HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-08-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 455‘I 11 * c i r( I’ I 2 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 455 A RESOLUTION DENYING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON MINUS OF ‘SKYLINE ROAD. PROPERTY AT 4260 SKYLINE ROAD, SOUTHEASTERLY TER- 4 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 6 Planning Commission did on August 23-, 1966, hold a duly notice 7 public hearing to consider the application of JOYCE DUNKER for 8 conditional use’ permit for the purpose of using family home to 9 for up to four mentally retarded. girls over the age of sixteer 10 real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, St 11 California, commonly known as 4260 Skyline Road; at Southeastf 12 terminus of Skyline Road, and more particularly described as: 13 14 15 16 Portion of Lot 46 and a1 1 of Lot 47, Carlsbad Highlands No. 2, Map 2825 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; more particularly described i.n ExhiSi t “A” attached hereto; .. . WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considc 1 17 be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and re; 18 the testimony and argumentsg if any, of all persons who desirc 906.0: 21 to carry out the provisi.ons and general purpose of Ordinance F 20 to exist which make the denial of a conditional use permit ne( 19 22 1. That the proposed use is not in accord with the adopi 23 for up to four mentally retarded girls over the age of sixtee 32 permit on said property for the purpose of usiFg family home 31 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny a conditional u 30 NOW, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissio 29 borhood where the applicant proposes such use. 28 3. That this would not be in the best interest of the nl 27 purposes elsewhere in the City 1 imi ts. 26 2. That there is sufficient property zoned for such comr 25 in this area. 24 General Plan of the City Lxhich shows single,-family residentia’ II : I * j j 1 e a PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 AYES: Commissioners Smith, Sutherland, ,Palmateer, McComa' 4 1966, .by the following vote, to wit: -3 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of Augu! McCarthy, .Freistadt and Litt . 5 NOES: None. fi 6 ABSENT: None. 7 8 #<&?&.a / . e ic 9 alrman f" 9 ATTEST: -/ I[flkL ':i;]$ 4 ~p~~'~jEER,Secretary -99 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2- il c @ @- . OCI~UULC, c, XGe land referred to in thi policy is situated in the Stat , v.i California, County 6 of San Diego and described as follows: .. PARCEL 88, f : T\-,~c 3or~ion of ~ot !X 02 .Carip$ad :~~z~~~ancls 170. 2.. in the city of ~-*-~c?,z~.\, UA Ed- CQLiliry 0,: sol-! 75 ...? 53, fi:ace of Catifornta, according to ti:... zi3p c;-,c?rcoE PJO. 2L25, LLL.?~. ixl tile ofilr,? 3: the Rpcord3r df, sai.3 Ssn Die30 Cuuu,Cy !k??cxdxr 3, 1951, described 8s follows: ,. . . r. .. Coii~l~~ci>>~ at ~:tz2 ~.~or.~h~?st~~Iy COT~,?Z' 05 SsiiI Lot 166: thcnce South 3%''4i1 7,Gr9 ?BSZ 23.50 C93,?t eo rh, tegixxiraS of r? zacZwc cmv- eon- cav3- k.lortk~~stxrlg an<? t1avf-r:;; a ra2le:s of 205 .OO f,y.st; ':hw,ce South- east.?rly altorig .the arc of sa^:^ CCT'JB Z'XOL.~~ a ce1-1~~81 an:2? 05 !+ &.U 05'' a 'distsnccz a< 15.53. E?.'? i:o ,&r.3 TPL? ?ofne af Feginming; ~~~:~~:c~ CQ;~C~GU~G:.!, .b~~~:ileascs~l y .ZIIOX:~; th arc of sairj cur;I:? Ci.irotigli B ~zi~t~af n~xlz 02 15 J~ .,,3 a .-iist:a~~ce ai;' 57.03 feer 'to tne Souttzzr.1 1i.n~ 0, ,sait+'.i,i5c &ij; cnmce Ho.st':? .itu 30 LLI \Jest along said Sourherl) ljnz lGO.59 f8et: co rhe SO;ICI.;Y:.~~KCT~~ COTP~P.T of said Lot; thence Nor! 3"03'/a;)" 7:ost along th~ ?,?qc~.xly lit? .2f. sat--? Est a dkstanm of 38.01 fl5ac to as Int2rsactfon t;f..th a Bir:a that. Fca;.t~ H~~ft'n &6056'2Qsr WSSZ: Fcom the TZW patnt 'of.13ag1nn~r.g; t;vmce south SGOSG'~O'' ~sst 58.31 -3 ilqm 1 c1 0.. : I q,.!: ci:u - .- 1 npll ' fder LO th:~ "C~G~S? Poist 02 BegirinfnZ i ,. .. 1 0' ' .. 1- .. .. .. .. 0 d .. 3. i 1 .. .. . I- ., .. . 1 P ,. a I 1 @ t .i i I 1 4 .. rT. . a .I :a .. , .. , :@ < 4 :* .. .. . '< PARCEL NO o 2 All of Lot 47 sf CARLSBAD WTGKUFDS NO. 2, in t9e City of Carlabed, Cour of §an Diego, State or' California, according to Wp thereof No. 2825, fj in the office of tne County Recorder of San Diego County; XXCZPTZNG TBEREFROM that portion included withfn the following describet prcel: Begiming at the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 46 as shown on' said Hap No. 2825, ti.1enceSouth 32'41'20'' East 83.50 feet to a tangent 205 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Southeasterly along said cuxve 72.54 feet through an angle of 20'16'25'' to a poinF in the Sc enly line of said Lot 46, said point being the TRU", POINT OF BSGINNING; thence continuing Southeasterly along s2id curve 71.68 feet through an angle! of 20'03e051'to a point of compound curvature concave Nsrtheastdy having a radius of 280 feet; thence Southeasterly along 6apd curve, 7.47 feet through an.ang1e of l"31'45'' tsthe 3asterly Line of said Lot 47; t' North 2356s50" Ea-st along the 'Easterly line of said Lot-s, a distance of 3?.?8 €eet to B point distant thereor: North 2°56'50's East 56.96 feet Er, the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 46; thence South 43'32'52'' Mast 58 feet to a point in the Southerly line of said Lot 46, distant thereon South 86'56'20'' East 518.98 feet from the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 46; thence North 86"56'20" West alosg said Southerly line 18.39 fee more ox less, to the TRLE BOICNT OF BZGINNZNG, .a .. I. .. .?, .i ,. .. .. .. P * .. . .. . . .. .. OD .. .. .5 I. t .. .I :, .. ..