HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-09-02; Planning Commission; Resolution 459,x r: ' -' "4 il a I 1 I I x! 2 :3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO .' 459 .. .... ~. A RESOLUTIOR OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING-ADOPTION /Jr 'DRFC,P('E' PL'4'M.S ' .'' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' I I , , 1 ,, I I I , , . . The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does her1 reso'l ve as fol1 ows : 6 8 the Planning Commission to consider the herein recommended prt 7 I. That proper legal notice was given of a public hearil plans. 9 11. That a public hearing was held pursuant to said notic 10 regarding the herein recommended plans were heard. l1 which evidence and testimony from all persons desiripg to spct 12 111. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend tc l3 I.6 Northwesterly and Southeasterly corners of Interstate 5 Freewi Xi designated A and '6, Palomar Park Freeway Service Facilities, l4 City Council that it adopt as precise plans ,those certain map: Palmar Airport Road, regulating the location of lots, streets 17 ject to the followipg conditions: I' thereon. Said maps are by this reference incorporated herein x* buildings, other improvements, open space, etc., as shown or n 20 1. All domestic water shall be supplied by the Carlsbad 21 Water Department. 22 23 24 25 26 2. All buildings constructed shall be sewered by the Car Public Sewer System. 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same t 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained so as to prevent ing and/or storage of surface water. 27 11 5. 3ne (1.) standard six-inch (6") fire hydrant shall be 28 29 the fol lowing 1 ocati ons : (a) At the corner of Palomar Airport Road and Avenida En 30 31 32 (b) At the corner of Palomar Airport Road and Lowder Lan 6. All distribution utility facilities shall be placed u ground as required by Ordinance. !I t ,. .. - ,* 1 I/ I1 0 e II i 1 8. A final grading plan shall be submitted prior to issl 2 7. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided. -3 of building permits on any of the lots. 4 9, Location, grade and details of proposed improvements 5 Val of Exhibits A and B will not imply acceptance as submittel 6 be subject to revision as required for improvement: plans, and 7 10. The properties shall be developed in the indicated ur 8 otherwise approved. 9 (delineated in pha.ses), and sequence of units, (phases), unle: 10 11. All improvements shall comply with the standard plan: I.2 12 specifications of the City of Carlsbad. Avenida Encinas and Lowder Lane shall be made at this time to l3 12. Dedication of street rights of way on Palomar Airpor. 14;1 with the City of Carlsbad's Master Road Plan. Said streets si 15/1 improved as required by the Engineering Department as the pha: I.6 17 the properties are developed. 13. Street paving on Avenida Encinas shall consist of twc 181/ inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat laid uf 19 20 four (4") inches of decomposed granite base material, all on i subgrade. 21 22 23 24 ~ 25 26 Street paving on Lowder Lane shall consi'st of two and on( (2 1/2") inches .of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coi laid upon six (6") inches of decomposed granite base, all on i subgrade. Street paving on Palomar Airport Road shall consist of tl (3") inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat li 27 // upon six (6") inches of decomposed, granite base, all on appro! 28 29 30 31 32 subgrade. 14. Type "GI' concrete curb and gutter shall be installed streets. Concrete cross gutters shall be six (6') feet wide i located as required for drainage. -2- /I -.I t 1. * l a 4 I1 1 ~ 15. All required street name signs, barricades and safet; I1 2 devices shall be .installed. 5 16. Sidewalks shall be five (5') feet minimum in width a 4 5 located contiguous to the curb. (a) The remaining five foot strips of land between the sidewa 6 the b~uperty line shall be: 7 Tree List or approved shrubs, all planted in .accordance with t 8 (1) Planted and maintained with trees listed on the City Offi requirements of Ordinance No. 9.174. 9 10 bubblers or sprinklers. 12 (2) Served by a water irrigation system and be supplied with PI anning Department. 13 .(3) Landscaping plans shall be subject to final approval of t 12 16 walk underdrain structures and conduit to satisfactory dischar I.5 17. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets, 14 points. 17 18. Sanitary sewersg including required manholes and app l8 I.9 enances with adequate service laterals for each lot shall be c 2o structed as required by the. City. Easements, where needed, ar be provided by the Developer.. 21 22 shall be constructed as required by the City. 23 24 required by City standards. 25 21. Alignment, location and grades of all improvements s 26 be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans a Ti' specifications must be submitted to and approved by the City b 28 29 30 be required. 31 23. One free':standi.ng'siQn onl-y-,, not ovei"35 feet: in %hei 32 ' and.cantatning a maximum of 2. faces,, :each.f8.ce.2OD.:scluai-~..fe~ 19. Water mains, including adequate services to each lot 20. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed construction of any improvement is commenced. 22. Dedication of additional rights of way as necessary -3- L v a : 1 l II e e II I I i 1 3 total property designated as Exhibit A. 2 less in area, may be used to identify all phases and uses of Section 3.27-27 of Ordinance No. 8038;. 9 25. All other signs shall be "wall signs" which shall confol 8 this area with additional freeway service facilities in the fl 7 property designated as Exhibit !3 and all other property augmer 6 in area, may be used to identify all phases and uses of the tc 5 containing a maximum of 2 faces, each face 200 square feet or 4 24.0ne free standing sign only, not over. 35 feet in height t lo 26. The development of this property shall conform to Sign l1 l2 Ordinance No. 8038, Zoning Ordinance No. 9060 and the above c( strictive in which case the more restrictive shall govern. 131 tions unless the plans and notes on Exhibits A and 3 are more 14 11 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of thf 15i) Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 27th day of Sep. 161/ 1966, by the following vote, to wit: 17 11 AYES: Commissioners Smith, Palmateer, McComas and Littlt I.8 II NOES: None. 19 20 21 22 ABSENT: Commissioners Sutherl nd and McCarthy, fl 23 24 25 k/&& 11 R. H. PALMAT~R; Secretary +\ J- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 I -4- 9. ,, e e I ~c.3~c."-n? r r -t - r - - -_ -b-.IdC* -~ -j i .~" q ,- ;>$Ay<j 3 - 7- .p,-. .', -,. .p -1 A .""--.- i vl-iuii ui :ds;-cs; -3; ~~~-L~;-Ac -;Ac:"= :Loo;:n.-J- L1 y <-pi L .~ L 9 i/ Lq~ yi. - G ;,I - ~;s x~;-;?, y? 5 ;;" r: n - .. .. -i - bU :e\! 2 A< ._ ,,n.r:- : ~.- - -7 - " ~ u- "LLLU-:L,5. - .. . ,. , - a, .r .I e 0 C Sr;p'i>3-;?1Se.. ; . ~ -=. -rrr 2 2