HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-08-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 456I I1 6 6 t " 11 I/ 3. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 456 2 A RESOLUTION DENYING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON PROPERTY' AT APPROXIMATELY' 2 'MILE'S EAST OF PALOMAR -3 AIRPORT AND NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. 41 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provis.s"ons of Ordinance No. 9060: 6 conditional use permit (Planning Commission Resolution No. 32' g COMPANY, .submitted by J. S. Belond, President, to amend the pi 8 public hearing to consider the application of CARLSBAO RACEHA' 7 Plann-ing Commission did on August 23, ,1966, hold a duly notict 10 to allow on-sale beer on race days only to be sold to raceway 11 spectators in the spectator areas 'on real property in the Cit: 12 Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly ~ 13 as 2 miles East of Palomar Airport and North of Palomar Airpo 3.4 The South one-half of the Northwest one quarter and 15 Road, and more particularly as: the Southwest one quarter of the Northeast one 16 quarter, ,a11 in Section 18, Township 12 South, Range 3 Nest, $an Bernardino Base and Meridian, Parcels 2, 3 and 14, Book 221, Page 010 of the 17 Sah Diego County, California, being Assessor's 18 ASsessor's Map of San Diego County. 19 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consid 20 be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and re 21 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who' desir allow on-sale beer on race days only to be sold to raceway sp 32 Conditional Use Permit (Planning Commission Resolution NO. 32 31 mi t on said property for the purpose of amending the present 30 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny a conditional u 29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissio 28 mand for this request. 27 2. That no evide'cce was presented indicating there is a 26 1. That it is not in the best interests of the cornmunit 25 9060: 24 to carry out the provisions and general .purposes of Ordinance 23 to exist which make the denial of a conditional use permit ne 22 I I! e -.a ll .) 1) I/ -J, tor areas. 2 -;3 4 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 23r.d day of Augl 7966, by the foKlowing vote, to wit: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 5 AYES: Commissioners Smith,. McCarthy, Frei s tadt 6 8 ABSENT: None. 7 NOES : None e 9 1, ATTE'sT - 'I 10 II "r 12 (p'y /dl? - " 42 7/46 c "\ "!I "11 R. H. PALJ~TEER, Secretary 13 14 Sutherland, Palmateer, McComi and Li ttl e. i 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 ll 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2- 1