenc'e along the Southwesterly line of said Palclcr land anti the Southeasterly polongation thereof ' . , South 2801t11 22' ih st (.record South 28O37' SI st) '4-87.47 f eot, more or less, to the :,Jortheasterly prolongation of the North- westerly line of the land conveyed to Laura Jones 'by deed dated %y llt 1329 and recorded in i300k.5627, page 4-31. of Deeds, Seing -the TRiJX POIX" OF 315GIAIJIXG; thence along the 3ortheastorly .~rolongation South 61018' 3811 ',>!'est (record Soxth 610211 West) to the 'Yortheasterly line of that parcel of Land described .in deed to the State of California, recorded Noveaber 22, 1951 . .. as Document iio'. lbb105 in 30ok 4303, page LI-~/ of Official Xccords; thence along said 7TortheasterI.y line of the Land of thc Stat(: of California Xorth 31°0\3t5811 ':jest 28'5 fmt: thence North 61°131381t East to the -Soutkdesterly' line of 'land .&escribed in Deed to First Rapt,ist Church of. Carlsbad, record.ed July 3, 1957 in Book 6648, page 3149 of Official Records; thence fdorthwesterl: along said line to the most Westerly corner thereof; thence along the Wor'chver-:terly line thereof Yorth 61°21t 3lst 200 feet to the most Xortheriy corzer tilereof; thence along the . ' Xor'theasterly line and' the Southesstcrly prolongation thereof Smth 28033~ :.::,st 292.51 feet to the most iiast9rly earner of :, land described in Deed. to First Rantist Church of Carlsbad, ' . recorded Ac2pril 17, 1357 in 3001:. 6$+0, page It13 of Official Records; thence along the Soutkasterly line thereof South ' . 61°21' West 200 feet to the TZTJE PGIT\E GF B;~GiRVIWG-. _- > .' &A? - - '.' 53. ' If Property described in said trust deed is being acquired by me (or either of us) in an escrow at your Branch, then the net'proce, 54. trust deed are to be used and/or transferred to th6 credit of the buyer in said sale escfow. Thikrloan shall be.construed as fulfilling any re 55. said sale instructions regarding the securing of a loan. 56. When an existing loan held by.your Bank affecting any of the property above described is being released llv?ugh this escrow, it shd 57. that the new loan is a renewal of theloan being released. ., , .. ... .. . I. ... . ., 2162 E6C 2642 9-8a* a6 10'6 ..... I )., , . 'I ,:, .... .. .... .% .. .. I ,-. - , .' -.____.__. . ".."._ .."< ..."""." - .... ."II"._ *,a ""_." . " .. 9. .. a : ~. ., s 0 .................. ....... ..> ' ... .., 1. ' '. I L.. ,.' . ., ... ,. .. '2 .. ,. I '3. .. . .,.. I. ..