HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 4824 I 0 0 II f ~ 1 RESOLUTI.ON NO. 482 2 TENTATIVE MAP OF EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 .3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLS'BAD CITY PLANNING 4 COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROV.AL 'OF THE S'UBDI'VISION. .. .. .. ... 5 December 6, 7966, a tentative map of €1 GaminQ Mesa Unit NQ, 6 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did recei 7 mately 37 acres of property lying on the Easterly side of El 9 Kamar Construction Company, Inc.$ subdividers, located on apF 8 Subdivision, submitted by Pacific Vista Estates, Inc.,owners, 10 Real, and also being Easterly of El Camino Mesa Units No. 2, 11 4 Subdivisions; said property being a portion of Lot J, Ranck 12 Hedionda, Map No. 823 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San 13 more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto: 14 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the tenta: 15 20 Camino Mesa Unit No. 5 Subdivision be approved, subject to ti I.9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map 0' 18 the reports of the various City agencies and utility companil 17 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideri 16 map as submitted, comprised of 95 lots; and fol1 owi ?g conditions ; 21 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision sha 22 23 supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 24 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall 25 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same 26 in any part of this subdivision. 27 28 vision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface wa 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the 29 I 5. One (1) Standard six-inch (6") fire hydrant shall b 3o 31 the following locations: (a) The corner of Chestnut Avenue and "C" Street. 32 11 (b) The lot line of Lots No. 67 and No. 68. 11 0 0 I j 1 (c) The lot line of Lo'ts No. 74 and No. 75. 2 (e) The lot line of Lots No. 94 and No. 95. 9 (d) The .corner of Chestnut Avenue and Sierra Morena 4 5 6 (f) The corner of Sierra Morena Avenue and "A" Stree (9) The corner of Sierra Morena Avenue and "B" Stree (h,). The lot line of Lots No. 40 and Nol 4-i1 7 6. Due to the topography within the development, all rac 8 1 cate access rights to the City of Carlsbad, and in no case sh I.5 for the Northerly 75'; the. remaining frontage of Lot' 81 shall l4 lots; except L0.t 81 9 which will require full parkway and side l3 right of way shall provide for full parkway with sidewalks fo 12 "C" Street cul-de-sac shall have 'a min'imum of 50' radius; 'IC" 11 turn-arounds shall be placed beyondthe limits of the subdivis 10 adjacent to Lots .1 through 3 shall be a minimum of 250'. Terr 9 shown shall be accepted, except the radius in Sierra Morena P l6 named Chestnut Avenue; "3" and "C" Streets shall have approvc l7 right of way be less than 48' for 'IC'' Street; ''A" Street shal l8 a maximum of 15 dwellings. The cul-de-sac street serving 21 I' names. The cul-de-sac street exceeds the City standard of SE 2o the street. 21 shall be approved since the majority of the lots are on one 5 22 Lots 79 and 87 are "panhandle" lots 9 and are good usc 23 24 the land and shall be approved under the policy established I: Carlsbad. 26 25 City Council on April 3, 1962. Lots A, B and C shall be grant deeded to the City of 27 28 29 30 31 32 , 7. All distribution utility facilities within the boundc ,of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required b3 Ordinance. 8. Ornamental street lighting is to be provided for as required by Ordinance. -2- I I I 0 0 1 rl ~ 1 1. 9. A grading plan is to be submitted as part of the sub 2 sion improvement plans. -3 10. Lo'cation, grade and details of proposed improvements 4 imply acceptance as submitted. 6 required for improvement plansg and approval of the map will 5 indicated upon the tentative map will be subject to revisions 7 11. The subdivision shall be developed as one unit, unle 8 otherwise approved by the City. 9 12. All 'improvements shall comply with the standard plan 10 specifications of .the City of Carlsbad. 11 13. Street paving shall consist of two inches (2,") of as 12 required. Where street grades are 12% or greater, P. C. C. p 15 street grades are 8% or, greater, a heavier duty pavement shal 14 decgo-.mposed granite base material on approved subgrade. Wher 13 concrete with stone chfp seal coat laid upon four inches (4") 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ment shall be required. 14. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter is to be installed streets. Concrete cross gutters shall be six feet (6') in wi located as required for drainage. 15. Sidewalks shall be five, feet (5') in width and locat contiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 16. All required street name signs, barricades and safet 23 devices shall be installed. 24 17. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 conduit to satisfactory dfscharge points, including easements permits as necessary. 18. Wharf hydrants shall be installed at the end of all sacs as well as all dead end streets. 19. Mater mains, including one inch (1") diameter servic each lot are to be constructed as required by the City. Indi lot pressure regulators may be required. There is a. $30..00 F water system charge. -3- 1 Q a i 11 1 1 20. Sanitary sewers, incl'uding required manholes and apl 2 shall be constructed as required by the City. Sewer facilitie: 5 ances with four-inch (4") diameter se.rvice laterals for each . $150.00 per acr.e to use the El Camino Real sewer system. 7 with rights of way to the Agua Hedionda Sewer. There is a chi 6 to the existing sewer in El Camino Real 9 or an offsite sewer : 5 require construction of either a pumpipg station and appurteni 4' 8 21. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installec 9 required by City Standards. 10 22. Alignment, location and grade of all improvements a; 11 23. The subdivider shall 'furnish the U. S. Post Office, 14 approval before construction of any impr.ovement is commenced. 13 specifications shall be submitted' as re'quired for checking an1 12 be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans l 16 bad, California with a copy of the final subdivision map. l5 24. The 'subdivider shall pay the fee in lieu of land del I? tion for parks as per Ordiance No. 9190 in accordance with hi! l8 letter dated December 27, 1966. 19 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be 2o 22 manner prescribed by law. 21 to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention 1967 9 by the following vote to wit: 24 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 10th day of Jan 23 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 25 26 27 AYES: Commissioners Smith, Sutherland, Palmateer, McCom NOES: None. McCarthy, Little and Voorheis. ~ ABSENT: None. ,. i) !/3 28 29 30 3P' 32 &Z2/ /" , ., . .. - A? ci~&w? G. Y. CCOMAS, Chairman '. -4-