HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 4851' I Ii * 0 \* j) i- iI 1 I1 RESOLUTION NO. 485 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLS.BAD RECOMMENDING ADOPTION 'OF 'PRECISE PLANS. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does her 5 resolve as fol lows: 6 I. That proper legal notice was. given of a public hear' 7 plans. 8 the Planning Commission to consider the herein recommended pi 9 11. That a public hearing was held pursuant to said not. 10 11 which evidence and testimony from all persons desiring to spc regarding the herein recommended plans were heard. 12 13 14 15 16 17 111. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend 1 City Council that it adopt as precise plans Exhibit "B" on rc property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State California, commonly known as the Northwesterly corner of Tar Avenue and Interstate 5 Freeways regulating the location of ' streets, buildings, other improvements; open space, etc., as 18 19 or noted thereon. Said Exhibit ''6" is by this reference incc herein subject to the following conditions: 20 1. The development of subject property shall conform tc 21 24 2. Existing driveway aprons se.rving subject property fv 23 IIB" and/or the following conditions are more restrictive. 22 Ordinances of the City of Carlsbad unless the precise plan E: Sandra Place shall be removed and curbs installed in existin! 25 cuts. 26 29 sidewalk and the property line on Jefferson Street and Tamar, 28 as shown on Exhibit"i3". The remaining st.rips of land betweel 27 3. Sidewalks shall be five feet minimum in width and 1( Avenues and between the curb and sidewalk and between the si1 3o and masonry wall on Sandra Pl.ace shall be: 31 32 trees 1 isted on the City Offici a1 Tree List and with approve (a.) Planted and maintained with minimum 15 gallon I1 I1 y' , Ij t I/ 9 0 Ir i 'I /I ~ 1 and ground cover, all planted in accordance' with the requiren 2 I' B 'I . ..3 of Ordinance No. -9174. Trees shall be' l'ocated as shown on €2 4 (b)' Served by a water irri.gation sy'stem and be supr 5 planted in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance No. g planted and maintained with trees', .shrubs and ground. cover, a 8 purch'ased by the State for highway right' of way purposes, sha 7 4.' A1 1 areas colored green on Exhibit "B" except any ar 6 with bubblers 'or spinklers: .. 10 and all served by a water irrigation system supplied with buk 11 or sprinklers. .. 12 5. All paved areas shall be landscaped in accordance wi 13 Ordinance No. 91.87. 14 6. All plans for the landsca'ped areas shall be approve( 15 sign may have two faces each' 200 square feet or less in area. 18 may be used to identify all phases and uses' .of the premises, 17 7. One, free standing sign only, not over. 35 feet in hei 16 the Planning Department. 19 8. All other signs shall be "wall signs'' which shall co 20 to Section 3.'27-27 of Ordinance' No. 8038. 21 9. Subdivider shall install curb, gutter and sidewalks 22 Attorney. 26 ment to install such improvements, satisfactory in form, to 1 25 improvements on his improvement plans, and shall execute an 2 24 Jefferson Street School to Tamarack Avenue and shall include 23 Westerly side of Jefferson Street from the Southerly boundarJ 27 10. Subdivider shall install asphaltic concrete sidewalk 28 The reasons for the Planning Commission's recommendations 32 the City Attorney. 31 an agreement to install such .improvements, ,satisfactory in fc 30 the Jefferson Street School to Magn.olia Avenue, and shall exe 29 the Westerly side of Jefferson Street. from the' Northerly boun -2- #' i. r " I1 * m I* . I1 v I il 1, I as follows: I 2 1. The property could be better used as C-1 rather than -.3 will cause it to draw not only local but transient business. 4 Zone because sf its proximity to a major freeway interchange 5 2. The sidewalks will make it safer for children to go 6 come from sch.001. 7 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of th 8 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 10th day of Jar: 9 19.67, 10 11 12 13 14 15 bY AYES NOES ABSE the following vo : Commissioners : Commissioners NT: None. te Y Smi Sut 16 ATT'EST :/e? ;i* d-/&,$/&<-.17 .. 18 R. H. P MRTEER, Secretary 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 11 ,,/ - to wit: th, Palmateer, NcComas and Voork her1 and,. McCarthy and Ci ttl e. : //I /j i ./ i. i ,'. \,.,./-p q" . . i.' / . c_ A( " .A.J . .. - < c .-. ., - '6" G. E. McCOMAS, Chairman 4 -